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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I'm here every 3-4 days
  2. Hey guys THANKS for the info !! my wonderful (not) internet enabled phone did not work up there even in Stockton itself so I didn't get this info in time but I might just have to go back next week and try these areas. We did end up fishing the bridge by Cedar Ridge and had 9 nice ones and 10 or so shorts in 2 hours right as the moon came up. it seemed they wanted it rising just slowly and you really had to pay attention. several of the nice ones swallowed it clear down and I never knew I had a bite. Seemed like 12-15 foot produced for us. no walleye caught. we did hit a couple of points and caught a few small LM bass on shakey heads and jigs. I did catch 1 NICE Smallmouth (18.5") right at dark on an old style eakins jig and 8 lb line. It was a battle. Water temp was 78.4 when we got there Thur. and 85.6 when we pulled the old pontoon out this afternoon. Thanks again for the info and I will post if I get to go back next week. rngrfshrmn
  3. Hey guys I'm taking the kids on an overnight campout and fishing trip this friday. We will be staying at cedar ridge. Was hoping to get some pointers as to where to drop the lights over the side and fish a few minnows. it's been 7-8 yrs since I have night fished stockton and never on that side. any help would be appreciated. Have they been doing any good like this ?? I just have the old floating fishing lights that hook to a battery. thanks.
  4. It sounds like you had a problem with your line. I use a similar set up 6' fast action light rod with a shimano reel and regularly have no problem with any crappie or white bass. The occasional large bass or walleye or even up to 10 lb channel cat only takes a little longer to bring to the net. I released 2 large bass last week one 7 and the other 4.5lbs. I use custom road runners and curly tail minnows and the only time they break the line is if they engulf them too far and rub the line quite awhile on thier teeth. I use the Segaur 6 lb Invisx. it casts like and allows the fall of 4lb regular line and seems as strong as any 8 lb line I have ever used. you might try this line and see if it helps.
  5. Fished today from 2pm till dark. Caught 10 white bass most small and 2 monster females full of eggs (released). 1 black bass, 1 channel cat and 2 crappie. All caught on crappie jigs fished slow. green was the color of the day then white in the evening. Bite was solid bump but just not nearly often enough. h2o temp 58.8. Boat in 12-15 feet of water. nearly everyone I talked to had 1 or 2 white bass. I caught 7 of my 10 in one little spot in 5 minutes seemed like I finally got it right but never got another bite after that. Little shower made the ride back cold but all in all it was a good day. I might add that I have fished this river at this time of year for 15 yrs and have never seen the amount of traffic on the water as I have the last 2 times. Everyone must be having a difficult time finding the fish. I saw the local guides running about alot today. hope it turns on next week I have several anxious kids just itching to go. Good luck !!
  6. About the same here for my boat today. White bass - 0 / Black bass - 3 / crappie - 10 (3 keepers) only in one small spot. fished from the piers up almost to the bridge. Talked to only 2 other boats out of 20 or so that had any white bass. Heard of a guy fishing for catfish that did well below the r/r bridge. h2o temp 48.3 up to 50.8 at 6pm.
  7. Is this the blue box or silver box in the 14 lb ?? Thanks
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