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cofobasser's Achievements

Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. Had a great morning on the lake. 30 or so fish with around 10 keeps. Throwing a fluke in the bushes. Kicker weighed 6.3. Best five about 19 lbs.
  2. its Bobby Loyd, who else?

  3. If I were you I would just quit fishing....
  4. Cant wait to weigh in a bad of big lake O bass on that trailer at the end of the month.
  5. Hey man, me and my dad have been doing this with our spinning reels for a while and it saves money. We fill up the spool just a little bit then take tape and wrap it around the line, then just spool on the rest with what we are going to use.
  6. I would concentrate on school because i know how much fishing can become a priority and the end results are not good. Just concentrate on your test and think about fishing later.
  7. MST, sounds like a fun day for sure. I think that you did the right thing by going to forsyth. The guy who gave you some spots to hit is a smart guy, you should listen to him cuz he knows what he is talking about. lol. Na you guys did good.
  8. I dont know what part of the country you are from but If you can wait till the end of the month,(or in some locations march), you can find a great deal on a higher priced reel or rod at the Bass Pro spring fishing classic. If I was in your position, I would wait and get a higher quality rod or reel for less expense. I would look at the Abu Garcia Revo. I have a few of the "cheapest" ones that they make and I don't know if I will ever go to anything else. I absolutely love this reel. It has a smaller profile than most of the ones on the market and this allows it to fit perfectly in the palm of my hand, it is also a light weight reel and has a great drag system. Also at the spring classic, they run great deals on bass pro brand products. One of the rods that I would recommend is the Bass Pro Extreme, the 6'6 med/heavy is a great rod that will allow you to throw anything you want. Keep in mind that a 6'6 med hvy is not the best rod to throw a dd 22 on but it can. I hope this helps out. cofobasser
  9. SAM, just sayin... It takes less time for me to run there than to drive there and not that much gas. I wasn't going after trout, I was trying to target bass. As for the docks, I idle past the major resort docks and even some fisherman where the lake is more narrow. Down past branson it does not hurt the docks at all. I respect docks and the dock owners because my family ownes one on table rock. Thanks for the helpfull info but I know how to be respectfull to docks. Just sayin..... As for my trip, the bass where hard to come by on the main lake, most of the larger coves are frozen over. Did catch a trout on a jerk bait but that was it.
  10. Thanks for the info. I found a private ramp that I can use right above lilly's, but I am going down to rockaway to go after some bass. I have never really fished taney at all, except from docks. I am mostley a bass guy on the bigger lakes, but I thought it would be a challenge to go down and try to catch some bass this winter down there.
  11. I have not fished taney from a boat before and was wandering what I need to look out for if I want to run from Lookout to Rockaway area. And i have a 140 evinrude that runs 53, how long should it take. Thanks for the help
  12. MST Student, As far as fishing goes you should listen to your buddy back home. He is a great fisherman and will also be fishing LOZ in march. I think he showed you all the colors mentioned above the last time he saw you. What a guy. lol
  13. I had the pleasure of meeting Dick through the Branson Bass Club. He was a great guy to be around and his wife is the same. He always made time to talk to a college kid about fishing and I really apreciate that. He was a great member of the club and a great fisherman. My prayers go out to sue and his family.
  14. My take is that people have been fishing these bed fish for years and years and our fishery has not sufferd one bit. I also agree that people who are catching these fish on shakey heads, jigs, and more than anything split shot, are pulling cruisers and fish off of the beds this time of year. Its not un ethical at all.
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