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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. I havent been down there much the last few years. Maybe one or 2 trips a year but I grew up down there and I can assure you I have lost at least one of eveything I own there.
  2. Bill (sportshop) and I made a spur of the moment trip up below Bagnell yesterday and we were pleasantly surprised. We fished less than 3 hours and ended up with 19 really nice whites and threw 2 back........ The key was SLOWWWWWWWW. We caught most on chartreuse swimming minnows. they were running just a little water and we were fishing about 12 ft...... Good luck all and lets really wack em in 09.
  3. Von what have you been catching your crappie on? I have been catching bunches of whites and Hybrids and a few crappie on 3 inch white sliders with a chartruse tail, (been cutting about a third of it off. )
  4. Three of us fished the tailrace last night from a boat. All I can say is WOW. Best trip of the spring so far. We got there about 5:30 and were off the water before dark with 3 limits of whites and Hybrids and 7 nice crappie. Almost forgot 1 Striper. Mostly caught on white and chartruse plastics. Hope everyone gets a chance to catch some this week. I dont know how long it will last but it is really on right now.
  5. Which way are you coming from on 7? Either way if you go to hwy 65 and turn north you will come to an exit by walmart that is maked as Truman dam access road. Take that down untill you see East Bledso ferry road. If you are bringing a boat or want to fish from the bank on the East side turn there. If you want to fish from the West side go across the dam and turn on the West Bledso ferry road. Hope that helps. There might be a shorter way if you are coming from North 7. I think you will come to a Truman dam access road on North 7 before you get to hwy 65 but I never come that way so am not sure. Good luck and there are really truned on up there right now,
  6. I talked to Vince yesterday. Sure hope you didnt put any scratches on his new boat Phil . He said it was a little rough finding the slot through the brush back to the truck.
  7. Was off on vacation all last week and finally made it to the Tailrace on Friday. Not a bad trip with the front moving in. Three of us left Marshfield about 8 am and I think the fish count was 28 whites, 2 hybrids and 4 very nice crappie. I wish we had been there a little earlier. When the front started pushing through things really fell off. The water temp was around 56 or 57... Some warmer water in the creek by the power lines below town but didnt find any fish up in it. By the looks of the boats and trucks I probably dont need to make this report as everyone in SW Missouri was probably already there . Hope everyone had a great weekend and made it to the water somewhere.
  8. Bryantsmallie. I work with Jeremy and trust me after a day at this place that is how everyone looks
  9. Sam you bring up an interesting issue..... you been spoiled by too many good crappie filets.....Hmmmm do you keep crappie that are full of eggs? I am not really pointing this at you. There just always seems to be someone very vocal about spawning fish of there faviorite species and many of those think nothing at all about keeping fish of another species that are spawning. The main thing to remember here is to enjoy the time on the water and not let someone else who is within there legal rights upset us and ruin a good spring fishing trip. Once again Sam the comment was not pointed at you. You just left the perfect opening
  10. Well I guess I am a sucker for punishment Started the afternoon yesterday at Bagnel. We didnt see much going on there. As a matter of fact we talked to the MDC creel survey lady and she had only had 3 boats come in with any fish at all ao we pulled out and headed back to Truman tailrace. fished a couple of hours with no luck. The water temp is right.... 50+ and they were running plenty of water but it sure has more color than I am used to for that area. Maybe a little too much Kansas mud. Anyway I know it is going to get right VERY soon but not yet for me....Hope everyone got out and enjoyed the nice weather this weekend weather you caught fish or not
  11. Von I know just how you feel. I drove up from Marshfield yesterday after reading Jens "good to Great" report. fished about 3 hours and caught 1 crappie and lost one fish....... HMMMMMM something must have changed pretty drasticly since Jen posted!!!!!!!!!!!!. Btw I fished all the way from the slack water side by the launch ramp to the creek below town. Water temp still around 48. the creek below town was 50 but that was the only place.
  12. My wife and I made a run up to the Dam on Saturday. It sure was a beautifull day on the water but that is about all the good I have to report. Water temp 38. They were running just a little water and we fished about 3.5 hours middle of the day. I dont think either one of us got bit. We fished from the launch ramp to the power lines just below town and finally did fowl hook one gar at least it was a tug on the line... I sure am ready for some warmer water.
  13. your right about the sleepy part. All I have done lately is work and work at home.... I really need to catch a fish!!!
  14. Troutchaser. I am so sorry it took me this long to respond. I have not been on the site since I posted the question. I appriciate the help and when things get back to normal here we will send you a pm and try to plan a trip together if your interested
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