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Everything posted by duckydoty

  1. Yep! Lots of fish last night. And yes---I got in trouble Duckydoty
  2. I'll be there in about 1 1/2-2 hours Duckdoty
  3. I cant find my #'s for generation. Can some one help
  4. Dave I can be down there on the night of the 24th to show you around duckydoty
  5. I'm fixin to cut loose from work early today and fish till 10 or 11 P.M tonight. I'll be in the red F-250 with OCW on it if anyone wants to do a little fishin this tonight. I'm hoping for cold and windy Duckydoty
  6. I got some fellas coming down from up north to fish Taney during that time frame. We might all come by. Duckydoty
  7. I had fun when that joker was moving the cinder block around at the rebar hole this fall Duckydoty
  8. The word is, He's got a pretty attractive slow strip. Duckydoty
  9. I've seen it a couple of times. I think they are flushing the hatchery. I've seen big browns swim right up outlet one to snack on the 2" fish floating down. Duckydoty
  10. I had to leave unexpectedly for family emergency. The grill and propane was mine I guess we'll have to meet down at Taney some evening and I'll swap ya some flies for it. Duckydoty
  11. 1/32 oz jig heads and tie on the marabou of choice. lots of wraps for a good collar and whip finish. Paint jig head. I use to tie alot of them years ago before I got into fly fishing. They are probably one of the easiest flies/jigs to tie. I use to change them up alot by using 2 colors or more of marabou and tying on a hackle to run down the center of the marabou. Duckydoty
  12. Great time, great food, lots of fish, Thanks Phil! Had to leave a little early without saying bye--Family emergency Duckydoty
  13. This is Mrs. duckydoty and I voted NO, NO , NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! if my Duckydoty forgets to kiss me at midnight, there won't be a tommorrow for him So, Mrs. Ducky - hold your ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mrs. duckydoty
  14. Yea, I gotta work today also. Have to finish setting up my fly tying room. Dry out all my soaked gear from last night. Tie a few flies, and clean the house so the kids can trash it with all their friends coming over tonight. Have a safe evening everyone and see ya'll in the morning Duckydoty
  15. Yep--- They shure did Everyone of them was smilin at me Duckydoty
  16. Got down the parking lot at 6:00 P.M. and had the whole place to myself till about 8:00 P.M. No generation. Started at outlet 2 using lighted indicator and a size 10 (yes size 10) primrose and pearl midge with a micro egg as a dropper. Caught a 22" brown and quite a few rainbows. Moved up to outlet 1 about 7:00 P.M. and did very well up there. Caught one rainbow that just about went 20" and was ready to start squirting eggs. She not only had my #10 primrose and pearl in her mouth, but 4 other scuds were also stuck all around in her mouth. Cleaned her all up and let her go. Went back to outlet 2 and caught 4 more then switched to white coneheads and fished the riffles above the rebar. Caught a bunch of fish there, then worked my way down the gauntlet and picked up a few more. The fish were biting good in the rain and (I) had a great time. Duckydoty
  17. Gonna be in the parking lot about 3 A.M. in the red F-250 gonna fish till about 8 A.M. Duckydoty
  18. I got a bumper sticker Duckydoty
  19. You are better off to quit now before its too late. Dude---It never stops after this point. I'll bring a vise on Monday and I think somebody else is. Give you some tips on easy flies to tie. Midges, sowbugs, strip leeches, and wooly buggers are good starter flies. I think there are some patterns posted under the fly tying section of this forum. Just buy the stuff you need to tie these to start off. The kit should have all the tools you'll need to start and some basic starter materials. Pretty soon you wont be able to drive down the road without looking for roadkill Duckydoty
  20. How about a fish forcast??? Duckydoty
  21. I've got another generator I can bring if you think we'll need it Duckydoty
  22. LMW I use to hit the spoons at Chain of Rocks every year. We would also fish for blues below Alton starting around March. You need a 3 way swivel with about 8 or more ounces of lead wrapped in foam dropped about 18" from the 3 way to keep from getting hung on the bottom. The buffalo usually spawn first and will stack up right behind the lock and dam at Alton. Get right up next to it and you can have alot of fun with them. I use to have a lot of fun with the big heads there also--now you wouldn't think it but they are very good eating. Very firm white meat, much better than the spoonbill in my opinion. I would catch them in June on jigs while fishing for walleye. The sauger and walleye should be getting good below Chain-of-Rocks real soon. fish right below the barrels Duckydoty
  23. Looking like highs in mid 40's and lows in the high 20's to low 30's possable rain next Friday. But then again---when is the weatherman ever right? Duckydoty
  24. Huh? Leonard gives you a rapalla and all he give me is a peice of crack (trout crack) Duckydoty
  25. Welcome back Terry, Glad to here everything went good. You would think in a town this size we would run into one another sometime. Hope to see you at the pavillion on the 1st Duckydoty
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