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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. i will be coming up there labor bay weekend just woudering if there is any water to fish and how is the fishing thanks for info
  2. i go up and fish the illinois river 1 or 2 times a year there is a put in east of siloam springs right before it crosses 412 u drive down that a road to the right there is a boat ramp there i put in there and fish up and down stream do very well foe smallies and spots that is the only one i know of would like to know if there is any more 2 hope this helps
  3. went to lee creek this morning fished for 4 hours caught 20 to25 fish spots smallies and a few green sunfish put in on indapendance road at natural dam the spots and smallies where 12 to 16 in long only fished 3 holes good day cant wait 2 go back has anyone elsebeen on this creek this summer and done any good
  4. blue

    Summer Float

    is ther any part of the river you can float and fish during the summer say july or aug maybe sep thanks for info
  5. can u float this sec of river during july aug or sep or is there alot of dragging i would guess that u could since it is so far down river thanks for info
  6. i would love to take that float someday cant wait for the report on yours
  7. i am here all the time love this forum
  8. fished lee creek over the holiday bunch of fish spots smallies and green sunfish. if u could keep the sunfish off of u u would catch bass. they r fun to catch 2 going to try frog bayou next weekend if i get some time
  9. i fish mostlyaround the nat dam area i have caught a bunch of fish in that area if u go up 220east they r 3 put ins 1at siver bridge 1at canoe access 1at fordrd off of leecreek rd u can do alot of wade fishing east of nat dam west has alot of deep holes i put in at indapendens rd most of the time and float 2oe 3 holes and then come back i have floated from nat dam 2ok bridge it took me 3 1/2 days i was in no hurry all private land that sectoin watch where u camp
  10. i am from the van buren area and i fish frog bayou,mulberry river, and lee creekduring the summer just wondering if anyone else fishes these waters
  11. glad to see you caught some fish would love to fish the kings more but live in river vally
  12. is anyone catching any red ear bream was up there in may and cought a bunch
  13. i love to fish and hunt just wanted to say hi hope everyone has fun fishing
  14. blue


    has any one been fishing and done any good what part of river is most productive thanks for any info
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