Like the previous post said they will hop from branch to branch up a cedar until they reach a height from which they can glide across the glade. I get to see this every now and again on the bluff/glade area at Buttermilk. They really don't fly, just glide. Thanks for the photo....
Wow, what a difference a few days makes. I went out of Buttermilk last night and the brown leaf littered water has been replaced by clear green water. Looks like the turnover is over in my area of the lake....
Jessary, what color were the crawdads? I've seen that size around Buttermilk this time of year and they are usually, but not always, black with red highlights...
The ramp at Hideaway is still unusable. The back half of Piney had snow on the water yesterday afternoon so it will still be a little crusty for a few days but the main lake down from Piney is clear.
I've been going to Bruce since the early 90's and have had excellent results. I broke a 50 cent oil line in the winter of '98 and it shelled my old carbureted 200 Merc. He steered me to a dealer in TX for a new 200EFI and saved me $1,500 to $2,000 (shipping included) over the best deals I could get around here.