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Everything posted by KansasBoy13

  1. So a couple years ago I caught a smaller crappie on a zara puppy(no picture of that one) at a local lake and couldn't believe it, that was very odd to me. Then last year I caught two keepers out of the same brush pile on a 7" blue fleck powerworm at a different lake, also very strange. Then today at my pond I caught one on a chug n spook jr and was surprised then to top that off I caught one on a frog. The one on the chug n spook jr really hammered it and fought really well too. To me the frog just blew me away, maybe its not that weird though? What is craziest bait you have caught a crappie on?
  2. Selling my MotorGuide Pro Series 5200. 52 lb thrust, 12 volt. Works great. $200. Live in Kirksville area will be in Branson May 16th-22nd if want me to bring to you.
  3. Have way too many Jigs so going to thin them out. All of these have never been used, and probably never taken out of the package. All are 3/8 oz. except the right row they are 5/16 oz. 6-3/8 oz. Black/Blue Finesse Flip n' Jigs 4-3/8 oz. Brown/Purple Flash Finesse Flip n' Jigs 2-3/8 oz. Brown/Purple Flash Football Finesse Jigs 2-3/8 oz. Peanut Butter Smoke Eakins Jigs 2-3/8 oz. Watermelon Candy Football Finesse Jigs 5-5/16 oz. Green Pumpkin/Green Flash Eakins Jigs 1-5/16 oz. Black/Blue Eakins Jigs Would like $2 a jig, if you want all of them or a bunch of them I'm sure we can work out a price. Live by Kirksville but will be in Branson May 16th-22nd.
  4. Weatherby SA-08 20 gauge. Semi-Auto. 3" chamber, 3 chokes(Improved cylinder, modified and full). Well taken care of, have probably put less than 100 rounds through it. Selling because I just didn't use it enough this past season to justify having it. Live in Kirksville area but will be in Branson May 16th-22nd. $425
  5. Are you using a GoPro?
  6. So I bought a very nice 94 Nitro yesterday and has a single rod locker. A rod locker was a deal breaker so this was very important to me and when I get it home and start putting my rods in it the first one wont fit(7' rod) and was about a foot short maybe more from fitting. So I lean into it and look down and there is piece of about 1/2' thick plywood that runs completely across the boat. Any ideas what this is for or if it can be removed or cut holes in it to slide rods through? Worried that cutting holes in it may fray my line. The curious thing about it, to me, is that the wood doesn't go to the top(about an inch gap or less) in the rod locker and in the center storage its about a half inch from the bottom but goes to the top. This is the best photo I could get of it.
  7. I recognize that rickety old cutting table...the fish, however, do not look familiar!
  8. I don't know about the rest of you but it seems like when the lake level gets over like 916 or so I have a real issue catching many crappie. Am I in the minority on this or does everyone have a tougher time getting them?
  9. When you say you were out the mouth of Swan Creek, do you mean you are on the Shadow Rock Park side or across the lake where the boat ramp is? When we used to live in Branson and all the times we went down to Swan we never caught anything and was never anyone else ever fishing so always felt like we were doing something wrong there. Thanks.
  10. Is the handle telescopic?
  11. Thanks for the videos stoneroller, I never think of going to youtube for information. Exactly what I wanted to know though. Also, about how many potatoes will one plant produce? Debating on how many to plant for the two of us.
  12. We bought some Red Norland Seed Potatoes and while we get the process of getting them prepared, as they are at the moment, do you just plant them like you do any other seeds in the gardens or do they require a different process? I have read that people plant them inside tires and you put 12 inches of straw on top of them? Last year was our first year of gardening and we did pretty well with tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots, lettuce and broccoli. The crafty coons got through our netting and stole our corn so electric fence is going up this year and our bell pepper plants never took. Any thoughts also on why they wouldnt have made it? Thanks
  13. Was wanting to get a new tent then got an email on this tent. http://www.cabelas.c...%3Bcat110647980 Seems like a great deal for sure. Anyone have any history with Kelty tents? We would probably be more along the lines of what I would call 'fair weather' camping. Probably wouldnt be out in strong winds or much rain.
  14. We live by Kirksville, MO in the northeastern part of the state. We are very novice when it comes to camping but something we think we wanna get into moreso this year. The question is does anyone know of secluded spots, we dont need any kind of hookups or anything like that, that would make for a good night of fishing/camping that isnt THAT far from us(within a couple hours)? I use to do this at the strip pits in SE Kansas when I was younger with my dad. Only thing there was a tiny parking lot/ramp at each pit and we could set up in the lot there. Thanks.
  15. We fished Green City Lake once, caught a couple nice bass and my fiancee caught a really nice catfish on a Mepps but only time we fished there in the boat. We fished Union Ridge from the boat once caught a small crappie on topwater! Only time I can remember doing that and a couple dink bass. Then I fished Hazel Creek with my dad for the first time on Memorial Saturday. Expecting it to be busy we pretty much had the lake to ourselves. He caught a 6 lb largemouth and a 7 lb muskie amongst many other nice bass that day on topwater and soft plastics. First muskie either of us ever caught and only one still. He caught it on a 7 inch power worm, hit like a bluegill he said, wouldnt fit in the net had to land it by hand, only a little worried about that lol. He said it was possibly the best day fishing he ever had. That was the only place we fished for the rest of the year, never had a bad day. The best part of the lake is there are so many coves there is always a place to get out of the wind in our little pond prowler. I don't think we ever caught a small fish out of that lake. I think this year we may try Thousand Hills for some walleyes and yellow perch but Hazel Creek definitely has the goods. We saw a lot more people fishing for crappie than bass there tho. Is there only one place to launch at Thousand Hills and it is pay isn't it? Thanks.
  16. We were probably one of those boats you saw fishing shallow. We caught 2 early in the day like that, one big female and one keeper male, so we did that for about half of our day mixed in with a little bass fishing on certain banks. We were about to get off the water around 12:30 when I started to get a few hits deeper in 20-30 FOW fishing SLOW. Finally hooked up with one and was a nice keeper that came off at the boat. We picked up I think 4 more all keeps and a few K's mixed in, only one that would have been keeper sized, and the biggest sucker fish we've ever seen! Ended up taking home all 6 we landed smallest being 11", no shorts at all for us. Hope to get out a couple more times this week before I have to head home. It was slow but it was fun and had we been fishing the deeper water all day we probably would have walked away with more than 6. They seem to be staging and seems it will get crazy any time now! Highest water temp was around 63 according to our graph.
  17. We went out to one of my neighbor's ponds chasin some crappie. We've been out there a few times have done decent each time but I remembered to take the Gulp this time because I just had to know if it was worth all the hype. Started out with a yellow road runner for me and a chartreuse/purple crappie jig for my lady. Started off pretty good for both of us but was time to try the Gulp. I fished it on a 1/16 oz white/red jig head and she put on her jig. First cast bam and caught 3 on first 4 casts, she had the same success. Needless to say I'm hooked or at least giving it a try when we head to Table Rock next week. The pic is of the biggest crappie of the day just a tad under 13 inches on the road runner. Most crappie we have caught have been around 10-12 inches but we dont keep its all for the fun plus I don't like taking fish from others ponds even if I have permission to. Has anyone else had much success with the Gulp? I could catch around 10-12 fish before i would have to cut the head off and rehook it. Also caught a bunch of little bass but I don't think they're any size to the bass in that pond according to him and my limited experience with it.
  18. Are the banks lined throughout the whole day or mostly an evening thing during the run? Thought about maybe heading that way when we come down but have no interest fighting the crowd. Unlike most, I would assume, we would be C&R only. White bass meat is too strong for my liking! Thanks.
  19. I recently moved to Kirksville, MO and while we have a couple nice lakes to fish I'm in need of some white bass fishing. I grew up fishing the Neosho River in KS and miss the spring white bass runs. I am looking for a river to catch some and would be bank fishing. I know we have the Chariton River that flows through here but I just dont know where to go to catch a white, and if there are even the spring runs. I am willing to drive up to hour and a half. If anyone can put me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it!
  20. Anyone ever fish Hazel Creek Lake or Forest Lake in the Kirksville, MO area? Going to be moving there in the near future and was just wondering. I've found very little info on the fishing there anywhere on the internet. Thanks.
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