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Trout Dawg

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About Trout Dawg

  • Birthday 01/17/1962

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The Man Cave
  • Interests
    Camping<br />Fly Fishing<br />Fly Tying<br />Floating<br />Writting

Trout Dawg's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I've been using Loon's Deep Soft Weight for better than two years now. It stays in place better than any pinch on weights I've ever used and makes changing weight as simple as it can get. When I'm in an enviroment where I might be changing the amount of weight alot, I'll stick a wad to the butt of my rod just above the handle. That way I can add or subtract to the amount I'm using without ever opening a box or fumbling with pinch weights. The material is temperture sensitive so in the winter keeping a ready supply on the rod doesn't work as well. Still I prefer way over split shot and the product contains no lead.
  2. Fished Current from Tan Vat to Baptist Saturday June 21st Water was great but I had no fish on the end of my line. Saw a real nice brown. Buddy I was fishing with, pickedup a few Rainbows. Sunday June 22nd A hugh hatch of midge (Cream or White) in the morning at the Tan Vat access. fished a small dry midge and landed 2 small Browns. A little Caddis dry got me two or three more. Black and silver Zebra midge all of 4 inched under an indicator produced several more. A tan with Char. neck, black bead and wire took a couple as well. All browns all in the 6 to 8 inch range. Had a blast all right at the Tan Vat access.
  3. I've had a 6wt. pro series TFO for about 4 years. Last year I broke it while fishing the 11 pt. My fault not the rod. 25 buck sand 4 days later I had it back from TFO ready to fish. Recently I purchased a 4wt. signature series. I like rigging both with a heavier line. On my 6wt. I use 7wt. line on the 4wt. I use 5wt. line. TFO rods are usually a little stiffer, faster action and with the heavier line I feel the rod loads much better that when using the rated line wt. In comparison I have a 7wt. Reddinton that I would never use a heavier line wt. on.
  4. Phil new to the site. so I'm just hearing about the fire. I'll tie some woollys up or any other pattern you would like. Saw a few comments on beads. I have a sac full of plactic orange beads the ones you see on spinner baits. I use for egg sucking leech pattern. If your interested just say the word. I wont be able to get it done by the time you leave so were do I send them. I've also got other gear I was going to yard sale. Anything else they need?
  5. Just remember, no matter where you go; there you are.

  6. Shara holding a fish? How did you pull that one off?
  7. Two thinks I've learned about fishing. One, every fisher has an opion and two, their always willing to share it. Thank goodness for me at least they are. Thanks for the welcome looking forward to it.
  8. Did you notice Mister angry Rock face Man? I'm impersonating as him. If you work Saturday I just want you know that I'm still going.
  9. Thanks for the invite but I'll be on the NFOWR with a few freinds fishing and working on some PHW (Project Healing Water) stuff. Maybe next time. Tight Lines.
  10. I'm on finally look for Trout Dawg!

  11. I won't tell you what town I live in southwest Missouri but my username is a big clue. Fish most of my live but have gone pretty much exclusive to fly fishing over the past 5 years of so. Trout and Small mouth being my favorite species of choice. Debi has suggested that I have long since combined the 4 seasons into just two. Open Trout Park Season(during which I fish more warm water to stay away from the crowd) and Closed Trout Park season (the best time to fish Roaring River, Bennett Spring or Montauk). Blue Ribbon water is always a prefered option. Love to float and camp. Been a Missouri Trout Fisherman's association member for two or three years and I'm currently the Program director for Project Healing Water fly fishing Fort Leonard wood program. During the day I'm a training specialist for a company located in Springfield that sales document tracking and Imaging software. I try to keep up my blog site if anyone is interested it's http://flywatersedge.spaces.live.com/default.aspx Fair Winds and Following Seas
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