Since I'm at the Pro Bass I could use the machine any time, but DON'T... I can't believe people pay top dollar for reels and line and then have us wrap it around their spool at 150mph rather than take it home and use the proper care to get ready for fishing.
The only way to spool line properly is by placing a pencil between your first and second toes on each foot with the spool spinning on the pencil. For spinning reels have the line come up from under the spool toward the reel and for baitcasters have it come up over the top towards the reel. To keep tension on the line I put a sock on whichever hand I'm not reeling with and pinch the line between my thumb and forefinger. Don't overfill... at LEAST 1/4" from the lip is good.
This sounds quirky and crazy, I know... but one of my favorite evenings of the year is when sometime in late winter I bring home my first round of line for the year, get down all the rods from the rack and respool the whole bunch while thinking about all the fish I'm going to try to catch in the upcoming months. The only problem is my toes start to cramp up after about six reels!!!!