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Everything posted by FishinCricket

  1. I like your no nonsense approach, thanks for the advice. I don't understand why people want to spout off at the mouth about the laws if they don't know them... But I guess it's nice that residents of the state are concerned. Every time I float the Niangua during the busy season I feel like it's me and the conservation agents against the world!! I float along all day long picking up empty floating beer cans and various debris, helping drunks get their boats back afloat (though it's a blast watching them try), and asking people politely to pick up their trash and put out their fires when they leave. Only once or twice have I ever had to get obnoxious, and even then it was only because of gross negligence... (A guy was breaking beer bottles on the rocks as he floated by, I paddled like crazy to catch him and set him straight) But even I don't bother the fisherman!
  2. Every action that you take is a step towards a better future or a worse one... One man's choice to make this world a worse place (whatever the reason) doesn't seem detrimental, but if every one man made the same choice this world won't be around much longer.. You are right, there are so many horrible problems in the world.. Why would anyone want to create more problems by dumping their fridge (or their dead cow) in the creek? Matter of fact, TAXIDERMIST, I gotta truck.. Why don't we load up these dead animals and take them to wherever it is that you think people are starving? Kill two birds with one stone, eh? Sorry if I sound obnoxious, I am new here and have no right to be.. But I don't understand how you can justify taking the stance that a trash dump anywhere but a LANDFILL is no big deal.. In 55 they didn't think DDT was a big deal either... Don't tell me you don't have landfills in Arkansas either..
  3. good luck to you, it's gotta be a dream job... I could only imagine if I had to go out and "prefish" for a tournament.. I bet it's all harder than it looks, isn't it?
  4. I have noticed that the stream doesn't rise as quickly on the Niangua as the other local rivers, nor does it's level quickly fall after the rains.... But the consistancy is nice.. I have caught fish when the online gauge has read as high as 5 feet and rising! Fish still gotta eat, I guess... It does make it a little harder to wade... and you ned heavier weights....
  5. I was floating from Bennett Springs to Leadmine on the niangua and happened accross a beautiful spring. It's a few miles downstream from prosperine public access, the blue springs ranch is on the right, and then about a mile past that there is a spot where clear cold water is rushing into the river on the right hand side.. I didn't measure exactly how far away from the river we had to walk to get to it (might be private property?) but it was beautiful! I've got some pictures around here I will try and find them... IT was years ago, 99 I think.. The spring was a large round pond with a sandy bottom that apparently went down to a cave.. I couldn't dive anywhere near the bottom, but it had to be 85 feet deep! Anybody else ever seen it? I have heard locals say that it's private property and the guy that owns it will show up with a shotgun, etc.... But that's mainly bar talk...
  6. Thank you very much for the solid information and the quick reply guys.. I Like the conservation guys ( I live right down the road from one and grew up with his daughters) I respect them even if I don't respect the law they may be upholding (which I usually don't have a problem with either) Thank again for the answer..
  7. Hey, you are a fisherman.. It was an easy guess.. Besides, all fishermen are experts, aren't we?
  8. That's what I had thought, but I had three different people out on the Gasconade (right down stream from the 133 access on I44) threaten to report me for the three Goggleye in my cooler that "obviously weren't 8 inches long" (actually one was 7 3/4 inches, and the other two were over 8) But you just repeated what the conservation book said, so I will go with that answer... As for Plaster's empire.. I know what you mean.. There's seems to be a difference in what the law is and what Plaster wants.. You get all defiant until you are banking at twin bridges and the guys come out of the woods in camo with their fully automatic MP5's with lazer sights pointed in your face and tell you to get lost... The phrase "I know my rights and you can't do this" just don't seem to well up as strong as they should in America...
  9. Very informative post Virginia... I definitely think that there are (or should be) federal regulations regarding the dumping of certain waste (Autos and appliances should definitely fall into this category) Hopefully something is done about this soon. It's nice to see someone who is concerned about the environment in a world where everyone is just "looking out for #1"... Thanks again for the concern, let's all hope this issue is resolved.. As for the answer to your question.. I would assume the Arkansas Conservation Dept. would be the ones to contact, right?
  10. Some old hillbilly around here told me that the Missouri Conservation Department will stock your pond.. Is this true? And if so.. Is it true that part of the agreement between the landowner and MoCons. is that the landowner has to provide public access to the pond? Seems far fetched to me, but if it's true it's the perferct scenario for all us catch and release guys. I don't expect the answer to be yes, but if it is... Is there a directory of these fishing spots?
  11. Do I detect a slight amount of sarcasm? hehe thanks for the warm welcome all, I look forward to talking with you...
  12. Sounds like you had a good time.. I think it's hilarious that my boss can't seem to catch any goggleye on the Gasconade. He says "I only catch them one at a time", to which I responded, "try dropping the Anchor!" Any of you use top water poppers to catch bass? I use either poppers or small crawdad lures if I want good all around action.... BTW, what is the length limit on Goggleye in the Gasconade? Isn't it 8 inches?
  13. Hello all! My name is Cricket ( I know, my parents were a little weird) I am from Lebanon, MO and have lived here almost my entire life. I am an avid fisherman (though not much of a game hunter) and have spent alot of time on the Gasconade, Osage Fork, and Niangua Rivers... I like the Gasconade the best, mainly because it fits my 16 ft jon boat, but also for the Monster Largemouth and Smallmouth.. I have years of practice getting the trout to bite on the Niangua, but am still considered an amateur by the locals due to my stubborness in not using a fly rod, or anything that costs over $30, for that matter.. My favorite fishing pole to this day is the little shakespeare Ugly Stick ultra light with 4 lb test.. I have drug in 15 lb. catfish on that pole (it's all in the dragset) I joined this site because I have been told by too many local anglers that there is so much here in the Ozarks that I am missing out on.. So I stopped by to find out what everyone is talking about... I look forward to conversing with all of you... I look forward to garnering your best advice and stealing all your best fishing spots!! PS the Photo I posted is from this time two years ago on the sinking creek (a tributary of the Current River) on a camping trip.. Another magical trip where the fish were hitting every cast. The photo shows the deepest part of the creek. What you see in the background is a large blue tube that held around 25 smallmouth. This fish took the topwater popper I was using out of a smaller fishes mouth! I walked a two mile stretch of this creek and landed around 35 fish in a few short hours.. Lucky for me a local hippy was there to snap this photo, otherwise it would just be another fishing story...
  14. Hello right back from the Niangua! I am a local here in Lebanon and I have been fishing your stretch of the river (not to mention cleaning it up every year for the past two years). I have heard numerous good things about your ranch and how your business operates. I help run a local business too, maybe we can cross-promote each other? Either way I will stop in next time I am down towards Prosperine in my Waders (or on a 5 day from Bennett to the Lake)... The names Cricket, I will look forward to meeting you Redbeards soon!
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