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Everything posted by 2manyhobbys

  1. Thanks! So are there trout closer to Big Sugar or is it small mouth or ??? It WAS a small creek/river at the Ranch. Kind of a long journey from Rolla. Did go up to Jolly Mill for a little while. Hadn't been there is a long time. Isn't there a few private streams around Stella with trout?? They have some fences up for hunting Red Deer I think is what they said.
  2. I had the opportunity to fish Mike's Creek at Big Horn Ranch a few weeks ago. I went with Walt Fulps Http://missouritrouthunter.com who is thinking about doing a fly fishing school for the Ranch. (Walt has taken me to several places on scouting trips that are off the beaten track. I like to go for free!) Big Horn Ranch was the game preserve for JB Hunt west of Cassville. We left Rolla stinking early in the morn so we made it to the Ranch about mid morn. After touring the lodge, which I might add was awesome especially with the world class mounts, we headed for the water. The stream flows right in front of the lodge. It is a small stream. It has been tested and will support trout year around. They stock it somewhat. But the bad news is that I think they fish it with whatever so since it is so small they fish it out or something else gets the fish. No Rules. Treble hooks, Power bait, etc... Walt and I saw a couple trout. Walt hooked into a trout in front of the cliff. I said to him, "let me video tape." So as I got the camera out he let his fly line out. When I got the camera ready I said, "Okay." He made a show of acting like he just caught the fish and tightened the line..... at which point something gave lose and it broke! The look on Walt's face was classic. I'd show you but I accidentally deleted the video later. That's the only trout we caught. The water is shallow and there are long stretches of ankle deep water over gravel. There are a few pools but none deep enough for me. Walt thought maybe if they took care they could raise some stream bred managed trout. I think the water is too shallow with a lack of cover. The fishing wasn't anything to want to go back for but, it is very pretty and made some nice pictures. I saw a bunch of bald eagles and other wild life. If you went right after they stocked I bet it would be fun! Well I can check this stream off of my list. Thanks Walt for a fun day! You can check out Big Horn Ranch at http://thebighornranch.com I think it would be a great place to stay... Like to hunt?? Check it out! I also have a few pictures on my blog at http://blog.2manyhobbys.com
  3. I've fished Mill Creek a couple times in the last month. This is a typical small creek, with typical wild, small trout. (there are reports of bigger fish in here, however....) If your expectation is that you will catch a "record" trout, go to a trout park.. Recommend dry flies in the #14 range... Elk hair or anything brown... I catch a lot of 6 inch ones. The water is pretty shallow with the odd out "hole." Good luck.
  4. I actually live about 2 to 3 miles from Lane Spring. Moved out of Rolla city limits to a very smallish farm. One of the draws was the closeness to Lane Spring and Little Piney in general. Meramec will definitely have bigger fish, but it is also a bigger river (than the little p). I like fishing the smaller streams and therefore you end with smaller trout. From the 63 bridge area isn't my favorite section. It is okay but I don't think it seems to hold very many trout. Which reminds me of what an old fisherman told me, "you catch fish on the fly you fish the most." which is in effect to say that the section right below and above 63 bridge is not my favorite so I don't fish it much so I don't catch many trout out of there. I like to fish down from Lane Spring. If you catch a 11 inch plus fish you are doing well (above Vida Slab). I'm not a biologist but just from observation, in the Wild trout areas of the Little Piney it aways seems like fish come in 2 inch spreads. They are 2, 4, 6, 8 inches in one season of the year say spring for example and then they are 3, 5, 7, 9 in the fall season of the year for example. Which suggest that they are growing about 2 inches a year on the Little Piney at Lane Spring area from Wild stream reproduced trout. (no stocking in years at Lane Spring). if a fish is 2 inches it is a year, 4 inches 2 years, 6 inches 3 years etc. A 12 inch fish on the little piney is about 6 years old. An 18 inch fish would be 9 years old!!! If you go down to the area of little piney below Vida Slab where they stock out of the hatchery, some of those fish grew 5 to 8 or more inches in a year on fish pellets! Which brings me to the point, if you are looking for bigger fish then down stream, up from Newburg at the River Access where they stock there are much bigger fish as they came from a hatchery. I've seen some good sized ones caught out of there. I don't fish there much anymore...
  5. Living in Rolla, I fish the "three or four streams." October is a great time to dry fly fish on some of these creeks. Seems like some of the creeks, like the little piney, are getting low. Little Piney is lowest now as I have seen all summer. But some of the smaller streams than the Piney still have more water in them than they did about 4 years ago. I am surprised at the quality of fishing in some of these little streams this year. Fish would and should be considered "spooky" however since its "home waters" I don't seem to notice it anymore and it just comes natural. "Ozark Trout Fisher" did you see the hornets nest? Big hornets nest at the end of the trail leading to the stream, hanging over the water. Its right above the Old homestead place and the two small spring raceways dumping into the stream..
  6. I fish the Little Piney fairly regularly since I live in Rolla. Mainly fish above the areas where they stock. Park at the low water bridge most often. I have some pictures on my website. http://www.2manyhobbys.com There are also pictures of the Robidoux too as I fished there a few weeks ago.
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