I dont know what part of the country you are from but If you can wait till the end of the month,(or in some locations march), you can find a great deal on a higher priced reel or rod at the Bass Pro spring fishing classic. If I was in your position, I would wait and get a higher quality rod or reel for less expense. I would look at the Abu Garcia Revo. I have a few of the "cheapest" ones that they make and I don't know if I will ever go to anything else. I absolutely love this reel. It has a smaller profile than most of the ones on the market and this allows it to fit perfectly in the palm of my hand, it is also a light weight reel and has a great drag system. Also at the spring classic, they run great deals on bass pro brand products. One of the rods that I would recommend is the Bass Pro Extreme, the 6'6 med/heavy is a great rod that will allow you to throw anything you want. Keep in mind that a 6'6 med hvy is not the best rod to throw a dd 22 on but it can. I hope this helps out.