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Everything posted by Rackasaurus

  1. Thanks, will give it a try.
  2. Looking for some suggestions on Crappie spots on the James, heading out from the Hideaway area, points 11 12. Thanks for any help that keeps me from running all over.
  3. Bill thanks for the reply. We have a place to stay on Stallion Bulff rd. between points 11 and 12 little closer to 11 around the corner from hideaway. our only put in point that's close is campers point. Were gonna be after crappie and bass this weekend. I was think about starting in wolf creek for the crappie or other locations that you may think is better. Thanks for the help Scott
  4. Question ? When you mention "up the rivers " About how far are we going? coming down Wed thru Sun James arm area, Put in point, "Campers Point" Would we be going past 76 bridge up stream at at Cape Fair. Thank's some directions or other spots back towards Aunts Creek. Scott
  5. Like Bill said. My parents live down 39-1 towards the kanakuk camp. Over the years I have been in these woods and have heard alot of birds on the James side of the road where I spend most of my time while fishing. seen alot of turkeys along the road and hearing them along the hill sides while fishing in the spring. I personally have not hunted these woods as I have a farm in north missouri where i spend most of my hunting time, but from getting in the woods looking fo hog sign you will not be disapointed hunting this area. The Rack
  6. Go over to the wilderness area off 39-4 and 39-1 and also forest service ground around campers point area. bring a sherpa with you to climb the hills chasing birds. Scottie (Rackasaurus)
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