i have nothing against the angler who caught the fish. it's a great fish, big enough to feed a family for weeks. i was just making an observation on how the world "river" is perceived differently these days. sure, i get it.. a river is merely water functioning as kinetic energy in the everlasting roll downstream. Yet in my head the Current River starts at Tan Vat and works it way down. Everything upstream from the point of the setting sun has become too much like the park i.e. hatchery for me. i was simply making a connection between the differences in mindsets. doesn't make me right and you wrong, or vice versa. i appoligize for myself, the sun of scudz because i know that there is nothing good that comes from the mind of someone consumed with ego and arrogance. i was caught up in a moment of a condescending haze of anger, for that i will pay not by your judgement, but rather by thine own self.