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Everything posted by moduck38834

  1. Finally made it to Taylor yesterday. Didn't catch any below the bridge but went way up past the power lines and got into a few. Ended up leaving w 5 decent sized fish...4 males and 1 female. Still early, but it is definitely ready to get real good soon! Most fish were caught in the larger eddies near strong current. And all were caught on rooster tails...didn't have a single grub fish
  2. Excellent...thanks for the info....going to head up at daylight and see if me and my 11 year old can make it happen.
  3. Think I can float a 14/36 w jet off the trailer there? Not worried about the current
  4. Has the water levels come up any at Taylor? Want to launch the jon boat there.
  5. Was a good float---would agree that it would make a better 3 day float, but it is doable in 2. Put in Thursday right after the storms rolled through, made it a mile or two past Twin bridges before setting up camp for the night. The smallmouth were insane through that stretch. Couldn't make myself put down the Powerbait Ribbontail grub in Pumpkinseed w/ Orange tail because it was working so well....Survived the thunderstorms early Friday morning and got started again.....fishing was just as good on day 2....once we hit the trout section though---it just wasn't the same. All the action from the smallies had me spoiled.....needless to say, the trout didn't cooperate. Either way, stopped, fished, cooled off, shore lunch, and was at Patrick around 5:30-6ish. Word of advice for those floating from Twin Bridges----watch out for that tree! There is one there in a bend that is going to kill someone if it isn't claimed by the river soon or cut...."The Falls" didn't give me near the adrenaline rush that one tree did! Also, one lesson learned---2 adults, a dog, coolers, and camping gear is a little to much weight even for a 17' canoe for the upper portions of that float----drug bottom weigh too much. Day two was no where near as bad since many of the beverages had been consumed, and food, etc was depleted. Made for a much better float! Thanks to you guys for the responses, even if it was a bit too late. Oh, and yes, Can't wait to throw a wart through there too!
  6. Hey everyone, just looking for a bit of info(feel free to pm me details if you want to keep it out of public view). We are headed down for a 2 day float starting Thursday. Any fishing reports anyone would be willing to share? Have never floated the river before, and curious about color selections. Will not be fly fishing, so spinning tackle only. Any help would be great! Thanks everyone, Chris
  7. Flood warnings earlier today for the Big Sac I know....but didn't go today myself. Was there yesterday when the lightning and hail started in. Caught a few right before the front really hit, and then got out of there since I was in the kayak. A few sows, mostly bucks....and a nice crappie! I'd say this weekend will be the weekend to be out with these temps this week. Hope you did well if you got out....
  8. There are several with purple backs....are you looking for more of a shad pattern or is it the clear bait like the Pro Blue. If it is clear, the closest ones would be Skeleton Tennessee(which I am sold out of)....otherwise, you could use Pro Green, which is actually identical to the Pro Blue except when the natural light hits the back, the green becomes purple tinted---very unique bait. If I had to guess though, you are talking about Skeleton TN. Elegy bone looks almost identical to this, except it has the solid chartreuse belly. Hope my descriptions help. Chris
  9. Fishing Stockton, right now the top sellers are Nanko Reaction and M Shad.....M Shad has been one of the top producers as of last week. If I had to pick basic colors for the lake.....my personal selection would go as follows: Nanko Reaction M Shad Tenn Shad Elegy Bone HT-Ito Wakasagi Ito Natural Table Rock SP All of those colors have their time and place on every lake here.....but don't be afraid to throw anything from Trout to that GG Bass that was mentioned above....even the good old Pro Blue works..... There are a lot of these colors that are just amazing colors. I do not own all of them personally, but there are some that I just simply can't imagine them not working extremely well around here....and some of those are the colors that guys are just starting to pick up---like the Trouts and GG Bass, Gill, etc.....people are starting to diversify their selections, and it is starting to pay off---as we saw at the FLW. Chris
  10. I wish I didn't have to sell them at the $25 dollar range personally! Talk about a great bait though. And we definitely have the best color selection around. Thought I would let you guys know we were here in case you were looking for them. And as to the Gas---trust me, when it costs over $80 to fill the truck up I know exactly what you mean. Hope it gets better soon, but think it is highly unlikely. Tight Lines guys.... Chris
  11. Hey guys, new to the Beaver Lake forum so please don't take this as spam.....just trying to help you guys find some of the colors you may be looking for down there right now. Here is what I have in 110's $24.99ea Black Back Stardust Elegy Bone French Pearl French Pearl SD GG Bass GG Clown GG Deadly Black Shad GG Flashing Wakasagi GG Gill GG Hasu GG Megabass Kinkuro GG Perch GG Smallmouth Bass GG IL-Tennessee Shad GG Trout OB GG Wakasagi GP Crystal Shad GP Pro Blue GP Pro Blue 2 GP Pro Green GP Skeleton Tenn GP Stain Reaction GS Biwa-Higai GW Stealth Flash Hachiro Reaction HT Ayu Orange Belly HT Hakone Wakasagi HT Ito Wakasagi HT-Ito Tennessee Shad IL Tamamushi OB Ito Natural M Champagne Kinkuro M Chart Back M Cosmic Shad M Hot Shad M KBG M RB-Shad M Shad M TNG Megabass Sexy Shad MG Stardust Shad MG Wakasagi MHS Nanko Reaction PM Setsuki Ayu Spawn Killer Table Rock SP Triple Illusion Twilight Secret Wagin Ayu Wagin Hasu Wagin Hasu II Wagin Kawamutsu Wagin Oikawa Wakin Ayu I also have the Silent Riser 110's in stock as well at $27.99ea Feel free to give us a call, shop the site, or just stop by if you are in the area. Tight lines to all of you! Sportsmans Factory Outlet Chris, Sportsmans Factory Outlet, 2333 E Bennett, Springfield, MO 65804....417-881-1635
  12. Ken, thanks for the order.....and guys, just give us a call if you aren't local. Just ask Ken....we will make sure you are taken good care of.
  13. Hey guys, just wanted to bring this back to the top since the FLW win at Beaver. Know many of you have been in the store already, and I sincerely appreciate it. I hope you guys are enjoying having us in your back yard! And yes, the 110's are Slow Floats(or Suspending in US terms), and the Silent Risers are a floating bait with no rattles whatsoever....however, oversize the hooks and use a dot to get them to suspend and you have a deadly combination! Best of luck to you guys out there! Please help pass the word for us..... Oh and Mill Creek guys....more Black Emerald Big Critter Craws are in stock now! $3.19 bag while supplies last! Tight Lines, Chris
  14. Ken, good talking to you and thanks....they should be leaving the building in a few minutes headed your way. Chris
  15. Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that we got our shipment of Megabass 110's in yesterday...here is a complete color listing for those interested....Good luck and be safe out there! 110's are $24.99ea Black Back Stardust Elegy Bone French Pearl French Pearl SD GG Bass GG Clown GG Deadly Black Shad GG Flashing Wakasagi GG Gill GG Hasu GG Megabass Kinkuro GG Perch GG Smallmouth Bass GG IL-Tennessee Shad GG Trout OB GG Wakasagi GP Crystal Shad GP Pro Blue GP Pro Blue 2 GP Pro Green GP Skeleton Tenn GP Stain Reaction GS Biwa-Higai GW Stealth Flash Hachiro Reaction HT Ayu Orange Belly HT Hakone Wakasagi HT Ito Wakasagi HT-Ito Tennessee Shad IL Tamamushi OB Ito Natural M Champagne Kinkuro M Chart Back M Cosmic Shad M Hot Shad M KBG M RB-Shad M Shad M TNG Megabass Sexy Shad MG Stardust Shad MG Wakasagi MHS Nanko Reaction PM Setsuki Ayu Spawn Killer Table Rock SP Triple Illusion Twilight Secret Wagin Ayu Wagin Hasu Wagin Hasu II Wagin Kawamutsu Wagin Oikawa Wakin Ayu Sportsmans Factory Outlet, 2333 E Bennett, Springfield, MO 65802....417-881-1635
  16. "Natures's Images (at Bass Pro) did a walleye mount replica for me, and it is ...very, very nice... Can't tell you prices.......A 30 inch walleye was about $239.00 plus this and that...... " I second that one....He does the best around, however he is not with BPS anymore, but did do a lot of them for BPS.....He is over West of Glenstone on Kearney on the North side of the street. Give him a call....he's a busy man, but he takes a LOT of pride in his work. Chris
  17. Colors in 110's: Black Back Stardust; Elegy Bone; GG Bass; GG Gill; GG Hasu; GG Perch; GG Trout OB; GP Pro Blue 2; GP Skeleton TN; Gp Stain Reaction; HT Hakone Wakasagi; HT-Ito Tennessee Shad; Ito Natural; M RB-Shad; M Shad; M TNG; Megabass Sexy Shad(MSS); Table Rock; Wagin Ayu; Wagin Hasu; Wagin Wawamutsu; Wagin Oikawa; Wakin Ayu; Wakin React; M KBG; M Hot Shad; Nanko Reaction, Triple Illusion, MG Stardust Shad; GG Megabass Kinkuro; MHS; Hachiro Reaction; M-KBG Colors in Silent Risers(and guys you need to check these out---wow!): :NC Megabass Kinkuro; NC Crystal Shad; NC Sunset ProBlue; NC Flashing Chart; NC Lime Chart; NC Pro Blue Blood; NC Blue Back Reaction; NC Twilight Chart Back; NC Cosmic Back Elegy Bone and Ito Natural are going FAST and I will not have more in until mid to end of January.....have enough to make it through next week I think.... Thought it might help if I listed the colors for you.....either way, it's worth looking at them....I'm a kid in a candy store myself right now!!! Again, Happy Holidays Guys/Gals......we will be closed for the Holidays Dec 24th and Dec 31st, Otherwise we will be open 9-6 the rest of the week. Chris 417-881-1635
  18. Gentlemen, and ladies as well, just giving you the heads up that we just got a large shipment of 110's and Silent Risers. Approx 30 colors of 110's and 9 colors of the Silent Riser. 110's are 27.99ea, and Silent Risers are $29.99 ea. Come by the store and look at these beautiful baits! Happy Holidays to you guys, and thanks so much for the support this year! Chris Sportsmans Factory Outlet 2333 E Bennett Springfield, MO 65804 417-881-1635 Hopefully this picture will be attached when I hit post!
  19. Thanks Phil, just always feel a bit like it's walking a fine line and don't want to respect everyones rights on the forums. A lot of forums out there won't let you do those things. So thank you. And if there is anything we can help you out with in the future Phil for your shop down there, let me know....be glad to help you in any way we can. Chris
  20. Hey guys, just wanted to let you all know that we are running a sale here at the store. 20% off your entire purchase today and tomorrow! We close at 7PM today and will be open again tomorrow from 8AM-5PM. Lots of rods, reels, baits, misc hunting gear, camping supplies, etc. For those of you that have already been in---thanks for your business....for those that haven't---feel free to talk to those that have! We have TONS to choose from with LOTS more coming in the next few weeks! Thanks everyone, and Happy Holidays! Sportsman's Factory Outlet 2333 E. Bennett Springfield, MO 65804 417-881-1635 P.S......if this is not in the appropriate place, or is taken as SPAM, I do apologize. Not meant to be, just wanted to let you guys know that it will be our biggest sale of the year!
  21. Got them in stock fellas....as you know, first come first serve, while quantities last! Thought I'd let you boys know! Have a good day! Chris Sportsmans Factory Outlet 2333 E. Bennett Soringfield, MO 65804 417-881-1635
  22. Nah Flytyer, bought it bc it was worth what I sold it for, and for the record, I ain't ticked off at ya or anything, it's just common courtesy to say those things in a PM instead of publicly. You'd understand if someone told you yours was worth only $500 when you sold it for $1200, just a courtesy issue more than anything...it's swept under the rug.......And Amish Bill, I was in the office when you stopped by.....just couldn't get out to come introduce myself. Wish I could have, would have been good to meet you. BTW, we are at about 30% of what the store will be in all. Been exciting to watch it continue to grow with minimal to no advertising. Keeps us busy enough these days that's for sure.
  23. I just find it hilarious when people add their .02 in on something a guy's trying to sale when they have no interest at all in it. And as to what he gave up, yeah, he took a bath---wonder why anyone would give up that stuff for that price?! Sounds like it must have been ragged out. Anyway, I'll let you know if it doesn't move this week, but with the amount of people I've had looking at it, I figure it will. BTW, in Springfield, but fish LOZ every chance I get. Love night fishing that lake! Besides, it's almost duck season----a 14x36 and a 9.9 is the rig of choice for the duck parks unless you're running a layout boat! Take it easy!
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