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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by davekeim

  1. Missouri has a daily fishing permit for residents and non-residents. It's is $7 per day. Also if fishing Taney he'll need a trout permit which is $7 annually. Won't save too much but every little bit helps. Signed, Cardiac
  2. Hmmmm. No mention of Leonard here! Looks like a brown slipped the hands of the Trout Reaper! Signed, Cardiac
  3. Such a small issue to heavily weigh our minds! In this world of................... which you all can see, can we come up with something better to battle? Signed, Cardiac
  4. Nothing wrong with a good party and some drinking as long as it's in good taste! If you respect the nature and others around you it should not be an issue. As a party dude, I can not stand people who get out of control. Get a good buzz, enjoy the day, and enjoy those around you. Life is too short to spend your time messing with someone else's good time. Signed, Cardiac
  5. $0000 fish, $0000 people fishing! $000 lunkers ! $gov regulated state park! $Wonder who the big winner is here$!
  6. WOW! That was close!
  7. Drummond Island. Lake Huron. Cardiac with fish on! Cardiac with another fish on! Nice quite morning. Cardiac with catch of the day. Signed, Cardiac
  8. Obdito, pronounced Ob dee toe. Means "Another Beautiful Day In The Ozarks." Use it like "Aloha." A hello a Good bye. "Obdito." I like like it! It may catch on! Obdito, Signed, Cardiac
  9. Lions, and tigers, and bears, Oh My! Signed, Cardiac
  10. Way to go Phil, you've always done well at everything!
  11. Polock, duh whores power limit is tree hoofs. Dat's free qarters da limit. If ya run ot of hey yous yer peddel. If it breks use some of that ther carn to stick er back gether. Hope that ther horn dont go off. if in it does you betr peddel cwik. Signed, Cardiac
  12. Many bacterias such as selmonella can be in the form of an air borne bacteria. Most air borne bacteria is carried into the plants by truck drivers delivering raw ingredients whose boots has been in contact with a bacteria. Many of these bacterias come from farms such as a dairy or poultry farms where truck drivers go to pick up raw ingredients. Not too long ago we had to selmonella in taco tomatoes and don't forget the semonella in the spinach. Signed, Cardiac
  13. The curse has been lifted! I finally got to Tom. Sent him the dough and have received my book. Thanks Tom! Great read, great history. If you read the book have a map of TR with you. Makes it much more meaningful! Thanks again. Signed, Cardiac
  14. You did well! I went for the first time last year and walked out with a pontoon boat! Well, the wife loves it and it's on the water at Taney. We went to Taney six times last year because of it. And that's a good thing! Signed, Cardiac
  15. Hey I'm a polock also. Hence the question, how do you do the quote thing on replys? Signed, Cardiac
  16. Crap, my attachment didn't go through. Signed, Cardiac
  17. What a day! Had a hard time keeping up with one pole. Had to put it down! Signed, Cardiac
  18. LMW. One girl 26 married and out. Second girl 22 and moving out. All at the age of 47. Gee golly it's good to be alive! Signed, Cardiac
  19. Russ, you are a piece of work! A tazer for the anniversary! WOW! I still would have zapped the dog. Flowers are less painful. Good thing you didn't decide on a gun. Signed, Cardiac
  20. Ah, the story of traveling for a living. LMW. Do what I am doing. Going from ops manager back to sales relocating to Table Rock lake. Making calls in SW MO NE AR etc. Nice day.............cell phone and laptop on the pontoon! Signed, Cardiac
  21. Cograts! Enjoy that boy! I have two daughters, wife, two grandkids, girls! Waiting for that boy!
  22. If you find it let me know where. Signed, Cardiac
  23. Happy Birthday Gary! Your brother-in-law is going to strip for you?
  24. Here is my e-mail. Heck, it's out there all over the world. No secret. dave@dsiprocess.com. Oh, and by the way, thank you very much. Signed, Cardiac
  25. "Buried by Table Rock Lake." By Tom Koob. Does this really exist? I've e-mailed this guy like ten times. No response. I've heard Borders in Springfield carries it. This week I made sales calls in Springfield. By the way bless you all for putting up with that storm crap. Stopped at Borders. No luck. Stopped at Bass Pro. No luck. I'm lucky if I read a book every five years. Then when I seek one out I can't find It. Searched the internet. Borders, Amazon no luck. Am I that stupid I can't find this book? Don't answer that! Help! Please! Signed, Cardiac
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