I took my 14 yr. old and his grandfather on a trip from Greer to Turner today, and we had a blast! Brian Sloss at Eleven Point Canoe Rental recommended that section, and of course he was right on. We started up river toward the spring and on our first cast my son and I had a double! Between the 3 of us we caught around 40 fish for the day. The majority of the fish were between 13-15 inches. All rainbows, except for two smallmouth. They really hammered the 1/8 ounce white/red marabou jig and an 1/8 ounce white or black rooster tail. In some sections, two or three trout would follow the jig to the canoe hitting it. I also caught several on a silver/black jointed Rapala. After we passed Mary Decker Shoal the action slowed way down. The only down side was about a 30 minute rain storm. All in all, a terrific day!