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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by ozarkgunner

  1. It's not against the law to be intoxicated in public in the state of Missouri. There is a specific Missouri Constitutional Provision forbidding the state or any subdivision from passing such a law. Odd little state we have here, the passengers can also drink beer in the car in MOST (not all some cities have open container laws) places.
  2. RIP David. I knew him for a long time. He will be missed.
  3. Sometimes what is right is not always legal and what is legal is not always right. I hope nobody goes out there with a chainsaw and cuts it down. That would violate a lot of COE regulations..... it would just break my heart.
  4. Try crickets in 15-20 feet off of the main lake points. Keep your eye on the graph and you should find them by trying two or three points. You will be amazed at the number of Kentucky Bass and Browns you will catch on crickets. My best Bluegill hole is right across from Indian Point. Tight Lines.
  5. Good luck. I'm normally game to go to Bagnell, but I'm moving back to Springfield in 2 hours. Thanks for all of your reports, they have helped me out a bunch over the past year. Tight lines.
  6. Even if (a big if) the fishing is slow, the view is great in late October!!!! Too bad I hunt.
  7. http://mdc.mo.gov/conmag/2000/06/20.htm This is a neat link on Shad sizes and the need for wipers in some lakes.
  8. I have been told the stripers don't impact the bass fishing. MDC had something on this a few years ago.
  9. I think that's correct. I would love to see Wipers in Table Rock, but there must be some reason MDC hasn't put them in. Heck, I don't see why stripers wouldn't thrive?
  10. The Arkansas record was caught BELOW Beaver Dam (i.e. in the White River section that flows into Table Rock). Additionally, I know lots of hybrids make it over the dam at Bagnell and end up in the Osage river when the flood gates are open. Given the amount of water going over Beaver Dam last Spring, it would not surprise me a bit if there were a few that make their way down to Table Rock. There are some people on the board who have even caught trout while fishing Table Rock, so nothing would surprise me.
  11. Or arrow flies?
  12. I love to teach kids how to fish! Pass it on......I think all of us remember who taught us how to fish. For some it wasn't even their parents. I get more joy out of helping kids fish than catching fish myself.
  13. Regardless of if you float or sink in waders, a belt will keep the cold water from rushing down the waders which essentially paralyzes your legs when the water is cold enough. Any duck hunter out there knows the feeling of going over your waders and having the water hit your man parts. Chills go up your spine! The water in Tanney is cold, but it is nothing close to the temperatures experienced while duck hunting. REgardless, I always wear my wader belt.
  14. This is the reason I ALWAYS wear a wader belt! It saves lives when the S**T hits the fan. An extra $15 can save your life.
  15. You know life is funny.... what is legal is not always safe and what is safe is not always legal. I got into it on the Table Rock board for telling people they should follow the speed limit and light laws. So, I will just say that a little bit of common courtesy goes a long way. gunner.
  16. I hear the catfishing is great. The whites, crappie, and bass aren't biting for me.
  17. Thanks! I was crappie fishing and had very poor luck.
  18. I went to Bagnell last night. It was very poor.
  19. Safe is all anyone could ever ask for.
  20. Thanks! I love x-raps! It seems like it's still old hat (the same) down there. This is great, because we use to murder them (to clarify all released, but still a good expression) on hard baits.
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