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Everything posted by jwarren

  1. Was 19" length common then? What would you guys guestimate this hull weight to be? Thanks.
  2. Thanks T....He's down to $3100 but I still think that's high considering all the things I'll have to add/upgrade to make it more current. Did you lay your floor in or tear the old out? I think standing all day on those uneven ridges would get hard on one's legs and toe tripping could be an issue.
  3. I'm looking at a mid 90's model Shawnee. I'm in Memphis and boat is in Heber. I want to know if there are any issues I should beware of with this older hull. Length is 19' and width is 44" with floatation cubes on each side and under rear bench. Floor is the uneven version. Boat has been re-gelcoated inside and out and looks to be in very good condition from photos. Seller is asking $3400 for boat and trailer(EZ loader) but no rails, no electric, no side or rear storage, and only 1 chair. This seems high. Your thoughts on this hull and price b/c I think price is flexible. Thanks.
  4. Thanks for the feedback guys. Looks like most agree on the Alwelds being slightly better fit and finish. Pricing on them is a little better also. One other model I'm looking at is a Waco alwelded jon boat, 16x50, in .80 gauge, and smooth open floor layout. It only weighs 275 lbs. so it might work nicely with a 15 hp for rivers.
  5. Thx for feedback....reason for aluminum and 17x48 size is for duckhunting purposes when the time comes. Try maneuvering a 20' trout boat in the timber....When tailwaters are real low, I still want a boat that can get me to parts on the river that others can't walk in on. I plan to use mainly for drift fishing during medium water and for getting to other spots without public access. I do solo fish a good bit so i don't want a boat too heavy(ie, 20' supreme) that will be too heavy nudge over a small gravel bar/rock, etc.
  6. I'm wanting to get a custom jon boat, either Alweld or Blazer, that I can trout fish on AR tailwaters and also use for duckhunting. Have narrowed down to these brands in 1748 flat jon style. Plan to add flat floors, 2 storage boxes, and simple platform upfront. Will probably run a 15-20 2-stroke for weight purposes. Don't want a jet because of leaves, moss, and duckhunting spots. Is there much of a difference in fit/finish and performance between these 2 brands? Will one draft lower than the other based on hull design, assuming equal weight distribution? Any other input or suggestions? Thanks.
  7. Would like suggestions on best type anchor for fishing the Lil Red and occasionally other tailwaters during low or dropping water. My boat is 16' Gheenoe and weighs about 170lbs, plus motor and 2 people. How big an anchor and what shape will work best? Thanks.
  8. Hey TrophyFish.....tell me more about the H2Oc. I like what I read. How easy is it to learn and operate? What map packages would be good for fishing/hunting rivers in our area(AR mostly)? How much did you spend? Thanks.
  9. thanks Jeb..
  10. Thanks guys for the feeback. Jeb....if you only had one of the two, which would you buy? Which do you think is easier for a newbie to learn/use? Also,is there one specific software that does a good job showing river detail, such as where I fish in AR? thanks
  11. I'm trying to decided among several models for use flyfishihng...marking spots, navigating unfamiliar areas, etc. Needs ability to download maps for when I go out west. What's everyone using and how do you like it? Garmin seems to be top choice, especially GPSMAP 76 or 60 version. What about Delorme PN series? THanks....
  12. I'd like to hear some suggestions for a prop protector for my 15 HP motor on my Riverhawk. I've heard some good things about the Mac's River Runner. I fish mostly the Lil Red and occasionally other AR tailwaters. What do you guys suggest? Thanks.
  13. Need 8'6" or 9'.....prefer Sage, Orvis, St. Croix.
  14. I thought the 158's are all polylink....and therefore considerably heavier and cheaper?
  15. I thought the 158's are all polylink....and therefore considerably heavier and cheaper?
  16. One other question.....how good are Costco Rx lenses? I was in store yesterday and checked prices on frames and polarized lenses......very inexpensive. Has anyone tried their Rx sunglasses? I don't want to spend more than $150-$175ish if I can help it.
  17. These are great suggestions that I'll check out. Thanks to all!
  18. I currently use Cocoons over my presription glasses but they can be cumbersome. Can anyone suggest some high quality, reasonably priced suppliers for prescription fishing sunglasses? Thanks...
  19. I'm just curious....isn't the Spring River part of the lower Ozarks? I don't see any forums on it and I fish over there regularly. John
  20. Actually, I'd love an 18" foot model along the lines of what you described. How long do they take to fabricate an order?
  21. Doe anyone know where in AR I might find a good deal on a used 20' Supreme?
  22. Thanks for the comments. Most of the suggested bags just come with one clip and the bags would stand vertically. I'm looking for a bag with 2 straps that would hang horizontally under the seat and have a horizontal zipper. Thanks.
  23. I'm rigging my canoe for fly fishing and would like suggestions on where I can find storage bags that would hang from or tie around the seats in my canoe? LL Bean has a couple but they're small. Ideally, they would be bags with straps that either velcro or snap around seats and thwart in case of a capsize.
  24. I plan on fly fishing a good bit from my canoe and would like suggestions on super lightweight, non restrictive PFD's that I can even wear in the summer heat while paddling/casting. I would probably wear over a light fishing shirt with all my small gear on a lanyard. Also, should I go automatic or manual? I'm concerned about all the incidental/accidental inflations I've read from those using automatics. Thanks....John in Memphis
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