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Everything posted by J-Doc

  1. Today I decided to raise my bunk boards a little. I was amazed that 90% of the u-bolt nuts were loose. Kinda scary really. So........next time you are about to load your boat, check your nuts! . Your u-bolt nuts that is. Just thought I'd share this. Hope it helps someone.
  2. If anyone has a Lowrance transducer they are not using, let me know. I need one for my trolling motor. Mine decided to tell me SWEPCO was 250ft deep today when it would actually pickup the bottom. Its toast.
  3. Note to self. Where your reading glasses Don't trust voice to text on phone None of my posts read the way I meant them.
  4. Well......state laws only apply if you catch anything. :-). I lost a good one and caught a dink. Messed around with sonar (tranducer is shot) and played with a swimbait that turned out to be a waste. I tried off shore but int have any spoons. Found a massive school but no luck No poser pics for me today. Still had a good time. Motor is fouling plugs like crazy on double oil for motor break in. Ready for that crap to be over.
  5. I haven't put a pattern together yet if it makes me 1 happy!! Haha Found some nice ones in the back of the cove and they didn't mind me in the boat but couldn't get anything to bite anything. They acted like they were on beds
  6. I haven't put a pattern together yet if it makes me 1 happy!! Haha Found some nice ones in the back of the cove and they didn't mind me in the boat but couldn't get anything to bite anything. They acted like they were on beds
  7. Yes and I read it. Sounded like a trap! Lol!! Not used to no size matters stuff. Lol!!
  8. 10 under 18 of any size? I'm only keeping them for photo ops hahahahaha! They will all be catch and release . I never keep fish unless it's crappie. Everyone needs to be sure and watch out for that ramp it's no joke.
  9. What are the limit restrictions for SWEPCO? Also, for anyone coming over here be sure and watch the ramp it drops of about 10 to 12 feet into the water line.
  10. Can't blame you really. Probably boiled down to the company wanting to pay someone less money for the same job. It's a corporate perspective. The don't realize the value they could receive by paying someone a little more for the same job. It's ALL about cost these days. I've been in that store twice since it opened. Wasn't really impressed the 1st time, even less impressed the 2nd. Everything in there seemed about 10-20% higher than it should be. If I go back in there again, it will be to get some roasted nuts at the snackbar. That's about it.
  11. You got it.
  12. Still rising steady. I saw that some creeks in town still have some flow in them. Nothing major but there is still current. Eventually will make it to Beaver. I wish we had bet money on the rise level. A 2.25' gain is looking pretty good! :-)
  13. Spoons for whites? I'm planning on SWEPCO Sunday but may try this if plans change.
  14. I hate my phone sometimes.......changes my words and makes me sound like an idiot savant. Dam kicked on and that stopped the rise for a moment.......that's what I was trying to say. It will level off around 1.5ft gain I bet.
  15. Dam kicked on the flow and out a big dent in the rise. Had a spike in power due to cold temps probably.
  16. Bahahahahahaha!!!!!! That's a good one!
  17. I'm voting 2.25ft. That's my 2-cents. Very glad to see it com up some. I hope it comes up to 1118 by early summer.
  18. Every year it's been split between above 12 bridge or below 12 bridge. At first the guys south of the 12 bridge have a strong finish on the 1st day. Then the guys fishing both ends of the lake. Then the guy fishing the main lake and on then on the final day, the guy in mid-lake always seems to be the winner. This year if it stays this low or lower, they will all have to fish the main lake and only a few will fish up into the rivers. I just don't see it sustaining a 4 day pattern of "toads" to be able to win a tournament. The fishing pressure will be unreal on the river end and with less water, there will be more pressure during practice and the first few days of the tournament. Not to mention local tournament pressure that time of year. Definately going to be a mid-lake tournament this year. My opinion.
  19. Yep, those look pretty accurate to me. Thanks for doing this!
  20. Man......the water really is low. I've never seen it that low there (that part of the lake).
  21. The area I noticed at the mouth of Coppermine is even more stubstantial than what you have shown. I was surprised. I never realized that big point was there (never fished there before I guess). There is also a sharp ledge just NE of the part that is currently out of the water. My graph when from 20-30ft to 4ft at idle in a hurry! Just FYI guys. Thanks F&F for putting this image together. This is helpfull. I need to take a really close look at my map before I venture out again. Stuff I've never been concerned with before is not a concern!
  22. Does everyone know that the cut by the 12 bridge is too shallow to float across? Unless you're in a jon-boat.......it's not worth it. Also, the small island on the way to Cliffty is only passable on the south side. One other area is the mouth of Coppermine(?) You can see a little bit of gravel above water. There is also a lot of very shallow peaks and a flat to the Northeast of that exposed gravel. It's near the channel too so don't think you can cruise past it and be OK. It's very near the channel. I don't think I realized that was there and I have a map (the fold out kind) LOL! I have my boat up and running now (long wait) but hope to get back out on Beaver soon. After my last 50mile outing, I'm going to be extra carefull.
  23. Cane Cutter is back! Look out Beaver Lake!

  24. I was out breaking in the newly rebuilt outboard and I tell you......I've never seen so many dangerous spots before on Beaver. It was a mine field covered by water. Even places I thought where i was in the main channel would shoot up to 10ft or less and then drop back to 60ft again. EVERYONE be extra carefull out there. You may think you know the lake well..........but in reallity it's a new lake right now unless you have fished it heavily all of your life.
  25. Sorry Glenn........I meant to type "SPOIL YOU FOR LIFE".....NOT "soil you for life". LOL!! Site won't let me edit the post. So I'm posting this correction. hahaha!
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