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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by ozarkgunner

  1. How often do you replace yours? Mine only lasted 8 months of use three days a week.
  2. Thanks!
  3. Can I run my bass boat to the dam with 1 unit?
  4. I don't believe lawsuits drive up the cost of health care. If anything lawsuits encourage a safer product and likely lower costs by improving patient care. Mo. Supreme court just overturned medical malpractice caps. Tort reform did nothing to lower healthcare costs in Missouri. We had the strictest healthcare tort reforms laws in the us and they did nothing but make the public pay for the injuired. The watts boy should be taken care of by the doctor that messed him up not by the tax payers.
  5. We had mountain lions where I lived out west. They are more likely than anything to get you. No grizzly bears but a few black bears.
  6. Not in Missouri but I did when I lived in Colorado. 3 inch .357 or 1911. Around here I worry more about two legged problems.
  7. Death penalty.
  8. That's interesting. Table rock and Stockton are loaded with them.
  9. You can't "ban" someone. Follow the rules and you will be fine. If you get a ticket a judge will throw it out.
  10. There are very few public ponds in sw mo. I think it has more to due with the terrain than anything else. Only pond I know within 30 miles of ozark is at Andy dalton central mo has tons of them.
  11. Anyone else still fishing a grub? It has been killer when shad are around. Smoke color with red flakes.
  12. It's over by 830
  13. I found 5 keepers up shallow on a point this morning. Smallies spots and a black. Good morning. Picked up 15 shorts on top water in the same area once they came up. Lots of fish on top water and a smoke grub. Fishing out of joe bald. Water temp was 86. Fish were in 5 foot of water or less and busting shad over 25 for the top water bite. Small point has produced 9 keepers in 5 foot of water or less in last 3 trips.
  14. I think I would cry if the fishing was as hot in December as it is in April. The ducks get me going.
  15. I fish during late February once a weekend or more. During March- May I try to fish every weekend and at least one day a week. June- August I fish 3 days a weekend every other week. (Friday night Sat. morning, Sunday morning). September I start to slow down on the fishing as dove season starts. I might average 3-5 times a month in September, but generally only in farm ponds where I am hunting during midday. Oct, Nov., Dec, Jan. I am usually too busy hunting to fishing. I average 2 times a month during this time (farm ponds while hunting in OCT, Nov., Trout while Ducking hunting in Dec., Jan. ). I total around 60-70 days a year. Likely average around 1000 fish per year with all of the spring crappie.
  16. I have had lots of 40 plus fish days. Size is the key. You rarely have a day of 40 big bass or trout. It feels like a bad day when I get less than a dozen.
  17. Rsmo 67.305 limits enforcement other than thoses guilty of bwi.
  18. There is no state statute against public intoxication in Missouri. Merely being drunk is not disorderly conduct. Call your state reps. If you want a solution. The bush beer lobbiests have made Missouri a drinking friendly state. That said I like a beer or three on the river every now and then. Like all things moderation is the key.
  19. Has anyone been down lately to night fish? I was thinking about coming down this week but have not heard anything. I figure Big Jigs, Big Worms and Black and Red Spinner baits? Any help would be appreciated. I can put in at Bridgeport or Aunts Creek or Fish the dam area. Where are they biting the best? I figure away from the dam where the largemouth live would be the best.
  20. I have never fished beaver. I will bow out for the sleeper if the other guys think so. I pick Stockton for numbers also because of the 15 inch limit. That can turn a day of no keepers into a Limit really quickly. I caught lots of 18 inch fish on Stockton but most are 14-17. Good size to eat if north of 15. Bull can have days full of 16-17 inch fish.
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