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Everything posted by cjones10

  1. This is no different than what the Missouri Conservation is doing to landowners, hunters and fisherman. They are raising fees, changing landowners rights and imposing new permit fee's for seniors without any kind of vote or insight from the public. Seems to me the 4 appointed officials see this as a bureaucracy with no recourse for their decisions. Here's a brief overview of the new regulations: The Missouri Conservation Commission met on September 26th and discussed regulation and rate changes that ultimately affect all Missourians in regards to hunting, fishing, trapping permits and changes on landowner tags. Changes announced by the Missouri Conservation Commission will result in increased permit fees on hunting, fishing and trapping, if not rescinded or altered, it would go into effect on July 1, 2009. According to the state constitution, the Missouri Conservation Commission is made up of four commissioners, appointed by the Governor, with no more than two of whom shall be of the same political party. The Conservation Commission has several responsibilities which include serving as the Department’s policy makers, approving Wildlife Code Regulations, and work on strategic and budget issues. The Commission is currently served by the following members: Chairman William “Chip” McGeehan of Marshfield; and members Lowell Mohler of Jefferson City, Don Johnson of St. Louis & Becky Plattner of Grand Pass. After looking at the changes approved by the commission, I am deeply concerned and opposed to several issues including the proposed rate increases and the change that would require more Missourians who hunt or fish on their own land to have to buy a permit. Missouri is a state populated by thousands of hunters and fishermen and we should not implement changes that make participating in these activities a burden. I hope every Missourian who cares about this issue will join with me and take the time to make their voices heard loud and clear and let the Missouri Conservation Commission know they should take a second look and rescind these changes before they are implemented. The Missouri Conservation Commission approved the changes during the September 26th meeting but they will not go into effect until 2009. Approved changes include two to three dollar increases for the majority of hunting and fishing permits; increasing the acreage from 5 to 80 contiguous acres necessary to receive no-cost deer and turkey permits; and creation of a Senior Forever permit for citizens 60 years of age or older. The 30-day window for public comment will begin November 17, when the changes are published in the Missouri Register. After the 30-day public comment period, all comments will be compiled and sent to the Conservation Commission for their information and consideration. At such time, the Conservation Commission may decide to rescind, alter or continue with changes as previously approved. I strongly encourage all concerned Missourians to make their voices heard on this issue by writing to the following address: Missouri Department of Conservation, Director John Hoskins, P.O. Box 180, Jefferson City, MO 65102. Please feel free to also write to the commissioners of the Missouri Conservation Commission whose names were included earlier and also mail to the above address.
  2. thanks for the advice. When does the crappie fishing start to pick up normally?
  3. I have never fished Stockton before. Was thinking about driving up to do some crappie fishing. Would I be better off putting in at cedar bluff and fishing the east arm of the lake or Ruark Bluff and fishing the west arm? I fish lake of the ozarks some and know certain arms of the lake are better than others it seems.
  4. Rundy's on 13 in between Kimberling City and Branson West is good.
  5. http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?s...c=11719&hl= Here's the thread Whack'em was referrring to.
  6. I was just curious why the crappie fishing on TR is so lackluster. Is there just a low population of crappie in the lake compared to other Missouri lakes or are they just extremely difficult to catch because of the water clarity and depth? I realize most people on this forum are bass fisherman but I harldy ever hear of anyone catching crappie.
  7. To my knowledge they closed the ramp down by skiers warf over a year ago. They want you to pay $5 on the other side so they can make even more money off people. Thats the way it works at good ole port of kimberling.
  8. has anyone hunted around the lower james around point 12? I know theres a lot of government ground in the point 12/13 area.
  9. thanks for the reply's. Sounds like there are some options around the lake.
  10. I was gonna try to turkey hunt on the Forestry land around TR this spring. Has anyone done this before and are there very many birds? I was hoping to turkey hunt till noon then crappie fish later but that's not looking too promising now.
  11. I just recently started fishing Table Rock. I put in at Aunts Creek access. I was curious if anyone has been catching any crappie in the aunts creek area? If so where is a good place to start and if not where is a better place close by to try?
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