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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Wheatenheimer

  1. Big Smallie's can always be found in extreme deep water in the rivers. Check out this Bottom dwelling monster I landed last Summer in Wilson's Creek. Check out the gig marks.
  2. I'll see the pork 'n' beans and raise a Rush CD.
  3. That sounds yummy!!!! I am going to try that this weekend. What type of Potato's do you prefer? Baker's, Red's, Russet's, Yukon Gold's? Do you leave the skin on when you mash it up?
  4. When I am sharing the boat with someone else, I use the Bass Pro Stadium style sitbacker. The only thing I don't like about it, is the back doesn't want to stay in the position that I select and even in it's most upright position, it seems to be a little too reclined for my liking. When I am paddling solo, I like to use my GCI Wilderness Recliner that my in-law's bought for me one Christmas. It is basically a low profile lawn chair that I set right behind the front seat of my boat facing the stern and paddle the boat the opposite way. I am 6 foot and weigh 210 and the latter is my preference, but that may be because I am a control freak and would rather float without someone else in my boat!
  5. Great photo! Great fish! Way to go Corndawg!
  6. Welcome to the forum, Mr. Brown! If I didn't already commit myself to the honey-do's tomorrow, I'd take you up on a float somewhere. My suggestion, pick a good access on the James (Delaware, Shelvin, Hootentown) and do some upstream paddling. Paddle up for an hour or two and observe the fishy looking spots, then fish them hard on the way back down. Or, you could stop in at Hootentown Canoe Rental and give them 10 bucks to either shuttle you up to Shelvin or shuttle your vehicle down to Ponce (Goff Creek.) Have a great time, we are glad you are here!
  7. Wow! For some reason, I always thought you were a guy in his twenties! Nice fish, by the way!
  8. How much is registration on Fellows?
  9. Great video! Thanks for sharing! Are you going to have any whitewater classes soon? Still interested.
  10. Nice report! Although it has been many, many years since I have been on that stretch, I agree......the prettiest part of the Buffalo (dare I say, any stream in the Ozarks!) Thanks for sharing!
  11. I wish! Then maybe some of their musical genius might have rubbed off on me!
  12. Oh, please.....there's a cry in the trees that says I won't be doing any Bareback Riding with the two of you! Instead I'm going down to Ponce on the Dirty Old James. So tear out the wires, throw away the solder, you won't find no hotline to God here in this Backwater! Props to my boys of Big Smith!
  13. Unless something crazy with work pop's up, I should be there!
  14. How will the rising water coming from the James effect the fishing? I just noticed that it is at 3290cfs and rapidly rising.
  15. Those are nice. Do they also make them in mens styles?
  16. Wow! That is really cool. Did you sell that tandem you built?
  17. I've only caught trout that far down on Crane this time of year. The water gets pretty warm down there in the summer, although if you stand in the water where Crane dumps into the James you can have one leg 15 degrees cooler than the other. I still love ya, Eric!
  18. Wish I had an extra 4 bill's laying around! I'd take that sweet ride off you in a heartbeat!
  19. Slam! Glad you found us, Brother! Don't pay attention to Eric, he just had his stereo jacked and is still a little pissy! We need to get together and fish Beaver Tailwater together, it has been years since I have fished there. There are a few places I can't wait to show you here in Missouri that I think you will really dig! There are some good folks here that are very helpful and generous with their knowledge. Hope you enjoy the site! -Wheatie (aka Buck!)
  20. That is cute, the two of you have matching hat's! Were you wearing you matching underwear too? Nice job, Darren! We need to get together and fish sometime soon! The Renegade has always been one of Eddies favorite Dry's! Thanks for posting!
  21. I want Brian Wise to be my Yoda! Nice video, Brother!
  22. I think there was a book I read about her once upon a time. My kinda gal!
  23. I think they should give you the option to have the lifetime fishing liscense tattooed to your arm. I've never felt the need to get inked, but I would probably go for that.
  24. I was bummed when they did away with the actual trout "stamp". Now we are going to have to carry around sheet of flimsy paper. What is next? Paperless permits? You will show a picture of your permit to the agent on your smart phone! Aye yaigh yaigh.......
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