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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. Fished from 7am till 9am when they started generating (actually following the schedule). River has cleared up a little - and caught about 10 in the 2 hours I was there by the dam. About 2/3 were stocker size but there were some 13-14 thrown in there for good measure. Rain held off and was a beautiful morning at the water. I had missed being out there with no stocking and limited times with no generation.
  2. Can you still get to T&M - last time I went there was gates and no fishing signs blocking entrance.
  3. 2 questions 1) I guess there is no trout stamp needed this year (tried to get one and they said it is not necessary) - will this mean less stockings? I know the money generally pays for the trout. 2) T&M Access - went in December and it was blocked off with a private property/no fishing signs - has anyone else ran into this? Thanks, Scott
  4. Headed down this morning (Sunday) - schedule showed generation till 4:30 AM only, then off the rest of the day. Got there at 7am - had 7 fish by 8 - then they started generation. Spent 3X as long driving as I did fishing - just wish they would stick to the schedule.
  5. Saw they they weren't generating this weekend, and from the reports look like they actually kept to their word. Thought about getting out, but wasn't sure if they have still been stocking and wasn't sure how dingy the water would be since they have been running so much over the past few weeks. Any reports appreciated. Scott
  6. I got their early at 7am - had 7-8 fish by 8am and they started generating, even though it was not scheduled. Always makes me angry - the weekend after they finally start stocking that they generate when they didn't even have it scheduled. Are they trying to run away anyone willing to drive a little ways to fish. I spent more time driving than fishing. Scott
  7. There might be some still alive from the spring, but the November 10th outing is now at Lake Pawhuska where they stock trout. Scott
  8. I have word from Tulsa Fly Fishers that stocking is to begin again on November 19th --- for anybody that is interested. Scott
  9. How long after a good rain does it take to clear up? How much does it effect the fishing during that time?
  10. In Tulsa paper today that Tenkiller has been running warm due to weather and spring rains - causing things to be dangerously close to lethal on Lower Illinois. They are going to stop stockings. A shame it has been a hard season on the Lower Illinois - just thought I would pass on the information. Probably means that Striper fishing is good.
  11. Tim - how long does the dry fly fishing stay good, when in the year does it generally slow down?
  12. Definately for fly fishing I would go with those recommendations. For spinner fishing would 4lb seaguar invisix fluorocarbon work. (Referencing your first post with people using 4lb line and not catching fish - if I were to do some spinner fishing would the invisix work) Scott
  13. Is hard to find 2lb line - what do you recommend? What about something like Seaguar invisix in 4lb- does flurocarbon buy you anything and allow me to use the 4lb invisix I already have? Can you tie on Rio flurocarbon leader onto your line in 6X or 7X, if so what length leader do you recommend? thanks, Scott
  14. Hey there...AEKDB.....(Kappa Sig from Epsilon Mu in Tulsa -- though it has been a while.) I would recommend going to Marval outside of Gore. There is several fishing locations, bathroom facilities and camp sites or cabins depending on what you prefer. http://www.marvalresort.com/ Have fun. The hard thing will be to plan on a time when the river is down, if it is up it is almost unfishable. There is information on this forum, as well as John From Marval can try to help - but you literally fine out 8 hours before if the water will be on, though they do post the water releases for the whole weekend on Friday after 5pm. hope this helps, Scott
  15. Where do you like to go on the Roaring River??
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