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Doc Dave

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Everything posted by Doc Dave

  1. Doc Dave


    Any luck this weekend? We did fairly well at JFK
  2. Doc Dave


    Any updates on fishing at JFK? Going there next weekend. And what about the generation there?
  3. This board has been very quiet as of late an I was wondering if anyone is fishing the Red? My son is coming in Friday and I wanted to take him to the Red for a day of fishing. Any reports from anyone?
  4. Plans are to go to JFK Friday and camp. What is the status for wade fishing?
  5. Sounds like a plan
  6. It really was a nice weekend. Really wanted to cast a fly rod more than I did. I was using a 9 ft leader with about 4 ft of tippet. Water was clear, saw fish, didn't or couldn't figure out which fly to use? Did try a few streamers though, but with no luck. Does anyone go down there and fish after dark? I heard that is a good time for brownies? And Saturday the wind was tough, I went with a 3 wt. rod, and the wind did make it tough.
  7. Fishing was slow this weekend. Arrived at Parkers Bottom Campground Friday afternoon about 2:45 and they were letting out water, fishing was slow. Got up Saturday morning and water was down, took the flyrod out and spent about a hour or so with no luck. Met several other guys with same results. People on the banks using whatever had to sit a long time before getting any fish.Sunday afternoon we took the boat down to Housman ramp and went upriver about 1:30. Using orange PowerBait and we really hit the fish, four of us limited out, several fish in the slot, 14 to 15 inches. Sunday was a repeat of the other days if fishing on from the bank. But hey, beats working.
  8. Need help guys - We are heading to Eureka Springs next week and plans are to stay for 3 to 4 days. Any suggestions on a good campground where I can pitch a tent and do some flyfishing? Also planning on taking my kayaks?
  9. Nice tents, just a to unconventional for me. Thanks
  10. Looking to buy a new tent. A big tent probably 12x12, 19x10 with head room any suggestions
  11. Bought a pair of Chotas the other day. Use them today. I am really impressed with the fit and comfort. I really felt comfortable wading today. I know time will tell, but at least for today they were A-1
  12. Looking to purchase a new pair of wading boots. Not real costly, but yet a good pair. Any suggestions
  13. looks nice. How much you asking?
  14. I am interested, more info an pictures if possible
  15. I am looking for a travel trailer - bumper pull. About 24 ft. Anyone know of any out there?
  16. Well, my buddy Billy and I made a trip to Riverside yesterday afternoon and was met with a milky river, but after driving for almost 2 hours we gave it a shot. The river was up and running fast which made wading somewhat tricky. A few fish were caught, mostly on a BH Black Wooly. The wind was another factor. I took my Powell 3 wt. and that made casting somewhat of a challenge. Overcast and windy, I think the water was warmer than the air!! Basically the technique which seemed to work best was to cast upstream and continuously mend as it was coming down. Fish seemed to hit it at just about the end of the drift. most trout caught were in the 13 to 14 inch range, but in that fast water and a 3 wt. sporting a 6X tippet made it fun. Plans are to go next week if the water clears up.
  17. Anyone fishing below the dam or around JFK Lately?
  18. Just Below Carpenter Dam outside of Hot Springs, Arkansas
  19. Another picture from my yak
  20. Took this picture, didn't know if it would turn out, what do you think.
  21. Sight savers - Small flies are getting harder and harder to put on without them
  22. Went and looked for a kayak I can fish out of and also just paddle around the lakes. I looked at the Pelican Castaway 116 DLX today, seems ok, but I don't really know. Is a sit on top good or not. I tried fishing out of a tandem kayak and did not care for that experience. I also looked at the Pelican Getaway 100, a sit in kayak, a foot shorter that the castaway. The only three differences I see are the foot shorter, a sit in style, and the dry storage on the castaway is at the front and the getaway at the back. Any suggestions.
  23. Thanks
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