I've been hearing about the doctor shortage for a number of years, yet when I go by the beautiful new hospital the doctors-only parking lot is jam-packed with Porsche, Lexus, Infinity, BMW and Mercedes cars.
It is a pain in the butt to get in to see my doctor though -- months to get an appointment. But I think that's because he's a good doctor with a large and loyal patient base. I don't think I'd have too much trouble finding a new one -- they're out there. My wife just switched to somebody closer to home. He's a GP, and just one example -- I know that.
I just looked up the hospital I am referring to -- Shawnee Mission Med Center. They built a new $114 million 8-story building in 2009, spent another $19 million finishing it off in 2011 and then broke ground on a $42 million maternity building after that. That's a crap-load of dough, which makes me think it's a pretty good business to be in right now. Anyhoo -- I don't offer that info as commentary on ACA, more as general grumbling at medical economics being so out-of-whack.
I'm no flaming Libertarian, but I am a believer in the idea that we ought to leave most things to the private sector; have a government that protects people from abuses, without getting in the middle and trying to fix everything. Government invariably introduces 'politics' into the equation, and that gets us stuff like we see now: no accountability, outsized costs and decision making based on about anything but what's good for the whole population of people affected.
So, that's about all I've got to say about that. I know it's dangerously close to political, and will raise a few hackles, but I'm not looking to start an argument.