Hello all! My name is Cricket ( I know, my parents were a little weird) I am from Lebanon, MO and have lived here almost my entire life. I am an avid fisherman (though not much of a game hunter) and have spent alot of time on the Gasconade, Osage Fork, and Niangua Rivers... I like the Gasconade the best, mainly because it fits my 16 ft jon boat, but also for the Monster Largemouth and Smallmouth..
I have years of practice getting the trout to bite on the Niangua, but am still considered an amateur by the locals due to my stubborness in not using a fly rod, or anything that costs over $30, for that matter..
My favorite fishing pole to this day is the little shakespeare Ugly Stick ultra light with 4 lb test.. I have drug in 15 lb. catfish on that pole (it's all in the dragset)
I joined this site because I have been told by too many local anglers that there is so much here in the Ozarks that I am missing out on.. So I stopped by to find out what everyone is talking about...
I look forward to conversing with all of you... I look forward to garnering your best advice and stealing all your best fishing spots!!
PS the Photo I posted is from this time two years ago on the sinking creek (a tributary of the Current River) on a camping trip.. Another magical trip where the fish were hitting every cast. The photo shows the deepest part of the creek. What you see in the background is a large blue tube that held around 25 smallmouth. This fish took the topwater popper I was using out of a smaller fishes mouth! I walked a two mile stretch of this creek and landed around 35 fish in a few short hours.. Lucky for me a local hippy was there to snap this photo, otherwise it would just be another fishing story...