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Everything posted by Predator1

  1. I have been wondering as well. I have seen good ones come from there. Last year I took several worms from my gardens and my wife and I caught our limit of 2-4lb cats and bluegill larger than my hands at fellows. Nice fillets. I'm sure Springfield lake would be the same. GOOD LUCK. Hopefully the water temp will stay OK. I will let you all know how we do.
  2. Sounds good anyway. Anyone catching any cats on worms?
  3. Thanks Champ and Hunter, I will give it a try. I see why those fly fisherman were having a good time. Well the Whites are pretty much done on the Upper James by Taylor Shoals. So I will head back down river toward the lake and start looking for some action. Its time for me to get ready for Some jug lines and trot-lines anyway. Thanks again.
  4. Do the WHITE BASS run in schools back to the lake after spawning up the James river or do the majority just end up in our freezers. If they do swim in schools back to the lake, has anyone witnessed this and been able to catch them. Up the James each week for the last three weeks, I am sure there have been at least 200 people a day fish that area. 15 FISH PER PERSON = 3000 WHITES PER DAY times 21 days = 63,000. That is just on the Upper James River arm. Any comments or info would be helpful, just wondering if it were possible to catch the whites on their return to the deep. Thanks Charles E. Jackson
  5. You got that right, the WHITE BASS Run is coming to a halt. I too went down to Blunk as soon as I got off work yesterday. Only caught one. Seen several stringers. Nothing out there to brag about. All the fish I seen caught yesterday did not even compare to the last 3 weeks of big fish we have been catching. Anyway, I still think the good Lord for the fish in my freezer. What's that. Ah yeah, I smell catfish coming up the river. I guess I will start setting limb lines and trot lines next week. I think I will head to fellow this Saturday with the wife. Maybe some of those pretty channels will be biting on worms from the garden. I need my annual boat permit anyway. GOOD LUCK AND SAFE FISHING. Charles
  6. Has anyone been after white bass since this weekend. I was thinking about heading down to Blunk road today after work. Anyone there?
  7. Now that Spring is in full swing, the warmer days are bringing the worms out in the garden. So start diggin and saves some money at the stores on worms. The catfish will be getting hungry real soon.
  8. Thanks for the tips, I caught several channels and flats on the James last year at the end of April. I cant wait to run limb lines and trot lines. I know a guy on the James part that caught over 500lb of channels and flats last year in one week. I am ready to start cleaning catfish. I am getting tired of cleaning Spoonbills. Yesterday after work, we caught 3 more 75lb females and one male about 30" long. We threw the male back and we did not Gaff him so he was released uninjured. Cut up fish till midnight. Oh yeah, seen another boat capsized yesterday from wind and current. Watch out for those winds today. SAFE FISHING, got to get Back to work.
  9. Predator1


    Hey Fly-guy, It will more than likely be crowded. There are plenty of trails up river. You can park at Blunk and walk up river to the first set of shoals, called Taylor Shoals. From there and further north several guys wade it and fly Fish. White or Grey Maribou jigs work great as does White Rooster Tails or purple swimming minnows. I caught my limit every time I have been in the last week. Early morning bite, noon to 2 and evening bites are the best. The females eggs are not fully developed yet so we should have at least two more weeks of harvest on the GREAT WHITES. I know I will. I know I will. Good Luck and Safe Fishing
  10. Don't feel bad DUTCH. I had a guy anchor 5feet from my boat last Sunday. I asked him real politely did he have a question he wanted to ask me or did he just not see me. I was not even wearing camouflage and my flat bottom boat is old wore out green with a blue and white envinrude. He said he liked the spot that I was anchored on, that it was the best spot. What do you do?
  11. Very nice. I am heading back to the James at Blunk Road today. I dont know how to get to the KINGS area.
  12. He might have took up Hunting this past winter. How ya doing WHACK. Techo, you guys want some serious action. The WHITES have been on a frenzy on the UPPER JAMES RIVER ARM. We have been putting in at BLUNK ROAD and fishing up stream. White rooster tails or white maribou jigs. Slow retrieve on the rooster tails and the jigs off the bottom. We have been limiting out in less than two hours. I know these bass don't payout cash. But, they will definitely fill the freezer. TONS OF FUN ON ULTRA LIGHT ROD AND REELS WITH 6LB TEST. Good Luck.
  13. I caught one small male out of the 30 we kept. So YES...YES YES...YE-HAW it was ON. I hope it down rain, I am going today if it does not rain.
  14. How big are they on KINGS. We caught some nice size MALES yesterday on the JAMES.
  15. Looks like everyone fishing for WHITES yesterday caught their LIMIT. We put in by 5pm, we each caught our limit by dark. Several boats were night fishing after we left. It was traffic city getting out last night. But it was all worth it for everyone. Anyone fishing today, CONGRATULATIONS. My boss said I could not take off this morning. Thank I will call back and play sick. Maybe.
  16. Very Nice guys. I am headed down today with my partner. We are in the old 15' Green Flat Bottom, with the Blue and white 15HP Envirude. Be down at 430pm. Hope yall saved us some. What did you catch them on? Charles
  17. Launched at BLUNK ROAD at 4:30, the Bite was slow. Whites were taking All White Maribou Jigs and Grey/red head Maribou Jigs, Purple Swimming Minnow and White Rooster tails and White Roadrunners. Fish were not chasing anything. All my bites were soft right off the Bottom. Did not limit out, however I still caught 5 Big Sows. Threw back 7 small males and one perch. I saw 1 crappie caught yesterday too. Maybe the warmer it gets, then these Whites will start chasing the lures like they did last year. Last year when we had a warming trend for a long time, I would see 3-5 other fish swimming with the fish that was on my line. Going back today. Good luck everyone.
  18. I will be going to BLUNK ROAD today after work. Will let you all know how it goes. Caught 10 nice WHITES Sunday.
  19. Jeff, thanks a lot for the report. So they done made it pas Hooten Town. Seth, you know where I am going this week then.
  20. Very Nice catch. Did you launch at Blunk Road or were you fishing off the Bank At the Galena Ramp area?
  21. I would suggest buying a locking GAS CAP and if you have a camper shell on your truck, I also suggest not leaving anything in it that you do not want stolen. Last year there was a fellow fisherman that had his camper shell broke into at the GALENA LANDING. We have to keep a look out for each other all the time. That is for sure.
  22. You should put in at Blunk Road. When you drive through Galena and turn by the Library like your headed to McCord Bend, just turn left on Blunk Road and follow it all the way to the water. Here you will find a BOAT RAMP at the end of the road. You do not have to pay to launch here. Good luck.
  23. I see next week is looking good with several warm days in a row after the last rains this weekend. Next week is looking better.
  24. I am in too Phil. I usually ask everyone I run into if they are members of OZARKANGLERS.COM. So far the only people I have run into was a group of Fly Fishermen on the UPPER JAMES ARM last year at TAYLOR SHOALS during the WHITE BASS FRENZY. Can you just PM all the members at once with the address. I'm sure are fellow fishermen on the other lake and river threads would like to hear of this. How many members do we have anyway? Charles
  25. OZARKANGLERS.COM BOAT WRAPS ARE NEXT..........Phil?...Phil?....Phil?....I thank your needed.... Hello
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