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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I've found Watts to be one of the more productive areas on the river when the conditions are right. Believe it or not, when they are only generating on one, that spot is made even better. The pools get a little deeper and the current becomes pristine. The last few times I've made it down, I've focused primarily south of the parking lot, past the "rock" island. I probably pulled out 20-30 fish the last time I was there, with a few lunkers. I'll be down tomorrow and Saturday with a buddy. If anyone makes it down there and sees a 20 something guy in a greenish Columbia shirt, hit me up!
  2. Is this wadeable? Me and some buddies have planned on going down to get some flies in the water but with the schedule like this is it even worth going? I know 40 is certainly not doable, so I was curious what half full generation is like. Thanks guys!
  3. Hey guys, I'm thinking about heading down tomorrow. The generation schedule is clear (as of now) so I was hoping to get some fishing in. Has anyone been on the past few days? How have the fish been acting? Are they still stocking despite the hot temps? Being the 4th weekend and all I'm sure it'll be crowded like crazy, but being on the water is better than not being on the water haha. Thanks in advance!
  4. Looking for some opinions on this. Knowing how much rain we've had recently, do you think they'll generate through the weekend? I'm trying to set up a trip to go fishing and if this is a probable thing then I think I'll head over to Roaring River. Thanks for the input!
  5. I'm going fishing tomorrow, and I checked this site for the schedule, http://www.swpa.gov/generationschedules.aspx, and it looks like they shouldn't be generating (we all know how that goes), but with the recent rain, I was wondering if you think they got all of the generating out of the way now and it'll be good tomorrow or am I getting my hopes up?
  6. Man that would be awesome if they did like a three round stock all at once. there would be PLENTY of fish to go around =) I'm just glad there will be fish back in that river. Now only if they'll keep the water down from here on out...
  7. Check this email out!! I asked the biologist for the Lower Illinois a question about the stocking and what not and this is what I get in return... Brice, we checked water temperatures in Tenkiller today and they were cool enough we anticipate stocking again November 19. By then the temperature should be cool enough the trout can make it. Gary Peterson This is great news and right in time for me to do some fishing over my Thanksgiving Break! Fish em' if you got em' boys!
  8. Hey guys, I'm wanting to take a trip around Thanksgiving to do some trout fishing around Tulsa. I know the Lower isn't stocking right now and I went to Broken Bow about a week ago and had fun. What's the closest place in maybe Missouri or AK? I've heard the White River is exceptional so that's definitely an option. Any input would be appreciated!
  9. Hey guys I might have a chance to head up to the White River around Thanksgiving. I'm from Tulsa and it would be my first time, so in other words, could someone fill me in on this place? Where to go? Best locations, flies, etc? Just wanting to make sure I get the best out of my trip. Also, around that time of the year, is the water usually up or is it wadable? Thanks in advance.
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