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Toby from MO

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Everything posted by Toby from MO

  1. That would be awesome however the summer months are off limits for me because I coach baseball. With that said, my wife and Neil's wife had so much fun on their first trip to Lilley's this past December (they shopped and we fished) we've already booked our rooms for this coming December...the same weekend. So...if you wanted to hold the 1st anniversary tournament on December 10th we'll certainly participate.
  2. Wish I could make this event. I fished the December event Phil mentioned...it was fun even though Shawn beat the tar out of us. It's definitely a different approach. Rather than thoroughly or methodically fishing your favorite "big fish" spots your searching for concentrations of fish...multiple bites. Had to continuously remind myself two 9"-10" stockers beat one "good fish"...generally speaking.
  3. That awesome. I've thrown some Luck-E-Strike Rick Clunn jerks on my baitcaster as well but never caught anything that nice. I usually catch one here and one there but I just can't stay with it...switch back to the jigs.
  4. Awesome fish..congrats! What size jerk bait do you throw?
  5. Phil...Have you heard anything from the Corp recently? Are they still planning to reduce flow when TB hits 920? I see they've lowered power generation to about 160mw a few days ago...did they close one generator and raise flood gates a bit to maintain 20,000cfs?
  6. wow...2 more feet since 9am...that is a lot of water!
  7. How's it looking and what's the local "word" on the lake? As of 9:00AM I see Table Rock has come up 24" in the last 24hrs and 4 units running since late last night. Given that Table Rock is still rising, I'm assuming at some level and by some method they have the ability to release more water...is this a concern for Taneycomo yet?
  8. Phil...do you know yet what your going to charge per person for tournament entry?
  9. Neil Boswell and myself are already booked Friday and Saturday in #21, I think it's 21. We're currently debating on coming down very early Friday morning or possiblly late Thursday night...assuming the room is open.
  10. Any room discounts?
  11. Phil...would you require or even want multiple photo attempts of the same fish or just the final photo? I personally would likely delete any photo I'm not sure clearly shows the fish from tip of nose to tail with the length clearly in focus.
  12. December 12 sounds good...fishing partner and I already have reservations. I've not read about the kayak tournaments and/or rules...but you mention "Each angler takes a pic of each trout caught on the ruler showing length." Would total length for the day be the cumulative of all fish or only (4) largest? A "limit" of (4) per fisherman would reduce time to determine results however allowing "all fish" would give the opportunity to chase quantity vs quality. If allowing quantity I can foresee an issue with ensuring every picture is of a different fish...i.e. when catching stockers it would be easy enough to recycle 1 or 2 fish to the livewell for a few additional pictures later in the day. You might consider a "fool proof" measuring device and/or a detailed method for measuring and/or taking the photo. I can foresee varying camera angles and/or shadows which do not clearly depict an accurate measurement. Lastly...what if it rains on tournament day...you need GoPro to as a tournament sponsor!
  13. Nice video Phil...Is this video from yesterday? The schedule shows water flow all day yesterday and today...hopefully they keep it going as myself and a bunch of friends will be on the lake tomorrow through Saturday. Was that a white jig? Was that one drift...I noticed the video was cut a few times. I stopped counting after the nice fish at the 3:30 mark.
  14. Phil, I thought oxygen levels go up on Taneycomo with the turnover. I read this as if they are watching for/expecting a drop.
  15. I’ve read several reports on here referring to “spin fishermen” using a leader.. I’m looking for a better understanding of the leader itself and when is it practical for a spin fisherman to use a leader. Considering everything you do is in the name of “natural presentation” is the choice to use a leader more so related to water clarity/current conditions, fishing method/technique, personal preference or maybe even cost? Generally speaking my line of choice is P Line CX Premium in 4lb. It’s a thin fluoro coated monofilament. The 4lb is approximately .006” in diameter…or roughly 5-6X. That said I’ve been thinking of trying a fluorocarbon and/or a fluoro leader for jig fishing or jig/float if it makes a practical difference. I recognize one consideration must be cost. Obviously there a big difference between filling your spool with $20 of fluorocarbon vs. filling with $3 of mono then using a 3’of fluorocarbon as your leader. The knot - What is the preferred knot used to connect leader to line? If I am correct in understanding a line will generally break at the knot is this knot trustworthy and/or why would I want to add another knot between myself and the fish? Is it still a comparison of cost vs. reliability? Leader Materials – I see leaders or tippet material is sold in a variety of materials. Say I’m looking at fluorocarbon tippet material, is there a difference between using the actual “tippet” material vs. a “regular” fluorocarbon filler line? I’ve studied a few different “X” sizing charts thus believe to understand the 5X, 6X or 7X to identify diameter. That said, there are several choices of thin diameter fluorocarbons and/or fluoro coated monofilament lines in the 5X – 7X (2 – 4lb) range. Thanks for the help. Toby
  16. www.reedssports.com TFO Signature Series Rods...buy 1 get 1 free. Also get a TFO cap signed by Gary Loomis.
  17. I have considered the flyrod as I do have a "cheapy" I have used for bluegil and bass in area streams...no idea what length or weight it is...nor am I very "handy" with it. Regarding the spinning gear I have a few purpose minded rods already...6' light action for tight lining/driting, 6' medium action for casting/trolling large cranks, 6'6" med. light action for casting/trolling smaller cranks & spoons and a 6'6" light action for "regular" jig fishing. Generally speaking...I like to have a rod ready for whatever. My wife says it's an effort to collect more rods than one person can use...LOL...I call it preperation and/or preparedness. My fishing time is prescious. After reading Phil's Jig & Float article I was thinking a 7' rod in either light or med. light....maybe both 1.) the 7' rod is a length I don't currently have 2.) the 7' rod (being longer) would be better suited to handle the leader length below the indicator 3.) the 7' still very useable for all other methods mentioned. Oh...forgot to mention. Cruising the internet this morning I found a 2 for 1 pricing deal on Temple Fork Outfitter Signature Series Rods...which is what I use. Again, using my wife's logic, you can't afford to pass up a sale like that, right?
  18. Question...concerning choice of rod length and action when fishing a jig & float method from a boat with spinning gear. Still very much a rookie on Taney I've not yet attempted this method. I've witnessed others doing it and after reading reading Phil's recent article describing the method I'm inspired to give it a try...if nothing else it gives a justifiable reason to go out and buy a new rod...right? The idea is to choose a rod for the primary purpose of Jig & Float fishing...however understanding the same rod may be used fishing other methods in a pinch. Concerning length...6'0" or 6'6" or 7'0"...not sure if I can fit rods longer than 7' in my rod locker? Concerning Action...Light, Med. Light or Medium Thanks for the advice.
  19. Most everyone here has far greater experience on Taneycomo than I but I'll toss in my 2 cents as just a few years ago I was here asking the same questions. As most have said...weather and water conditions will dictate everything. Even from my limited experiences on Taneycomo I would say they can/will change rapidly...so watch the reports closer to the date of your trip. The help Lilley's can provide upon your arrival is very valuable as most tip's come directly from Phil's recent experiences. Like you, I'm far more acclimated and have greater access to bass fishing. For me, jig fishing for trout on Taney more ressembles jig fishing for crappie on a river. Lighter line, lighter jigs and the weight of both is largely dictated by the current. Somtimes you have no feel/contact with the bottom and depending on the conditions you may want to be on bottom. My most recent experience at Taneycomo was the first trip I dedicated to jigs. I had fished them before but with less confidence I didn't give them a chance before I would switch to something else. All I can say is wow...my new favorite method. As Phil has said many times...we didn't catch quite as many but no doubt the average size was much larger. Sculpin, olive, sculpin/olive, sculpin/peach, sculpin/ginger were the ticket for us. The biggest lesson I learned was don't be affraid to change. What seamed to work in the morning was not necessarily the color hooking them in the afternoon. During other past experiences we ocasionally threw large (sometimes VERY large) baits, i.e. Rapala's, Rogues, flukes, etc... We caught fish but it was largely dependent on water flow. When the water was off we wouldn't even get a sniff...I think they can see it better and not required to act as fast. Drifting or fishing from the dock...Powerbait seams to always catch a fish but "typically" not the larger fish...except for the State Record. LOL! Worms are usually just as reliable and tend to catch a slighlty larger fish. Minnows are hot/cold for us but when hot they have produced the best fish. Hope this helps. Good Luck...Lilley's is awesome. Toby
  20. So it was you in room 18. We were in 16...below you. Friday morning we get up and my partner says..."Those boys up stairs partied all night." Personally, I didn't hear crap. I passed out before my head hit the pillow. BTW...I heard through the grape vine that either you or your partner played in the Fox Alumni hockey game a few weeks ago. I also played...if can call it that. I didn't go to Fox but was invited by Chris Jobst to play.
  21. This was only our second Boswell tourney and already looking forward to the third. The weather was worse but certainly tolerable...the fishing was far better. Water temp was 43 degrees...which helps when the air temp is 0. I've never fished in weather where a can of de-icer spray was required. Dip net froze solid in seconds, drinks froze in minutes and anything wet stuck to the boat...including the fish. My partner and I have very little time logged on Taneycomo but I would say the fishing this weekend was nothing short of incredible. We were one of the few teams that fished up lake...it was certainly peaceful up there. We used a little of everything and it all worked. We drifted both banks, anchored in several spots and fished the docks...all produced fish. No idea exactly how many we caught but would guess 50-60+...it was steady all day long. We finished in 7th. We fished along side two of teams in the top four all day long just couldn't produce a kicker fish...though we were still happy with an 8lb stringer.
  22. Congrats to all. What were the tournament day water conditions? Any generation? How was clarity?
  23. Wish I would have known. I printed the flyer and will see if there is anything else of interest. Phil...do you keep a schedule posted here (on your sight) of your agenda of seminars & such? By chance do you attend the St. Louis Sport & Boat Show?
  24. Wow...8.5lbs...no kidding? Though, those three on the right look like nice ones. Looking at the Boswell thread that would've put you in 2nd...though the guy in first had two big kicker fish. Last Friday morning...at first light...we caught a few nice rainbows on a #7 Rainbow colored countdown. Care to say how you were fishing the countdown?
  25. Queeny Park??? Here in St. Louis or is there another Queeny Park? Man...if that was here in St. Louis I wish I would have known. Where is this type information typically posted?
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