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bass master

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Everything posted by bass master

  1. what are the bass and the crappie biting on because im headin down to the rock this weekend and i hope to catch some fish. please post your info.
  2. Were are the bass and what are they biting on mostly in your expeiances
  3. thank you for your reply
  4. crank baits and soft plastics
  5. What Type and brand or rod and reel would you recommend for bass fishing on table rock
  6. do u think that the crappie will still be spawning next weekend.
  7. How has the rain been affecting the lake so far
  8. what have the bass been biting on
  9. my uncle was done there today and he cought 2 6 lb larhe mouth and 2 3 lb white bass on black and silver rattle shad
  10. what are the bass biting, on my uncle was doin there yestetrday and cought 2 six pounders what lures would you suggest. also when will they be hitting on top water
  11. we were down at long creek and the fishin was pretty slow until my dad got a huge bight and told me to get the net because it felt like a bass but he pulled it in and it was a monster 18 inch 2 1\2 pound crappie then it picked up the next three days in long creek catching 30 each day using rubber skirts and a minnow on the end fishing the timber in the channel 6-12 feet deep in 25 feet of water
  12. What have been the best lures for whitebass and crappiue as of latley
  13. have any big trout been cought as of latley
  14. any fisherman out there have underwater cameras??? if you do then how are they working for you and were on the lake
  15. were are they and what are they bighting on????
  16. the fish were not spooked at all most of the crappie were not phased by it but the carp on the bottom was spooked. the water was clear enough to see in back bone bluff but not up in cricket,to mudy.
  17. We fished near backbone bluff and cricket creek all weekend and it was pretty slow. we bought one of those underwater cameras and threw down in backbone bluff near the eagles nest and we saw so many crappie and could not believe that they were not bighting. on the last day we hit a spot in backbone bluff and got two limits in less than an hour. we were using white body and chartruess tail rubber skirts and letting it sink for 6 seconds. all the crappie we cought were from 10 -15 inches. the biggest on was 16 inch, all females. we cought nothing in cricket.
  18. i just got back from the lake and we were fishing for crappie and we each got our limit in less than an hour. also the first day we cought 5 white bass while we were crappie fishen.
  19. what are the length limit and amount of bass you can keep for largemouth bass,small mouth bass, and white bass
  20. were are the white bass and what are they bighting on? im headin down to table rock tomorow. also same qusition with the small mouth. please reply i need info
  21. Were are the bass at and what are they biting on???????
  22. have you been catching any bass with them, i just bought the ghost one to.
  23. I was wondering if anyone has been using the new XRAP Rapala and if so have you been affective with it
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