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About Flatlander

  • Birthday 03/25/1960

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  • Location
    Wichita, Kansas

Flatlander's Achievements

Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. I wasn't familiar with the "A-rig" so I went to look it up. Ya gotta be kiddn' If someone feels they need to use an A-rig they should just give up and go to the grocery store to get their fish. May as well use a gill net.
  2. Great memories!
  3. Never had the opportunity to meet Mr. Elfrink, but he was fortunate to have a close friend like you Phil. Close friendships are one of those things are not a dime a dozen. God bless you!
  4. I like "Cletus Take the Reel" by Tim Hawkins Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71MQeTcANoY
  5. Phil, That was interesting. That gives some perspective on size and motion of the little buggers. Thanks!
  6. Here! Often! Wish I was there! Often!
  7. Thanks for the info Tim. I may just have to load up the van and head east to enjoy some of those Taneycomo moments.
  8. You came to the right web site. Phil is a great resource for information. In addition to Phil are all of the other regulars who will answer your questions. I don't post much, but I do look in on the site frequently to see what others are asking and what replies are given. I must say that ( I know it's bad) I envy you and your opportunity to fish the area on and around Taneycomo. I have to drive for hours to get what you will have at your doorstep. Ask all the questions you have. You will be blessed with responses to your questions and probably even things you don't ask. Enjoy!
  9. Phil, I am one of those who is not seeing the banner you had displayed. Thanks!
  10. Al, Not once and for all. You do not get to throw out claims with no reference and claim victory for yourself. You don't get off that easy -- as you would like it. You should get a book called "Evidence That Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell. He was someone who once thought as you do. I don't know how smart he is compared to you but he seems like a pretty bright guy. Your position and it is not "once and for all", is that creationism cannot be so. How intolerant are you willing to be? Must everyone accept your position as fact? Just wondering. You mention the fact that you were in college and you were able to learn what the professor taught you. My question is are college professors are the keepers of truth? (I've been around for a while and know better - I am one.) Yes we do find new species every so often and NO! We have not located transitional evidence. You would think we would have by now - with people wanting to disprove the creationists and all..... What is clear to me and maybe not to you yet is that you are still struggling with the issue. You are trying to use justification that feels comfortable to you and you are unwilling (intolerant) to other views that don't fit your "take" on things. "Evidence That Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell - a good read..... If you have the guts!!!!!!!!! Flatlander
  11. It is sad that the media, whether in Canada or here in the U.S., will focus on the tools that are used to control the deranged and irrational rather than issues that deranged and irrational person has. The man in Canada was acting irrationally. This is often the case with people on mind altering - illicit - drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamines, etc...... As is usually the case with the media, they will go after the officers sent to control the problem person instead of the problem person. The Canadians have had three incidents and yet no mention of what the three may have had on board or what serious medical conditions they may have had. And don't forget, there are warnings prior to a tasing. If a person ignores the orders to submit, then they are tazed. There has yet to be one death, yes only one death, that can be directly attributed to the Taser. In each case where a death has occured after a Taser was used, it is found that the suspect was under the influence of illicit drugs or had some other condition that "directly" caused their death. If someone is going to die from a Taser application, they will die when it is used, not thirty hours later. There have been deaths occur contemporanious with the use of the Taser. At autopsy it was discovered that the cause of death was attributable to some other reason. The Taser was just a tool that law enforcement used to get them into custody. The old method - and I have had to use it - was to mace someone or use a night stick and beat the person into submission, or both. I personally don't like the night stick as it causes muscle and bone damage to the suspect. Without the Taser law enforcement would have to return to the "beat them into submission" days of old. And don't forget, there were criminals who died in those situations too. Think there is whining now............... take the Taser away from law enforcement and hold your hands over your ears. Flatlander
  12. I looked at this video once and can see exactly why the driver was Tazered. That is probably because I have been in the business for a couple of decades. The driver, after being told why he was stopped, would not give the Trooper his DL, a violation of law in most states. After the Trooper got the DL from the chuklehead the citation was written. The driver refused to sign the thing. In many states, Utah included, you can be arrested for refusing to sign a citation. The Supreme Court ruled several years ago that officers cannot tell drivers that they will go to jail if they don't sign - it is considered a threat. So, it is the policy of many departments, based on the ruling by the Supremes, that once a driver refuses to sign then arrest is imminent. This is what happened in this case. May seem like it sucks, but that is the reality. The driver was ordered out of the SUV only after refusing to sign the citation and told he was under arrest. He did not comply. He wanted to argue. The driver acted as though he was in control of the car stop. He was told to place his hands behind his back. He did not! The driver turned to go back to his SUV. Notice that the driver was placing his fingers into his right front pocket. Knife? Derringer or other small handgun? Pepper mace????? This is a RED FLAG for any officer. I would have tazed him also. From the beginning of the stop the driver was non-compliant and his actions dictated whether or not he was going to be arrested. The fact that the driver didn't agree with the citation does not give him or anyone else the right to resist arrest. It is a law in every state in the nation - I believe - that it is unlawful to resist arrest, even an illegal arrest. (If you are illegally arrested then the law of the land allows you to seek civil remedy.) There was one area the Trooper goofed. He left the driver alone to go speak with the wife. The driver got up and walked around on his own. BAD tactics! All in all, the Trooper did a satisfactory job of dealing with the driver and even with the wife while in a high tension situation caused by the driver. If the Trooper had not yelled at the wife to return to the SUV, then chances are she would have engaged the officer and she too would have been arrested and the SUV towed. I'm with the Trooper. Look at the video objectively and I believe you will be also. Flatlander (Police Trainer)
  13. Congratulatoins! I must agree with Dano ------- must look like momma. Enjoy the moment!
  14. Zander, I am happy to hear you and your wife got a good report. I also had a scare with my pancreas. Turned out my gall bladder wasn't functioning and messed me up pretty bad for a while. Better now. I met up with Leonard for the first time on October 3rd. I had a similar experience after Leonard took a bit of time with me. He showed me how much I really didn't know about night fishing. After just a few minutes reteaching me, Leonard had me catching fish --- lots of fish. Everyone I meet know in Wichita, KS who is going to Taney to do some night fishing gets the, "Hire Leonard to guide you for the first few hours" speach. Tight lines! Flatlander
  15. Leonard, I'm glad we were able to get together to fish this week. Thanks also for the introduction to Don. I thought I knew how to night fish and had some good fortune on previous trips to Taneycomo. But, you never realize how little you know till someone shows you the better way. Leonard (Taneycomonights.com)showed me the better way to night fish on Taneycomo. I got into so many fish over my three night and four day trip that I lost count. Most of the fish were caught at night -- using Leonard's sage advise, PMS and pine squirrels. On Friday night I was doing so well that other fisherman around me started to come up and ask what I was using and how I was using it. One guy had traveled 300 miles to night fish on Taneycomo and had fished for four hours without one fish to show for it. He had something close to a pine squirrel in his fly box and gave it a try and within about two minutes he was netting his first fish of the night. In the next hour he had netted an even dozen. I suggested to Mr. 300 miles that if he was going to travel that kind of distance to do something he had never done before, he should invest in the guide services of someone like Leonard at Taneycomonights.com to make the trip more enjoyable. Catching a brown on a midge at night was sure a blast. The bugger didn't want to be landed. Leonard, I'm sure glad you had a camera with you. I'll get this printed for the office. I know it's not a Trophy brown, but it is the biggest one I've landed so far. Thanks! Tight lines Flatlander
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