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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. email address change

  2. SOLD Thanks Roger
  3. Selling my XD 45. plus everything I have related to it. This gun is in excellent condition. Comes with the following: Original Hard Case, which includes Holster, Mag Holster, Easy Loader, Lock, and Cleaning Brush 4 Mags all Springfield Armory Lee Dies 100 230 gr Remington Bullets Brass I don't know how many but a guess would be maybe 2-300 960 Winchester Large Pistol Primers AMMO: 100 rds Winchester FMJ 100 rds Fiocchi FMJ 121 rds RWS FMJ 26 rds PMC FMJ For a total of 347 RDS. These are all 230 gr. I do have pictures but they won't load. (too big I guess) Send me your email and I'll send what I have. Serious inquires ONLY. I don't have time to sit here and send pictures to everybody on here. I'll leave this on here for one week and then I'm putting it on GunBroker. $700.00 CASH ONLY..... WILL NOT SEPARATE Price some of this stuff and you'll see this is a very fair price. Call 417-299-1160
  4. O/U 12 gauge in excellent condition. Remington Model SPR310. $300.00_____SOLD .300 WinMag is Model 770 Remington, camo with Bushnell 3x9 scope. Includes case and shoulder strap. This gun has been shot just 16 times. Also throw in 2 full boxes of Ammo and 1 partial. $300.00 Also have a Marlin Model 336cs 30-30 lever action rifle with a scope. Comes with a case and whatever ammo I have. $275.00____________________________________________SOLD I don't know how you put pictures on here but I can send them by email or text. PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL OR TEXT BECAUSE YOU LIKE TO LOOK AT PICTURES. Send email address to 417-299-1160 or send PM thru this site. Thanks
  5. Thanks for the replys. I think I'll try one for a half day first. I just can't decide whether I want to go to Taneycome or the White River in Ar. Any suggestions there?
  6. Is it normal to "tip" a guide for their services? Last guide I hired didn't deserve the 200 bucks I gave him.
  7. I've been to River Run a couple times. Real helpful folks in there. I was hoping to find a shop a little closer that might have what I need in a pinch. I did go to Backcountry, it's ok but I was looking for something more. I'll just have to make a list and when I get done fishing I'll go to River Run and get what I need. Thanks for the help/advice.
  8. Is there any fly shops in Springfield, other then BPS?
  9. I read through this post this morning, and was thinking, these guys have some great ideas. My only question would be, who's going to enforce the laws. Water Patrol is never around. My opinion is this, they only want the big busts. But, who wouldn't. Giving warning tickets is a joke in my book. If they wouldn't act like idiots then their weekend wouldn't get ruined. It's no different on our highways. People know that nothing is going to happen, so they do what they want, when they want, and to whoever they want. Being new to trout/fly fishing and being retired I'm able to fish during the week. But you folks that can only get out on weekends, I feel for you. As far as the 2 bozos at the boat ramp, I believe it's still against the law here in Missouri, to threaten someone. And someone asking you if you're going to do something about it, to me seems like that's reason enough to call the cops. Once again not that they're going to do anything, but it might be worth a try. I'm sure if you told the 911 operator that if they try anything else or say anything else threatening I'm getting out my gun. That would surely would get them there in a quick hurry. I see no reason why us fisherman have to be "abused" by weekend warriors that think they own the water.
  10. I have the border lakes license. Can I fish the White River below Bull Shoals or does my license stop at Bull Shoals Dam? What I read on MDC's site is confusing.
  11. I'm going to throw my .02 in here. In my opinion the only reason that trackers sell is people are ate up with Bass Pro Shop. Thats why the resale is where it is. I was there years and years ago. Thought I just had to have a tracker boat. Then, I grew a brain. Look at the quality of the boat (if you can find any). When a company sets a brand new boat on their showroom floor and its dented where ever there's a rivet, somethings wrong with QC. Look at the carpet, hinges, and as was said the cheap electronics. I'd be embarrassed to sell such a piece of junk. But, on the other hand, if you need to run a boat because BPS sells it go for it. I hope you get one that was built in the middle of the week.
  12. What's the smallest caliber handgun you'd use on feral hogs? Would my 45ACP do?
  13. Is there a website that shows the lake in detail? All I can find is a google map. I'd like to see the depth and contour. Thanks
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