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Everything posted by cahlert

  1. It looke like they boated to the island and waded out. I appreciate all the help. Looks like I'll be back in February and we can hook up...no pun intended.
  2. He was wading with a fly rod. Couldn't tell hair color. I'd say he was about medium height. Not sure about the accent as I'm originally from St. Louis now living in Arkansas, but i can say it wasn't southern. Appreciate the help.
  3. I was fishing Saturday at lookout island (12/30) where a guide with a client fishing off the island toward the walk in at Pointe Royale; any idea who that might be. I was impressed with his teaching skills, patience and philosophy about fishing and how to catch fish. From what I saw it worked. I'd be interested in booking an outing the next time I visit. Thanks for any help.
  4. I wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas.
  5. I've had pretty good luck with sculpin/ginger, olive, and sculpin wading from lookout to just past andy's house. More takes closer to shore. 1/100 on a fly rod. Keep the rod tip high and vary the length and frequency of stripping. Lilleys seems the place to go to for jigs.
  6. I appreciate the suggestions and help. Look forward to taking your ideas on the water.
  7. Will be staying at Pointe Royale in a couple of weeks and have never fished that part of the lake. Looking upstream from the walk in area looks like it could be promising; not sure what down stream holds, but I'm thinking it may be a little deep. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I don't want to be standing where I should be fishing. Tight Lines
  8. My fishing buddy's father has been diagnosed with Spinal Cancer. A retired long haul driver living in Batesville and an avid trout fisherman. Been on the annual boys weekend fishing trip with him for the past 6 years. Please keep Loyd in your thoughts and prayers so that he may beat this thing. God Bless Chris
  9. Never fished in the winter, but Montauk is a nice place. Great for camping too.
  10. We're spending our second New years with you...be it that we're coming up on the weekend this year. Chris and Barbra
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