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Bobber Dude

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  1. $50 (10 TOTAL) 2 OF EACH 5 DIFFERENT SIZES 2" and 2.5" Bullet Bobbers 3" and 4" Prowler Planers 6" DualFin Planers Send PM
  2. There is a contest for making changes in St Louis! I have submtted an idea and hope you will vote for it! I want to see fishing access areas improved near the Arch to pay homage to the rivier that made St Louis a place of importance, full of history tied to the river. http://www.rallystl.org/Ideas/Detail/1590
  3. I'll throw down that I made the best fishing system ever. http://planerboards.blogspot.com/ Slip rigged it is like fishing in barrel from a boat on a rope.
  4. Call it just another bobber and your right. Call it the world's smallest planer board and your right again. Call it the world's only fishing float that planes to the side and flips direction and your starting to get the idea. It is much more then another bobber. I'll throw down that I invented the best fishing invention that you can get for the price. This is my latest design. If you need help understanding why it is the best read my blog. http://planerboards.blogspot.com/
  5. I invented planing floats you can steer and join many forums and hope it is a not problem. It was an accidental invention and I just had to develop it but there is no way I can compete for marketing with well established companies. I can only hope that someday I can. I have been at this for 6 years and finally have a video to show the things the BulletBobber and DualFin can do. Best Fishes, Paul Lieb Cell 330 608-7539 BulletBobber Enterprises 3586 Wadsworth Rd. Norton, OH 44203 www.bulletbobber.com www.dualfin.com
  6. The BulletBobber has the best and most functions i.e. remote directional control. You can vote for them to be on walmart shelves and they will come down in price. http://www.bulletbobber.com/
  7. I haven't tried my folk art stunt lures yet but I did have a Bass hit a green/orange one 4 times. I sell the clear ones you can color with Sharpies. I don't know what to ask for the ones I painted/colored. It does take a while to do one because there are so many sides. It would propbably be cheaper to buy sharpies and clear ones from www.bulletbobber.com. The clear option shows up when you shop for the size you want. I really hope you'll give them a try - there isn't anything that comes close in number of unique functions you get with them.
  8. Ok - I invented the BulletBobber and am now trying to expnad into making lures. Here are my first 3 - rookie jobs. They could be considered collector items, folk art or .... I think they will look great from underwater looking up at'm. BulletBobbers are mini planer boards with direction control and travel 4" when you reel 1". Here are some of the things that they can do. They don't have hooks because you use a jig or even a weedless worm as enticer. Slip rigging them increases your chances of catching a fish. Let me know what you think - no foul language though! I feel no shame in using this forum and all forums should have one for little guys that can't afford advertising. Its Great. Paul Lieb www.bulletbobber.com
  9. My son and I make these in the garage and sell them for $15 each or 4 for $50 if your interested in a user friendly planer board. The feed back is so good we packaged them for retailers with UPC. I don't have any good footage so this was shot in my garage in my table top test pool. I also use the pool at tackle shows to demonstarte the BulletBobber. The experts in micro planer board technology! Paul & Jon Lieb plieb@neo.rr.com
  10. This should be of interest to spinning rod and centerpin fishermen. A float that uses the current to steer your bait or lure so you don't need to recast. It's called a BulletBobber
  11. I hope you won't call me a spammer if I tell you how to make something that I also sell. I invented "Castable mini Planer boards with On-Demand Directional Control" and call them Bulletbobbers. If you want to make your own all you need is a 4" x 2" x 1/4" thick piece of balsa or pine. Print this patern to scale, paste it on the board and cut it out. Here is what will look like when assembled. Drilling the hole is a little tricky and some weight may need to be added for best performance. This shows the back flip it will do when given a little tug by flicking your wrist. Here is a video that shows how it uses a current like a stunt kite uses the wind. You don't need to recats. http://www.bulletbobber.com/shorefishing.html I learned the hard way that advertising a low dollar item doesn't pay off so I provide the plans. I also learned that if I invent something I want to share it with everyone. If you have any questions about building them feel free to use my email or PM. I hope my invention makes your fishing a little more FUNctional!
  12. Check out this video - fishing in a river and no need to recast. I have tried them and they work great in slow and medium currents. They also work in ponds and lakes. http://www.bulletbobber.com/shorefishing.html
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