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OAF Fly Tying Contributor
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Everything posted by DaddyO

  1. DaveO, I live in Owasso also and what Hopper said is true. You can use the link at the top of this post to see what the current situation is and you can also use this link to see what the forecasted flow is. SWPA Click Here Phil
  2. Ditto what Luke and Dano said.
  3. I'd have to say my flip down eye glasses. Followed by Nippers followed by hemostats.
  4. OK. I'm not an attorney, but I have done a lot of work with legal documents. My opinion is that a coffee bean is not a "natural fish food", so, by itself does not qualify as natural bait. In other words, we are not trying to tie a fly that looks like a coffee bean. The coffee bean is used as material to construct a fly that looks like "natural fish food". So, in my opinion, the question comes down to scent. On this, I tend to agree with Phil Lilley. If it's covered in all that paint and glue, I don't think the scent is going to come out. Even if it did, was there a study done that promotes the concept that trout are drawn to the smell of coffee??? Or, are they just after the caffeine?
  5. Yeah, I forgot to mention yesterday that the bite was really light, also. Sounds like you had a good time. If you went where I think you did to catch those stripers, I can probably show you another place or two to access the river instead of Marval. The next time I go down, I'll call you. It'll probably be a Saturday, but maybe you can come down after work and I'll show you where they are.
  6. Chance, Have a good trip. I just got back. I took a buddy of mine that hasn't fished the Lower Illinois before. He had a blast. I set him up with the BobWhite and he caught several fish right below the Dam. I, also, caught quite a few on the BobWhite and a Red SJW. We moved down river to the island and fished the trees with a Hair and Copper and slayed them there too. The fish were all healthy. I met another guy that I shared the Hair and Copper fly with and he talked about Striper fishing up in that area where we saw all of the Carp. We kept some fish for Dinner and gave him the heads when we cleaned them. He said that he uses a bait cast rod and a bare hook through the Trout head and catches 15lb to 20lb stripers by the Dam. I'd like to fish with you tomorrow, but I've got Church and a few social events to attend. Phil
  7. None that I know of. If you can't get in at Marval, you may have to go to Webber Falls. I think the place is called the Knights Inn. You may want to google it and another place called the Sleepy Traveler or something like that. I have never stayed at either of them. I have stayed at Marval and find it acceptable as a place for the wife and kids to play while you fish.
  8. Maybe I missed something. Was the $41 million per month or per year? Per month seems like too much if this is just supposed to be to augment the other energy sources. i.e $245 per month per customer. So, if the $41 million is per year, that works out to about 67 cents per day per customer. I know that when I am in Arkansas, fishing, I spend more than 67 cents per day.
  9. Got a late start heading to the river this morning. Finaly got on the water at about 9am. Started at the Dam and stayed there until I left. The weather was beautifu. The water was cold up by the Dam but it was very cloudy, a little bit lighter, in color, than coffee. I started fishing right in front of the big rocks. Again, I was using the BobWhite. The first 9 drifts produced 9 fish, even a small brown. That was my first brown trout to catch on this river. I caught another one later in the day. The 9th fish had a bare hook stuck in his mouth, so, I removed that for him. The fish wizend up to the BobWhite, so I switched to a pink micro jig and caught 2 more. I switched back to the BobWhite (It's hard not to use something that works) and caught a 2 lb catfish and then caught a few more Rainbows and the other brown. 16 fish by the big rocks and 1 catfish. I tied on a #16 Hair and Copper and moved down to the riffles between the big rocks and the open water. I caught seven fish on the Hair and Copper until the quit hitting it and then I swithced to an #16 Olive Zebra Midge and caught another one. 8 fish at the riffles. I fished from 9 til 2 and caught 25 fish. It's funny how time flies when your catching fish. (sorry, not pictures. I forgot the camera.)
  10. Cabellas and BassPro offer several options for Fly Rod and Reel combos. I would get the best one that you feel you can afford in a 5 Weight. Length of rod 8 to 9 ft. There are several others on this forum that can offer you other opinions.
  11. Zach, Thanks for the info. Good Luck!!
  12. Going from the Powersite Access Road towards Gore, it will be the first Black Top road on the left. Take it all the way to the river and you will run into the Watts area parking lot.
  13. I went this morning right at 7am. I was surprised to see so many people. I purchased 2 of the Martin Fly Rod/Reel combos for $40 each and 2 Fly Reels to have as spares for $10 each. I kinda wish that I had purchased another one of the Fly Rod Combos. I plan on giving them to a couple of guys at work for what it cost me and now I'm wishing that I had picked up an extra one for me to have around as a loaner. All in all it was a good deal. Thanks Bassman92681 for letting us know about the Yard Sale.
  14. "completely different generations." Did you have to go there???? I may look old, but I sure feel young when I have my fly rod in hand with a tight line.
  15. I grew up across the street from this place. My mom actually worked on the assembly line one summer. We were always finding rods and reels, where they had fallen off of the back of a truck. My older brother even found a fly rod once. They had a casting pond in front of their offices and there was a Polo Pony farm behind them called Cavalier Farms. That brings back memories.
  16. You are now on you way to a great way to pass the time. Next thing you know, you'll be asking what kind of Fly Tying vise you should buy.
  17. I missed something along the way. What's the miracle fly?
  18. That sounds like a lot a fun. I bet you were having a blast!!
  19. Chance, Good Report and good pics. Looks like you and your nephew had a good time. Phil
  20. Thanks for posting that story. That was a great story and Zach is a great young man. Zach, good job!!
  21. No. I haven't seen them. If you've got them, post a pic of it. Thanks.
  22. Gregg, That Rainbow looks like the same one that I caught last weekend. I'm glad it's still in their getting bigger. Good Job!!
  23. Guys, I meant to post this several weeks ago, but I kept forgetting to do it. Anyway, I got my new Portable Fly Tying Workstation in the mail. This is hand crafted by John B. Walther. He was one of the Exhibitors at the last Sow Bug. I am very pleased with the workstation and the craftmanship. And the best thing is that I can take it on trips with me and keep my materials, for the trip, contained within it. Here are a few pics.
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