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Fishing Buddy
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About BlueWave

  • Birthday 01/17/1953

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    Kansas/NW Ar

BlueWave's Achievements

Black Crappie

Black Crappie (8/89)



  1. Fishtrap will be about 5 minutes from where it sounds like you will be at Lost Bridge. Good area in June
  2. Typo- Dally's Ozark Flyfisher
  3. Highly suggest talking with Steve Dally and crew over at Ozark Anglers fly shop
  4. Thanks Chris. Appreciate the advice.
  5. Planning a couple of streamer trips this winter. First time to NFOW. I have an 8 WT with sink tip to throw big meat I use on the White, but want to also take 6 WT for small/med stuff. Is a sink tip needed for 6 WT on NFOW, or can I use Floating line. Also, anyone have a recommendation for good sink tip coming off 6 WT Helios?
  6. I can't wait to come down with the fly rods. Almost came down this week end but waiting 2 more weeks!!
  7. Has anyone had any success fishing this cove? I have fished it quite a few times w/o much success. I did get into a school of small white bass on top last spring and did catch a monster gar, but not much for all the times I have tried it.
  8. Made it out for a few hours Saturday evening in the pt 4 area with the fly rod chasing bass. Caught 7 on deer hair poppers on outside trees in 20 - 25 feet of water. None over 2 lbs. Did lose a nice ~ 4 lb largemouth .........twice on the same cast with a weinee trout hook set both times. Could not believe the crazy boat traffic but did not seem to knock them down.
  9. Thanks Quill. Will be out early Sunday looking for some clear water after Ike does his thing.
  10. any thoughts????
  11. I am just taking the fly rods next weekend and plan to fish very early and very late to avoid the crowds. Hoping to find Stripers (or spots) on top to < 20 FOW. F&F and others, does point 4 to point 6 sound like the right area? Thanks
  12. F&F, thanks for your great reports!! I will be down with the Fly Rod next week. Are you hearing of of anyone finding Stripers down lake toward Rocky Branch, Cliftys, point 4.??
  13. Did you try a pupae in the film? Oftentimes I have found fish keying on emergers and ignoring adult caddis on the surface. Not sure if you fish a dropper in Mo. But an unweighted pupae pattern trailed off an Adult can be money. I love fishing caddis hatches!!!
  14. dcmc It has been many many years but I hit most all of the major flint hills creeks . Before I went strictly to flyfishing used only #3 mepps with squirrel tail. One silver and one gold would last a season. Just fish it slow as it will turn this time of year.
  15. Is the lower end starting to clear up?? or is it still muddy? Thanks
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