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ozark flyflinger

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Everything posted by ozark flyflinger

  1. NuCanoe for me. Very practical and stealthy.
  2. Hi I am interested in the Wilcox midge. Not familiar with this one. Please post a recipe and picture if you have it. Thanks
  3. Please post your recipe for the ruby midge. Thanks
  4. Would like to see your recipe for the Ruby Midge. Thanks
  5. What is your favorite Stone Fly Nymph (pattern) for fishing the Current ?????
  6. Just wondering what is your favorite Stone Fly Nymph (pattern) when fishing the North Fork of the White ????
  7. Montauk is a put and take fishery, Let them take stocker rainbows. My vote is release all Brown trout inside the trout park............... This treasure must be preserved, let the meat hunters stay in the park..............
  8. Does anyone have a recipe the Sex Dungeon Streamer ????????????
  9. My vote is for the Renzetti Traveler. A great vise, I have been tying on mine for many years. Never a problem. Never heard of anyone unhappy with a Renzetti. Rotary is the only way to tie. Let us know which vise you chose.
  10. Anyone familar with a pattern called Kates Turkey ??????
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