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Hey looks like maybe 1 generator at a time again - for a decent period of time ! Hope this continues _________________________________________________________________________ Greers Ferry Lake Top Flood Pool: 487.0 Little Red River Top Power Pool: 461.3 (GRRA4) Bottom Power Pool: 435.0 Turbine Time Elevation Tailwater Release Generation Date CS/CDT (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (cfs) (mwh) __________________________________________________________________________ 16JUL2008 0300 468.83 273.28 3428 41 16JUL2008 0400 468.82 273.18 3428 41 16JUL2008 0500 468.80 273.17 3428 41 16JUL2008 0600 468.78 273.16 3476 42 16JUL2008 0700 468.79 275.48 5588 80 16JUL2008 0800 468.78 275.83 5684 82 16JUL2008 0900 468.75 275.90 5732 83 16JUL2008 1000 468.74 276.00 5732 83 16JUL2008 1100 468.73 275.95 5732 82 16JUL2008 1200 468.71 275.95 5780 83 16JUL2008 1300 468.68 277.58 7100 106 16JUL2008 1400 468.67 277.69 7124 106 16JUL2008 1500 468.65 277.78 7124 106 16JUL2008 1600 468.62 277.80 7148 106 16JUL2008 1700 468.61 277.77 7124 106 16JUL2008 1800 468.59 277.78 7124 106 16JUL2008 1900 468.57 277.80 7124 106 16JUL2008 2000 468.55 277.76 7124 105 16JUL2008 2100 468.55 276.90 6356 93 16JUL2008 2200 468.53 276.80 6212 90 16JUL2008 2300 468.50 276.84 6236 92 16JUL2008 2400 468.49 273.94 3692 46 17JUL2008 0100 468.51 273.48 3428 40 17JUL2008 0200 468.49 273.20 3428 41 17JUL2008 0300 468.46 274.10 3980 52 17JUL2008 0400 468.47 273.25 3428 41 17JUL2008 0500 468.45 273.14 3428 41 17JUL2008 0600 468.45 273.15 3476 42 17JUL2008 0700 468.43 276.35 5972 87 17JUL2008 0800 468.41 277.61 7244 107 17JUL2008 0900 468.39 277.86 7364 110 17JUL2008 1000 468.38 276.34 6164 89 17JUL2008 1100 468.37 277.82 7220 108 17JUL2008 1200 ---- ---- ---- ---- 17JUL2008 1300 ---- ---- ---- ---- 17JUL2008 1400 ---- ---- ---- ----
I would suggest taking a look at the all metal , disc drag, Hobbs Creek Large Arbor Fly Reels $39.99 - from BassPro Shop
Though I post back... where I finally landed after lots of great advise & getting to try a lot of rods & a lot of research. I ended up casting at the AFF FF 101 basic clinic, a Sage SLT 9' 5wt 4 peice & feel in love with it... didn't really need this much of a reel or rod for that matter... but ended up getting going for it... paired with an Orvis Battenkill II Large Arbor reel loaded with SA GPX wf-5-f & backing. I think I got a real good deal on this package... all new with lifetime warranty $435 for everything. Thanks again for everyone that posted back & help me in the learning curve, now I can't wait to start fishing with my new setup !
soggyfeet - It's a deal ! Click below to see pic of my bass boat... http://www.sierratradingpost.com/p/,70791_...Gold_Float_Tube
Thanks Dano for pointing me to the AFF club - I attended the fly fishing basic 101 class they held last Saturday - I got to cast about 6 or 7 different rod brands and talk a lot about the sport, learned a lot too... last night I attended their monthy meeting (held the 3rd Monday of each month) & joined the club ! Have met a very nice bunch of guys & gals that are more than willing to share their vast knowledge with a newbie fly fisherman Would highly recommend to anyone else interested !!!
Well I made it out to The Ozark Angler at lunch today, got to try out a couple of rods and am really glad I did. First let me preface this report back, by saying two things... today was the first time in my life I have ever casted a fly rod & the second is I am glad I found this forum & the advise I have received for the forum members in this thread! The 1st rod I got to try was one that I though would be most like the G-loomis Experience 4wt fast action rod, I though I was most interesteded in, it was a Sage 590 Launch 5wt 9' (was described to me as a fast action rod, thought I can't really tell if this is the case by look at the website now) & the second was Orvis Clearwater II 865 Mid 6.5 flex 8'6" 5wt. I only spent about 5 mins casting each of these rods... I was able to cast the Sage about 30-35' about one in every 5 or 6 tries, the rest of the time I was using my wrist to much I was told or had my timing off & trying to throw it to hard or to slow... and the line piled up out in front of me about 15 feet out, being I have fished all my life & consider myself to be a proficient bass angler... it was somewhat humbling ... but I was happy that I could cast the rod & though I might have even been able to cast to where I could have caught a fish if they were in a feeding frenzy. The second rod I tried the cheaper Clearwater II rod, I actually casted it better than the Sage to my surprise, I was able to cast it 35-40' like maybe 4 out of every 6 cast or so... Not sure what all to make of this... but I am now thinking... I really do need to start out with a 5wt rod & not a fast action one. I am not sure how much of the differences I was seeing was related to flex & how much could be related to thr rod length, I am assuming the action had the most to do with it. I am still interested in G-loomis rods, I am now going to look into a GL3-FR1085-2 Classic 5wt. 9' in a MedFast and I am going to get to try this rod once it comes in too, before I made my decision. Anyone have any input on the GL3 series? The main reason I got interested in G Loomis fly rods was the sales rep I met at Arkansas Rod & Reel (this is really a bass store here in Little Rock that sells a few fly rods), the young man I met worked at the The Ozark Angler for a number of year & I have heard nothing but good things about him, I was told when he was younger he won a state wide contest for flyrod casting distance (108') & he also won the accuracy casting catagory too, anyway he seems to know a lot & taught casting for several years for The Ozark Angler... and more importantly he said he is willing to spend a couple of hours teaching me. Having read the above... if anyone was interested enough or kind enough to follow all this... and you have any more seasoned advice or thoughts to post, it would be very much welcomed - thxs glenn
Ok - I live in Little Rock Arkansas, where can I find a shop that will let me try out some fly rods? The only one I know of is the Orvis shop in Little Rock, I did visit there the other day just browsing on my lunch hour, I didn't ask if I could try out a rod because they only have one rod in the $200 starting price range, the Orvis Clearwater II and no one so far has recommended this as the best rod for the price. I would love to try some other brands but I have no idea where can I find a find shop that has several brands of rods that I could try? Where is everyone going to try out rods in Arkansas & what brands of rods should I expect to get to try out when I get there? I guess this is going to call for a road trip...
Cody - thanks much for the great post - I think I almost got it now Am I correct then that to be able to find finding wadable water you then need the FT-MSL to be at or near 266 feet? Only a couple more questions... can a good fly fishing guide, fishing out of a boat, normally put their clients on fish with both Generators are running wide open? What about when only one Generator is running wide open at 3500 CFS? What is the maximum CFS you like to see for the best chances at having a successful fly fishing boat trip?
Can anyone provide me a simple explanation on how to use this chart... as to how it relates to ones chances on catching trout Fly Fishing both wading & fishing from a boat on the little red? Below are the headings... and one line from the report Greers Ferry Lake Top Flood Pool: 487.0 Little Red River Top Power Pool: 461.3 (GRRA4) Bottom Power Pool: 435.0 Turbine Time Elevation Tailwater Release Generation Date CS/CDT (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (cfs) (mwh) 7APR2008 0300 485.81 271.67 2660 40 fyi - you can click on the below link to see the complete chart... the link below works... but when I put it into a post... it does not show up as the exact url ? so you can't cut & paste it into a browser... just fyi http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/WCDS/Repo...ata/Greersf.htm
I think you might be right there... if I start out with a G-Loomis 4wt, (not the best all around weight like the 5wt), I will already have an excuse to pick rod #2 I found a like new... never used Orvis Zero Gravity 9' 6wt, 4 piece, tip flex 10.5 at less than 1/2 new price with warranty card... anyone like this rod & weight as a 2nd rod choice if I start off with a 4wt as my 1st rod? A 4wt and a 6wt should be a good start on trout fishing... right Knowing what you know now... if you were starting out & were going to buy two rods for trout fishing, what two weights would you select? I am going to try to find some rods to try out before I buy one ... if I can ... in Little Rock the only place I know of that might let me try some is the Orvis shop, this Saturday I am going to go to a fly fishing 101 basics seminar put on AFF, maybe I might get to try a rod or two there, not sure though...
Clay - as a consumer... I will reply with one thought that is very appealing to me in a fly rod manufactuer... That is a 100% No Fault Warrantee with a Lifetime Guarantee - No questions asked, with maybe one stipulation, that being the buyers agrees to pay to send the rod back with maybe something like a $20.00 to $25.00 fee for processing/handling & return shipping cost.
Nope... never casted a fly rod in my life... don't even know how... yet Here was my thinking... knowing you can spend from $50 to $1000 on a rod ... or more... I just wanted to invest in a reasonably priced ( I know this is a relative term) quality setup to start with, that I could e-bay for a $100 loss, once I learn more & if I want to trade up in to something else or just keep it was a backup. I have two vacations already booked & paid for coming up into the next two months & am hoping to start the process of learning to fly fish. The first is a cabin for 8 days on the little red river for the last week of May (I know the river might make it to where I can't fly fish...at all, but I booked this vacation months ago). I am hoping to hire a guide for 2 or 3 days to take me out and teach me to fly fishing & I am wanted to get a rod & reel & start learning the basics before I hit the river in a boat with a guide. I have a great opportunity to receive some personal instructional lessons from a local guy that helped me pick out this rod & reel combination that use to work for Orvis & gave lesson for them for several years... I am really looking forward to this & getting a great fundamental base for learning the art of casting from day one! The second trip I have already booked & paid for is to Palm Beach Florida for 14 days in June & I have always spent a lot of time in south Florida hiring charter guides to take me deep sea fishing & diving, but this year I am going to hire some guides to take me fly fishing, both salt water & inshore flats & the back country everglades... if I wash out on being able to fish the Little Red the last week of May, the Florida trip will be my 1st ever fly fishing. I also plan to go this Saturday to a basic Fly Fishing 101 seminar beinh held by AFF (Arkansas Fly Fishers) I have been fishing all my life but never learned to fly fish. So any help will be very welcome. thanks glenn
I am about to buy my 1st fly rod, I have a pending offer on a new G-Loomis Xperience 9ft, 4-wt, model FR1084-4 (rod taper fast/action med-stiff) My questions is am I going wrong with selecting a 4-wt rather than a 5-wt for my 1st fly rod? I will only be using this rod to trout fish with, primarily on the Little Red & occasionally on the White. I have a chance to order this rod new with a new Hobbs Creek Large Arbor reel model HC1R, loaded with Sientific Anglers WF4 floating fly line & backing for a total price of $325. Your thoughs on this deal? I also have the option of selecting a G-Loomis Venture Model 3 reel for an additionl $60, would this be worth the aditional dollars for someone new to the sport? and one last question... in your opinion would I be smart to select a better fly line, like maybe Rio to starting out with or should the Sientific Anglers line be good enough to learn with?
Hi everyone - just found this great forum ! Am in the process of planning a vacation last week May, have booked a cabin right on the banks of the little red river near libby shoal for 7 days of fishing & relaxing. I am wanting to learn how to fly fishing & I am hoping to find someone that would be willing to teach a complete novice newbie. I have bass fished for 20 years (always practice catch & release) & have always wanted wanted to learn how to fly fish as my late father use to fly fish in colorado & try his own flies back in the 50's. What should I expect to be able to accomplish in 7 days ? My hope is to buy my 1st fly fishing rod, reel & whatever else is the necessary startup gear (any suggestions here) & have someone teach me how to cast & hopfully catch some trout, take some pictures & release them to fight another day - can anyone point me in the right direction ! Any suggestions will be much appreciated. thxs, glenn (wgmcnatt@aol.com) PS - I live in North Little Rock & if I can learn how to fly fish, I can see myself selling my bass boat & getting into fly fishing.