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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Wheatenheimer

  1. I found this to be a very interesting article in many ways. Number one being that I have been intrigued and facinated by trout fishing in the ozarks since my first trip to Taneycomo nearly 30 years ago with my Grandfather. Number two, I live within walking distance of Sequiota Park in Springfield and had no idea whatsoever that from 1921 to 1958 the state ran a coldwater hatchery at this location, then moved it to Shepard of the Hills Hatchery upon the completion of Table Rock Dam! Thank you so much, Chief, for sharing this information with us! My eyes have been opened to do some historical research regarding my neighborhood. If only the hatchery at Sequiota was still there.............I would probably be late to work every day! Thanks again, Kevin
  2. Have to agree with Mr. Scheetz, Derek Trucks is a phenom! And still just a kid!!! Been to George's Majestic Lounge in Fayettnam a few times, mostly to see Big Smith (have to plug the local boys!) Great venue, I like the small bar stage up front with the live feed on the tv's of what's going on in the "barn" in the back! Very cool! If you guys check out archive.org you can download some really cool Derek Trucks Band concerts on that site.......among others!!!! Cheers, Kevin
  3. RPS, Thanks for the reply. It makes sense. Now I have to figure out what kind of job to give her. She's good at chasing birds, squirrel's and sticks. Mowing, gardening and weed-eating has already been divied out to my fiance (Sure hope she doesn't read this!) Sounds like I need to get off my lazy rear and take her fishing more often. Maybe a couple of days on the river a week will wear her out enough that she could care less about digging! I do really appreciate the advice and I'll give it some serious thought on what jobs I can assign her. She's pretty smart for her age, maybe a little too smart at times! Thanks again! Kevin
  4. Hey Everyone! I am seeking any advice you may be able to throw out on how to get my dog to stop digging, or at least reduce it to the point that she doesn't end up discovering a new cave in my back yard. I have three dogs. An 11 year-old Beagle/Basset Mix (a Bagle), an 8 year-old Golden Retriever and an almost 3 year-old Brittany. My problem is with the Brittany. All of my dogs spend more time inside than they do in the back yard, especially since the rains have set in. Grace, the Brit, is a very sweet little dog. She is very loving and, most of the time, very obedient. I just can't seem to break her of digging, and man can she tear up some ground in a very short amount of time. We try to keep a close eye on her whenever she goes out and nip it in the bud when she starts to dig, but being a young bird dog, she is a little hard to keep an eye on at times. Short of paving my back yard or putting her in leg shackles when she goes out, I don't know what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Kevin (by the way, I really wouldn't consider putting leg shackles on any of my dogs......but paving the yard, maybe!)
  5. PP, I assume it was open, there were two or three camper trailors set up at some of the sites and plenty more open on dry ground. I did not see anyone pitching a tent, just the RV's. With all of our driving around this morning, it may be a little challenging to find a place that doesn't have swollen, off-colored water right now. I did see Timsfly's posting from this morning on Roaring River State Park and from the pictures he posted it looked more promising than anything I have seen around here lately. It was high, but looked fairly clear. Don't know if your into the State Park Trouting thing or not? Well, anyway, I wish you the best of luck! Hopefully you will find somewhere to get out and enjoy this weekend. Keep us posted on wherever you end up going! Cheers, Kevin
  6. Hello Everyone! My dad and I just got back from Beaver Creek this morning. Today is his 64th Birthday, we took his Bass boat down in hopes of getting into some whites. We first went to the Campground/Acess area at the mouth of Beaver and there are some campsites that are still above the water line. We debated on launching the boat here and probably could have with little problems. There was a lot of debris floating and the water was that ever so pleasing chocolate milk color, so we decided not to launch here and drove up to 160 bridge, hoping for clearer water with less debris. When we arrived at 160 bridge, the entire campground area was under water, the roof of the outhouses looked like a rogue dock that had drifted loose. And like the conditions downstream, there was a great deal of debris and very brown water here as well. So instead of going back to our first stop and putting in, we decided to scrap fishing for the day and drive around looking at lots of ugly water. All and all, even though we never wet a line, we still had a good time and spied probably a dozen deer or so, not to mention spending the morning with pops on his birthday is always fun! Hopefully the rain will hold off and things will start getting back to normal. Otherwise, I better start collecting all the critters by pairs and open an account at the lumber yard! Cheers! Kevin
  7. Hey Jeff! Thank you so much for the insight and advice! I'm not too worried about someone stealing one of my songs (I feel as though that would be a bit pretentious to believe that they are good enough to be stolen, I don't think they are.......But then again, Karma Chameleon was a number one hit!) My concern is with the Demo's that I pass out to places that I on occasion try to sucker into giving me a gig. You just never know. It would be a huge thrill and honor for me to hear one of my songs played by someone with real talent. Although, it is a slim chance of that ever happening, but should I be lucky enough, I want to have my bases covered. Sounds like I have some work to do! Once again, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my question so thoroughly. Excellent information! You are a true proffesional! My opolgies to all the Culture Club fans out there....... Kevin
  8. Bill, Job very well done!!! I really enjoyed your presentation today. It was very informative and straight to the point. My knowledge of flyfishing for White Bass has multiplied by several hundred, thanks to you! (I don't know if that says that I am really ignorant or you should start going by Yogi William!) All jokes aside, your knowledge astounds me and you present it in such a humble and soothing way! Thank you so much! Kevin (the hippie in the front row.)
  9. Nice looking Chub! I've caught probably more chub minnow's in my 20 years of flyfishing than any other species. They love bead heads and even dry's. And for Ozarkkid, sounds like the same Beaver Creek. When there is enough water, now's the time, Beaver can be a fantastic float! Thanks to all!
  10. Holy Scheetz!!!!! You make that axe wail!!!! (Sorry for the terrible pun, my last name is Wheat, so I've lived with those sort of things all my life!) Seriously, I checked out your website and all the youtube stuff and man, you are awesome!!!! I am very impressed! That one song that you are doing everything with just your left hand with the hammer-on's took me back to the old Genesis days of Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett. What an impressive feat! A quick question for ya, Jeff. What advice can you give an aspiring songwriter on copywriting? The whole Library of Congress thing I find a bit confusing. Is there a quick and easy way that I am just overlooking? Do I need to go through BMI or ASCAP, or is it easy enough for a silly hippie like myself to figure out if I just focus long enough? Really enjoy your music, brother! Would love to see ya live sometime! Kevin
  11. gonefishin, thank you so much for the encouragement! I have tried to learn a few scales and some chords (for some reason I have a hard time with chords that require more than 2 fingers) but I am so slow at everything I do. I listen to Bill Monroe, Ricky Skaggs, Sam Bush and Marty Stuart and it just blows my mind! How do these guys make this thing sound like that? I don't ever expect to be able to play as well as those legends, but I would like to be able to hold my own on a local scene. Once again, thanks again! I think I'll grab the mando' and pick out Soldier's Joy once again! Kevin
  12. Sorry so late in on the conversation. I started playing guitar when I was 12 or 13 (can't quite remember.) Took about a fifteen year hiatus on it. Have been playing almost everyday for the last 7 or 8 years (not that means I am good.....I am mediocre at best.) I have been very fortunate to have an older brother that is also a guitar player and bit of a wheeler dealer. He has passed on the good fortune of a Taylor 310, that I put a passive pickup in, this is what I take to open mic's and such. He also blessed me with a '57 Gibson LG-1, this is what I play around the house every day (it looks like it was dragged down HWY 65 behind one of those tour buses filled with blue hair's going to see Andy Williams......not that there is anything wrong with that, I love Andy Williams and blue hair for that matter!) Anyway, I am also a Mandolin owner. I just make terrible noises with this little guy. I need to talk to Gonefishin for some pointers on this, any help you could give me, brother, I would greatly appreciate. So I am glad to see many other musicians and wanna be's like myself out there. I think we need to all plan a fishin', campin', jam-circle trip sometime really soon!!! Kevin
  13. What an incredibly inspiring report!!! I am so proud to be associated with the people of this forum and especially proud of you!!! Anytime you see a uniformed soldier, shake their hand and thank them for what they have done. It doesn't matter what your thoughts are on war, politics or our society, these fine Americans have put themselves in harms way for all of us. They need to know that we appreciate them. Thank you so much for posting this!!! Kevin
  14. Thank you Mr. Liley!!! I am happy to be here! Everyone has been very hospitable and endearing, seems to be a great thing to be part of! Thank you for all the hard work that you have put into this and making it available to everyone!
  15. Thank you so much Dano! I appreciate all of you welcoming me with such hospitality!!!
  16. Thanks Terry!!! Great Pic for your profile!!!
  17. Thank you Trav! Glad to be here!
  18. Hello Everyone! My name is Kevin Wheat, I was introduced to this site by a friend and thought I would check it out. I like what I see!!! I was born and raised here in the ozarks, I ventured out, living in Oregon, Colorado and Illinois, but have been back for a few years and am very thankful for the abundant natural resources we have available to us here! Thanks to all that post, share and make it happen!!!
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