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Everything posted by asgoodson

  1. I am a believer!!! Where is Hickory? With a story like that I have got to find that water. I live in Rogers, is it close?
  2. I have a Garmin 76CSx. Love it, it is handheld and waterproof. It also floats. Why I would agree that in the true picture, this does not provide a lot of value as I am never truly in a situation of life or death (to this point anyway), I like playing with it. I plot alot of points and then download them to the computer...call it geeky, but I get some level of enjoyment of plotting my points on a map and keeping a history, notes of success, ect. On untraveled river with a timeline to get to a certain point, I do find it very useful to plan stopping/camping points so that I do not show up at the take out 4 hrs early and waste precious weekend time by not having the info I need. All in all, I would buy the 76CSx again if I was looking for a GPS.
  3. I have had good luck online at www.discountflies.com for basic patterns like ants, griffins knats, size 20-22 midge patterns and I really like their hoppers and realistic stone fly patterns. That said, buying online never stops me from spending $30 or $40 for new tippet and leaders while also picking up half a dozen water specific recommendations.
  4. I had to call them to find out when it was...
  5. I was at the One Fly Tourney last weekend. Small turnout, only 6 fisherman. Winning fish was only 14". Disappointing turnout compared to the prior year. Holding the tourney in Jan vs late Oct certainly changes peoples willingness to participate...absolutley right for the river, tough for the tourney. If anyone has not participated in the tournament before I would definitely recommend it!
  6. I am part of the Hendooman party looking for advice on the Buffalo in early May. From a fishing standpoint, balancing in river traffic, is it safe to presume that the middle to lower sections of the river produce more and bigger fish? If this is the case, does anyone know about the stretch from Woolum to Baker Ford. It is 11 miles with no access points in-between. Could we minimize floaters by focusing on a longer single stretch between access points? The only reference point I have (i.e. the only float I have ever done) is from Gilbert to Dillard's Ferry. Would anyone know how Woolum to Baker Ford compares to the water between Gilbert and the Highway 14 bridge?
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