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Everything posted by scc1600

  1. I am headed to a friends house next weekend around the Van Buren area and we plan to float/fish. I fish Bryant Creek, NOFW, and the Upper Current fairly often but do not have any expierence with this section of water. I was wondering if trout make it this far down and if not does anyone have any advice for smallmouth. Thanks in advance for any info. -steve
  2. Did you catch any above tecumsah bridge or near it and did you hear of anyone taking any walleyes?
  3. what ramp would you recommend for the tourney in wake of the storm?
  4. I do not, I am currently doing most of my work with Dr. Beckman. Thou the name does sound familiar.
  5. I am currently getting my master's in fisheries biology at MSU and I could bring a habitat project up to my professor. I would just need a few more details such as funding and exactly what the goals would be. The professor has already done some study's on taneycomo and I am sure he would be interested in doing more. We are currently doing physical habitat analysis, invert populations, and fish populations on local streams around Springfield to determine water quality and overall stream health. I am sure this procedure could be impiled to larger lakes/rivers and sounds really interesting to compare seperate habitats in said river. -steve
  6. I thought this was a fishing website? I think we should stick to fishing and leave the faults with our society and religous beliefs for another forum. I think the probelm has been address and we should all report any illegal behavior we come across. Besides that lets move on.
  7. Are there still walleye and strippers being caught below Dawt Mill and around the Tecumsah bridge and if so what on? Thought they still might be around with the water still being up.
  8. Hey, Brian I was wondering if you knew how the water is looking coming out of the north fork and bryant, i am getting my masters at missouri state and my thesis is on walleye aging and growth and I am hoping to do some sampling this weekend. I went out with vernon last weekend and did ok, caught about six in four hours biggest one being about three and a half pounds. I would appreciate any help. Thanks
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