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Everything posted by 1HawgHunter

  1. My home water is Pokegama Lake, Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Large mouth, small mouth, walleye, northern pike, lake trout, crappie, sun fish, and it is connected to the Mississippi River. Lots of water and lots of options. I have been known to go down to the warm water discharge bay in the middle of winter, plow out the landing and haul my 20' Ranger down there and catch lots of big bass while others are driving across the ice about 500 yards away, going to their fish houses. Now that's fishing at it's finest.
  2. May 15, 2007
  3. It is a really fun tournament to fish (rocks and all). I don't know if you know Jim Van Hook from Branson, but he was up here for the tourney. Rainy Lake is a large lake with tons of islands and rock reefs/humps. It is one of the best small mouth waters in the country. I am going to suggest they move the tourney date to possibly the spring so we do not have to contend with the low water on the river. The river has great walleye, small mouth bass and sturgeon fishing. Pull up ifallsbass.com and you can learn more about the tourney and if interested you can sign up for next year. Like I said earlier, the whole town comes out to show their appreciation to the anglers.
  4. Hi guys and Gals, August 25 and 26 was the 2nd annual International Falls Bass Championship in International Falls Minnesota. For those of you who do not know. International Falls is located on the Minnesota/Canadian border. The tournament was limited to 60 teams with half the field fishing Rainy Lake on day one and the other half fishing Rainy River. On day two you flip to the other body of water. One of your local angler/guides, Jim VanHook, was up here for the tourney although I did not get the opportunity to meet him. Was very interesting with the river down about 5 or 6 feet. One of the local taems from the Falls hit an underwater rock doing about 70 mph, took off the lower unit and lost all steering control. They were very lucky to only slide up on shore for about 30 feet and not get hurt. My partner Greg Peterson and I (Arnie Nichols/HawgHunter) did not do too well with only 4 fish each day. Jim and his partner also had a tough time of it but it was a real good time. This tourney has the whole town come out and support the anglers. They have information/results posted at ifallsbass.com. Check it out. Jim I hope to catch up with you the next time I am down on the Rock.
  5. Hi guys, This is HawgHunter here. Today the ice went out on our lake. Will be dropping the dock into the water in the next couple of days. Then is time to start looking for ice out crappies. Went up to the Canadian border on Monday to fish for sturgen. Caught 8 with the biggest only about 12 pounds. Looking for one over 50 inches. Only 6 more weeks to Bass opener. What a drag!!!!!!!!! Good luck on the water and "catch a Hawg".
  6. Hi guys Back home in northern Minnesota. Lakes are covered with ice for a few more weeks so will be visiting this site for reports. Don H., seen one of your fellow guides on the east side of Indian Point last Wednesday. Will be going to Iowa for a couple tourneys the end of the month. Going to the Rock just got me primed for open water. You guys have it made being able to fish all year. Feel free to send me an e-mail at arnienichols@qwest.net If you are ever up this way, let me know and maybe we can wet a line. Arnie
  7. Heading back to Minnesota in the morning. Wanted to say thanks for all the advise and help. this is a great site. If any of you ever make it up to northern Minnesota, look me up. I can be found on the web site for the "Northern Minnesota League of Guides" or fishrapper.com. I'll also be monitoring this site to chat once in awhile. Thanks for everything guys. Good Luck, Good Fishing and "Catch a Hawg."
  8. Thanks for the help.
  9. Hey guys I have a prblem and need some help. After dropping Roy off with his big fish I cam back to Artilla Cove Resort. When I pulled into my slip, the power tilt and trim stopped working. I think I can get it on the trailer but may have to open the releaf valve and pick up the motor to put the motor tote on. Is ther an Evenrude dealer close by?
  10. Jonathan A.K.A. Roy No way. It is a small world indeed. It was a pleasure fishing with you today. Glad you were able to pull a good fish, which I am sure helps with the points. Too bad I couldn't hold up my end. I am going to monitor this site when I get home. Lets keep in touch and I share some NORTHERN fishing stories.
  11. Hi guys, Well the tourney did not turn out too well for me. Being from northern Minnesota I am struggling with the rock yet. Mt co-angler caught a 5.14 large mouth in front of my cabin at Artilla Cove Resort. He caught it on a 1/4 oz jig and a watermelon hula grub. There were alot of guys who blanked or only caught one fish. Oh well that's fishing. Still have 2-3' of ice on the lakes back home. Was a fun trip and time on the water. Will keep this page book marked and chat with you all. Am here until Thursday.
  12. petertherock, Just got back from the tourney meeting. Boat 77 and take off is at 6:00 AM. I have to make a run from Indian Point to Kimberling at about 4:45 AM. Not looking foward to that run, epecially at 35 miles per hour. I heard the locals use 3/4 oz football jigs and grubs for the smallmouth. Sounds way too heavy to me. What do you think?
  13. Hey Don, Caught my fish on shad colored jerk bait. Pointer 100 SP. Alos on Jig and grub, green pumpkin. Nothin on cranks or spinner bait. Fishing main lake points and secondary points. Good fishing.
  14. Hi Don, Sorry I did not get back to you sooner. I fished up toward James but no luck. I did catch a nice 3-4 pounder in the general area I caught the 12 bass before. As far as the location, with all due respect, I need to hold off on that info until after the tournament this Sunday. Hope you understand. I think they are starting to stage for the spawn. (males) When the water warms up I think this will be a hot area. I am here on vacation and staying at Artilla Cove Resort. Will be here until the 30th. Are you a local guide?
  15. SKMO Thanks for the help. I fished near the darn yesterday and caught 12 bass but only one made 15". The others were from 13" to 14 3/4". Today was in the same area and caught three over 15" and foul-hooked a carp in the dorsel fine. Now that is a good fight. Thought I hooked a monster. I'll head up north tomorrow and check out "Shell Knob".
  16. Peter, Where is Shell Knob? I can not see it on the map anywhere. Thanks
  17. I am sitting im my living room looking out across the frozen lake. There is six deer walking across the lake on their evening migration. It is a warm 35 degrees out tonoght and I am thinking of next Sunday when my wife and I will be on our way to Branson for some fishing and relaxation. Anyone know what I can expect on Table Rock this time of year?
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