I've been hearin that late at night, the big hole turns into a provocative strip club with all kinds of indecent happenings going on.
I tawt I taw big foot the otter rite, but maybe it was Terry and the Baldknobbers
P.S.----I dont go down there no more
I'm just getting back from that fishing trip. What is this sleep thing you fellas are talking about?????
I've already got my 40 hrs of fishing in this week. How about some overtime
Good stuff Michael and Terry.
Terry--its a truck not a van.
Watch your drift during the day to see how your line swings in the water at night. Can be very usefull
I got my work done last night and wont have anymore homework this week. Friday sounds like it might be a good time.
Leonard will only use a fly on 5 fish, then he changes. Hang around him long enough and he'll give you the fly that just caught 5 fish. I think it has something to do with A.D.D???
Whats the music selection for Friday--- A little Hank I hope
I think I've come up with a better way to measure the fish Leonard.
I tied up some 12" flies last night. If the fish is bigger than the fly, then it's hungry
And you think I'm kidding
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna take off work on Thursday so's I can fish all night Wed. and 1/2 the day Thursday. That should be an easy 19 hrs of fishing.
We were feeling sorry for you and decided to let you have the whole place to your self so you finally catch a fish
And by the way, how'd you land them fish without my net???
You might be able to talk me into fishing one of those nights.
Give me a holler
Oh yes, I forgot to mention, I like those 29-32 hr stretches of fishing on the water