As spring approaches I get more and more excited. I don't take to kindly to all the cold weather we've been having. Me loving the outdoors the way I do, Warm weather is way past overdue. The past few months I find myself dreaming more and more about the good ol' days if you will. Spring is the most beautiful time of the year. Every spring I look forward to getting outside as much as I can. The trees start budding and getting green leaves, grass starts to grow, and the woods we all know and love start to change their design and are full of life. The fish start to spawn, the shad start to run, and the lake starts to warm up, so fishing is good. Turkey season is near and the turkey start to gobble, off in the distance you hear hunters start to pattern their shotguns and practice their turkey callin so they can bag a bird this year. Warm weather sparks Camping Season! we get the row boat out, buy some trotline supplies and load the boat up to float to our favorite campsite (which we've had to ourselves for 13 years). Evening comes, we spent all morning and afternoon catching perch for trotlines and our fishing poles for a nights worth of catfishin. Nightfall sets in, We've baited the trotlines and the fishin poles, made a fire, and got the guitar out to pass the time until we get a fish. After a goodnights rest under the stars and fishing on a calm night we wake up early to a lake of glass so clear, flat, and undesturbed it looks as if you could walk straight across it. We start the fire up again, make some coffee, and go squirrel hunting. We cook the squirrel and our catch from the night for breakfast, pack up our gear to do it again another day. This is what spring is all about and if you've never done it you really don't know what your missing out on.