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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by jdelow77

  1. For all of you who fish crystal lake , where us a good spot for crappie on the lake ? I know the ramp and dam are full of trash , the access on 59 looks better , I don't have a boat , any info would be helpful , thanks ...
  2. jdelow77

    Any Reports?

    Fished from 2-5 , white river is murky , got one bite all day ... Windy was the word of the day !!!
  3. jdelow77

    Any Reports?

    Going tomorrow , any advice where i should go ? Thought about starting around blue springs
  4. Where you heading wed or Thursday ? I'm free both days and need to fish ...
  5. It would have been a good weekend to go , took my annual trip to Oaklawn this weekend but , going to hit it next weekend
  6. Why is it all the baitshops around here are closed?
  7. Nice fish there , I'm going in a few hours no idea where but, i gotta get out ...
  8. I'm waiting on my dad to tell me the fish are moving , because he fishes a few times a week and is a freaking crappie slayer !!!! Only problem is he lives in Nashville ( AR ) so it's a 4 hour drive but always worth it ...
  9. Struck out today , it was windy as well .. Looks like a few weeks before I will get out again ..
  10. Going to try crystal lake (its 15 mins from my house) Sunday , only have about two hours to fish so I need to stay close to home ! I will let everyone know how the nibbles work
  11. Anyone use crappie nibbles ? I bought two colors today , going to try them out the next warm day
  12. jdelow77


    In 2007 I caught one on a very small creek in arkansas it was close to 22 inches , closest I've caught since was 18 inches , I've never had a fight like that in my life and don't know that I ever will again!
  13. I live in Centerton , but I don't mind driving ... I usually hit war eagle for whites ... I'll let you know a few days in advance and we can try and plan something
  14. Caught 3 today all shorts ... I was just happy with three !! Lol
  15. We own a lake house on the Rambo arm of beaver ( family lake house I should say ) it's deep and right on a bluff line , I've planted tons and tons of brush piles but, only caught 3 crappie there in 7 years , it's deep there so if the fish aren't deep I don't catch anything ...
  16. Thanks for the info ... Sorry if that came off a little rude asking you where you were fishing ...
  17. Pm me if its not to much trouble the general location , I'm a crappie guy as well but am having motor problems !!!
  18. Crappie on beaver are tough , for me at least , did u catch these crappie from the bank ? It looks like it in the pic ...
  19. I just recently found out that spavinaw had trout in it , has anyone fished it around Benton county ? If so where did you put in ?
  20. Anyone been out twin bridges / seqouyah spill way ? Anyone catching anything out that way ?
  21. Located in Centerton , Arkansas ...
  22. This boatis 19 feet and has the original interior with no major rips or tears, the back rests have some small cracks but the interior overall is in great shape, the hull is in great shape as well, the motor has a new water pump,battery,fuel line and primer bulb, spark plugs, the stereo and speakers are less than a year old, has a binimi top and comes with a cover when you store it , I will throw in a ski rope, ski bridal, and a 4 person tube, this will make a great boat for some one....3750.00 firm...have maintence record and winterization records, if your serious and have cash in hand i will meet you somewhere and we will put it in the water for you to drive...thanks for looking
  23. R&R marine ??
  24. I need my water pump replaced , where would be the cheapest place in NWA to get this done ???
  25. I am thinking seriously about buying a boat tomorrow , the person selling it to me has only had it for 4 months and he never tagged it, will there be a problem when I go to tag it? He was also the 2nd owner
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