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Everything posted by Piker

  1. I don't see the difference between a "prank" and an outright "theft". If it was a prank, they would have let the guy wonder where it went for a few minutes, then immediately give it back. Anything short of that is theft or not realizing people let things lay and use the honor system that it will be where they left it.
  2. Just came back from Bennett. Water is murky but fishing is good- but fish are small. Somehow 3-4 inch rainbows ended up in the spring- pretty pitiful. I second the tip about not fishing too deep and in too fast of water- the fish aren't used to fighting the stronger current, so they hang out in the seams and eddys. We are not talking about the gut-eaters either- there aren't many gut eaters when the water is this murky. Fish typical murky water patterns- Our group had great fishing in Zones 1 and 2 using fly fishing gear only-under indicators primarily.
  3. I know Hazel Creek allows personal boats, but unfortunately, trolling motors only (its a big lake for that restriction). Lake Hunnewell is a fisheries lake north of Mark Twain, and it is a private boat only lake. It is part of a fishery, and it is for the control of Zebra Mussels.
  4. Thanks for the info- I was always hesitant to wade in amongst the bait fishermen because:- 1. I'm a fly fisherman too and didn't know if the fish would strike a fly and 2. didn't know if the spinn fishermen would tolerate a long-poler in them. I went below the bridge and did well last year, but the access was limited.
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