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Everything posted by Hopper

  1. Looks like the long hole below the cable at the dam.
  2. Hey Try Delaware access to hwy M bridge, although hwy M is not a public access there is a place to park immediately accross the bridge(small white bldg)i've never heard of anyone having problems, i,ve caught some great smallmouth on this stretch, but never any goggle eye. If you want both try the upper Flat Creek around Mcdowell to stubblefield access, again at mcdowell this is a low water bridge you can park on the west side(where the locals park)there are some nice goggleye on the upper flat creek. BTW where in SEMO are you from(Girlfriend is from fredericktown) Maybe we can get together and do a float. Gregg
  3. Flies are on the way, articulated PMS Gregg
  4. I'm in , something articulated. Gregg
  5. I'm in, something articulated.
  6. 20lb backing, 3" piece looped thru eye of trailer hook, thread base on lead hook, super glue, tie down backing to lead hook, trim excess. I color the backing with a sharpie to match the color of the fly. Backing is extremly flexable giving the fly extra movement. Gregg
  7. I,m looking at wade fishing flat creek this Sun. 7-24 and am wondering on access points. Gregg
  8. I love this, "I would be surprised if either our congressmen or senators think they are equipped well enough to draft legislation that would solve a problem like this." Read more from this Tulsa World article at http://www2.tulsaworld.com/sportsextra/article.aspx?subjectid=25&articleid=20110714_29_B2_NOSUBS306242 Why do we elect these people if the are not equipped to do that which they were elected for, solving problems. Just my 2 cnts
  9. Put me down, I'll tie a smallie pattern Gregg
  10. http://cgi.ebay.com/MAYFLY-TRUE-ROTARY-FLY-TYING-VISE-ACCESSORIES-/190531330049 Check out this vise, I bought one at the SowBug last year and love it. Dont have any trouble with hooks from #1 - #24. Only thing I did was put a new thumb screw on the bottom of the jaws to make it easier to tighten the jaws. Gregg
  11. I believe that if someone interferes or harrasses with a person fishing within the banks of a stream or river that has been accessed by way of a public boat launch put in by the Missouri Department of Conservation, then the harrasser/interferer should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. The state of Missouri has laws in place to keep this from happening and yet it still happens all the time. The only way to stop this type of harrassment and intimidation is to punish the law breakers. This stream, Shoal Creek, has obviously been deemed navigatable by someone in the higher powers of the states government, or the MDC would not have put in, not just one, but five public boat launches on the stream in order for the public to navigate, explore, fish, and clean up trash and debris on the stream. I, Gregg E. Welden, strongly demand that something be done in order to correct this wrong doing and to insure that it does not happen again
  12. I think the same float in October would be great, since it appears through chiefs research we were perfectly legal. Other than Mr. "D" Prater's herasement the outing was a great success in my opinion. Gregg
  13. BBreaker, PM me, I fish over there quite often, probably not as much as zack, or come to one of the Oklahoma fly fishers meetings Oklahomaflyfishers.org, third tuesday of the month @7:00 pm fulton learning center, web site has directions. Gregg
  14. What is the best CFS for floating the James in a canoe, never done a spring float on the james and plan on floating this weekend. Gregg
  15. Sorry don't have one to get rid of, but I have one of TFOs' Professional 9' 8wts and love it. Gregg
  16. All my rods are TFO, just bought a TFO BVK 8'-6" 5 wt. and used it at White River last weekend paired with a Lamson Konic, rod is fantastic and performed as advertised, I don't think you can go wrong with a TFO rod that comes with an unconditional lifetime garantee. Gregg
  17. Sounds like a good time, I'll try to make it, either day is good for me. Gregg
  18. have to agree with trout bum, have the same boots, worth every penny!
  19. Drift it under an indicator, or just as you described, sometimes it looks like an easier meal if it looks injured.
  20. I wade there all the time, I believe there is a sign that states the above at your own risk, the ticket was probably from a 911 response.
  21. Hey Zack, Yea, left the boat parked Sat. at Rim did'nt want to fight the wind, end of the day Fri. was pretty rough with low and slow water, it was tough keeping the boat pointed down river. Might see you on the 16th for the Shoal/spring float if all works out. Gregg
  22. My Dad and I had an exceptional weekend fishing, Drifted on Friday from Cotter to Rim pretty consitant fishing but the best was the last 1-1/2 miles to Red Bud shoal, caddis started coming off pretty consistantly so I put on a #14 tan fluttering caddis with a #20 copper and brown zebra midge dropper 24" under, browns liked the caddis, bows took the dropper. Sat. after sow bug,fished at tucker shoals about four hrs. wtih the same set up in some pretty skinny water and it was non-stop action with one nice 20+ bow. Gregg
  23. Another good spot is above the big hole down and out from outlet three, there is a drop off that always holds fish, wadeable just be careful there is some chunk rock around the outlet.
  24. I don,t really think it gets that much busier than anyother weekend with nice weather, last year at sow bug their was a huge caddis hatch at rim shoals on Sat. they were taking green butt soft hackles, would'nt take a dry. Gregg
  25. Whoever buys that is getting one exceptional deal, I've built two wood strip canoes and a drift boat, I know you have more than that in materials, let alone the time.
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