I read through this post this morning, and was thinking, these guys have some great ideas. My only question would be, who's going to enforce the laws. Water Patrol is never around. My opinion is this, they only want the big busts. But, who wouldn't. Giving warning tickets is a joke in my book. If they wouldn't act like idiots then their weekend wouldn't get ruined. It's no different on our highways. People know that nothing is going to happen, so they do what they want, when they want, and to whoever they want. Being new to trout/fly fishing and being retired I'm able to fish during the week. But you folks that can only get out on weekends, I feel for you.
As far as the 2 bozos at the boat ramp, I believe it's still against the law here in Missouri, to threaten someone. And someone asking you if you're going to do something about it, to me seems like that's reason enough to call the cops. Once again not that they're going to do anything, but it might be worth a try. I'm sure if you told the 911 operator that if they try anything else or say anything else threatening I'm getting out my gun. That would surely would get them there in a quick hurry. I see no reason why us fisherman have to be "abused" by weekend warriors that think they own the water.