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About Stuartwp

  • Birthday 12/24/1963

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  • Location
    Raymore, Cass County MO
  • Interests
    Fishing, photography, flytying, hunting, wood working, reading and talking.

Stuartwp's Achievements

Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. I ws out on LOZ snaggin this past saterday for the first time in my life. I didn't catch anthing except the bottom of the Lake. It was the pits seeing all those boats with spoonbill hanging on the sides , and our boat naked. We had four guy snagging down to mile marker 85 and back up to 65 bridge. We saw other guys catch fish in front of us, behind us, beside us. I had a blast and I want to go back. I am glad I have a job buy not so much in April. Or October, and probaly November. My weekends ar full, so I am done until next year, but next year I will be ready to taste some for myself.
  2. You say you have caught a lot of cats on this recipie, my experiance is that dough bait works great on the smaller cats, 3-4 pounds and less. What has your experiance on the bigger cats with this?
  3. What a fish! I have never had the opportunity to go snagging, obviously that is something I need to try and correct! What a fish!
  4. I use a sinking version of a "trout chow pellet". Its a size 16 or 18 caddis hook wrapped with dark brown fur from a hares mask. I guess mine is a tanneycomo special. I did it to resemble the pellets they feed up a the hatchery. It works, especcially on the stockers and dinks, but I did catch a seris; a 14, 15, 16 17 and 18 inch brown trout one cloudy october morning two years ago. Three of them where in a row. Scuds or pellets? I don't know, and I don't think the trout do either, But its good for confidence.
  5. Stuartwp

    A kid again

    After the 8th person came into the office Friday morning wondering why I wasn't picking up some of the night crawlers all over the parking lot, I took the hint and made some arrangements to wet a line saterday morning. The next morning early, I was headed out to a freinds pond to do a little bass fishing, but before I got out of town, I stopped by work and picked up a couple dozen night crawlers and threw them in a plastic ice cream bucket full fo wet leaves. Bass fishing was kind of slow(nothing at all) when I remebred the night crawlers. I scrounged up a bobber and a 1/16 ounce white jig and baited up. The bobber never even settled before it went under. Nothing spectacular, just an over eager, too big for his britches six inch blue gill. The next 11 casts where carbon copies of each other. I quit three hours later when I reached the count of 50. Some where smaller, some where bigger. Most where average. One may have been ten inches long, but I dropped him in the water while I was fumbling for my measuring tape. All I can tell you now it that his mouth was big enough to fit my thumb inside. It was a great morning. Like most kids,I grew up on bluegills, and yesterday morning was pleasant walk down memeory lane.
  6. Or at least pack your camera in a good ( which also means a new one each trip)zip lock bag while you carry it on the river....... There is a lot more than jsut cameras on the bottom of that lake. I lost my favorite forcepts above outlet 2 last november one night. I was using them to help unhook a feinds fish. I swear the lanyrd was around my neck but five minutes later they where gone. It amazing how you can see the trout in the water with a falsh light but not a bright silver set of forsepts. I hope someody picked them up and they get 15 years of fun out of them like I did.
  7. I got in trouble for checking the name tags too hard under the Chrismas tree. It sure felt like a new fishing reel to me but only time will tell. Since I have been kicked out of the family room, I am here on the Forum wondering if it possible to catch carp on canned corn in the winter time? I didn't know if anybody out there had any exeriance with this or not?
  8. I agree. Fly fishing a pond is lots of fun, but it also get high marks in the relaxation catagory. I like going to Tannycomo, but its a long way from K.C. and I can only go when I have a two or three days with out anything else scheduled. With ponds I can still get away if I only have a couple of hours. Of course this time of the year is the time for planning and preperation. Hope springs eternal in the eyes of a fisherman. There are places to reserch, trips and outings to plan and in my case, plenty of stuff to clean, sort, repair and organize from last seasons fishing. There are also buck tails and other varous parts to process to turn into fly tying materials. And I can't forget to bake those cookies for the people who let my fish their ponds last year.
  9. I count, and I am proud to say I can still remember all the trout I have caught for the past 22 years. The first four where in Tanneycomo in 1985 in Maarch while on Spring Break. Five years later, my wife and I where vacationing in Colorado, and I caught seven stocker rainbows and one 15 inch brown in Dillon Lake. It was using the same spoon I used at Tannycomo five years before. A few days later I caught my first trout on a flyrod in the St. Vrain River on a size 8 black wooly bugger which I tied myself. The picture of that eight inch brook trout is still hanging on my wall. A couple of years later, I caught one rainbow on a black and yellow 1/80th oz maribou jig at Bennet Springs. A few years later I caught three more at Bennet on a red/gold spoon one afternoon after a hard rain. I could have caught more, but it my Tricia's turn to fish and my turn to go change the diapers. After a few more years I made it back to Tannycomo and caught two more rainbows on a flyrod one afternoon. The next year, the the whole fam damily decide to go to Silver dollar City. I woke up early and snuck down to Tannycomo before we left. I caught seven stocker rainbows on a No. 14 hairs ear nymph that I tied myself. I was using a 6 Wt rod that my wife got me for my 30th Birthday a few years before. Those where also the first trout I ever caught on that rod. I caught them in the chutes above rebar hole dead drifting with out an indicator. I took a picture of every one and not a single picture came out. The next spring, I pulled the same early morning trip and I caught one fish, a 17 inch rainbow, the biggest trout I had ever caught, that was in 2003. The next fall It was foggy and I blanked out as they blew the whistle and stated running water. A freind and I went down in February 2004 so he could catch his frist trout. I caught one stocker rainbow, again in the chutes and so did he. Then I caught a 17.5 inch Brown trout at big hole on a black and gold spinner. The biggest trout in 19 years and a brown to boot. The picture of me holding that fish shows a grinning from ear to ear. That next fall another friend named Bill said he thought fly fishing looked like it was fun. I told him it was a dark path and that he should avoid it if at all possible. Nope! He saw me having too much fun catching a bass at a lake that past summer and he wanted to try it and perhaps some fly tying too. I hung my head in shame and told him I would help him out as best I could but that it wasn't too late to turn back and save himself. He went out and bought a rod and a fly tying kit. I showed him how to cast and how to tie a few flies and we headed for Tanneycomo on October 22nd 2004. We went to outlet three and I caught a 19 inch rainbow on my first cast at 7:00 in the morning on a size 14 peacock soft hackle with a black bead head. The buzzards where just comming off the roost. Three fish and 20 minutes later I caught a 15 inch brown trout. Bill was gripping about how he wasn't going to catch any trout if he spent all morning taking pictures of me. He no sooner said that, when he caught his first rainbow, on a red blood midge that he tied himself. Bill was ruined that day. He caught 14 trout, all on flies he tied himself, none using an indicator. His largest was a 17 inch rainbow. I told him it was never this good and that his next time fishing he would be very disappointed. It just so happened I also had the best day I had ever had in my life trout fishing. I caught 22 trout that day that ranged from eight inch dinks to the 19 inch roainbow that morning. In one day I almost doubled the total number of trout I caught all the previous years. Yes I count, and I am proud to say that I can remember them all. I will admit that after that day in 2004, I started keeping a journal to make it easier. I went trout fishing four times that year, a record that still stands. On Halloween morning this year I caught my first "trophy" brown a 21 inch brown caught on a size 18 olive scud. I caught two brown trout that day. That was the second one. Yes I count, but how about I promise to stop when I catch No 100! Maybe 2007 will be the lucky year!
  10. I use the same thing that Kansas Fly Fisher uses. It comes in all kinds of colors and a couple different thickness. Most any of the hobby craft stores carry it. I have used the thicker foam for home made fly boxes. I just cut out a couple of squares that fits in the bottom of one of those metal Sucrets boxes, or an Altoid Mint box. Glue one square to the lid and one to the bottom and Presto a fly box for you new foam flies! Have fun!
  11. A foot off the tip of a fly rod pretty much ruins it for a fly rod. Not that you couldn't make it work. BUT take the fly guides off and wrap on spinning guides and a new tip top and now you magically have a pretty good crappie rod. Proably even a good rod for fishing jigs for trout. If your like me and your the most stylish guy you know, just tape a spinning reel on to the fly grip with electrical tape. That makes a funky looking Tennesse stlye grip, but you have my garontee that the fish won't care. It probably some form of sacralidge for an LL Bean rod, but I bet you have some buddies with broken spinning rods around that you can scrounge for the guides. Nothing like a free pole!
  12. Here is my two cents worth. My favorite trout /panfish spinning rod is a 7.5 foot two peice modle that I got at Cabelas. It has a medium light action. I use a shimano reel (with the bail trigger) and very expensive five pound test fishing line made in Germany also from Cabelas. According to the math that five pound line is only slightly thicker than "normal" two pound test line. It's called Tec Tan. It is light green in color. This set up will cast light lures a long ways and the rod is long enough for good hook sets. I bank fish everything as I don't own a boat. In my experiance, I have better luck with hook sets with first of all sharp hooks, and then second, a longer rod. Longer rods work better when bobber fishing as well. I don't use an indicator while trout fishing, neither with a fly rod or a spinning rod, but I am guessing the principle would be the same. The largest trout I have landed on this outfit thus far is 17 inch male brown.
  13. I know of real shallow point on the north end of Truman State park where Tebo runs into the grand. I have never fished it but it looks fishy. I had no idea that this was the time of the year for that sort of thing. Of course the best time to go fishing is when ever one has a chance to go. Thanks for the info.
  14. Bill, I am primarily a warm water guy. I can't explain it but the desire to catch a limit of whites on a fly rod ranks very high on my wish list and has for some years now. So far I have not a single one to my credit on a fly rod; which is really aggrivating because I tied some all white Couser minnows for a friend a couple of years ago and he took them to LOZ the very next week and caught 3, 15-inch hybreds. So besides some differnt freinds, all I need is all the information I can get my hands on. The where's, the when's and if avilible, the why's. How's are importand, but they are secondary to the others. I check this section of the forum all the time just to see what has been happening. If it gits posted, I will read it as soon as I am able. I don't suppose there any fly fishing for white bass guides out there?
  15. Here is my biggest trout that I have ever caught and my first 20 inch + qulifier. She was 21 inches long and took a size 18 olive scud. About 8:00 on 10/31/06. A special thanks to Leonard for reveling one of his night spots to me the night before, Turns out that spot has fish in the daylight too!
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