thanks... so does this mean as i'm trolling along that I should use a lure that literally skates the top of the water, or just one that dives shallow... like 3-5 feet.
Tell me about the BPS warranty and how much that costs? That may be the difference between me buying from them or not.
dang... starmarinedepot doesn't carry the 998
Thanks for the recommendation on J & H - i'll probably buy from them.
I'm definitely going with platinum maps after reading about them on the navionics site.. especially since Table Rock is one of their HD lakes.
if i'm dumping over $1500 into the unit, another couple hundy for the best maps available is nothin'
Unless I'm wrong, isn't a brick and motar store either.
and generally speaking, the store needs to be within 100 miles of the brick and mortar cabelas or bass pro location
I called those guys.. they had a nice price of $1725... which is more than the florida company, but still way less than bass pro or cabelas
Have you had positive personal experiences with J and H? I am considering pulling the trigger here
yes, i am resigned to having to purchase the platinum maps for another $170 after I get the unit anyway.... oh, and then of course pay to have it installed in my boat because that kind of stuff really isn't in my wheelhouse of DIY.
I do quite a bit of online shopping, but rarely do i make huge purchases online.
I've decided the model that meets my wants/desires is the Humminbird 998c Combo SI
I need a transducer with this item and the inclusion of a transducer is what is key.
This is the item at Cabela's - which is $1999 - the manufacturer's price on the item.
Of course i also have to legally pay sales tax on this from this store.
Amazon has it for the same price, as do many other known retailers.
But then.... some "off-name" retailers that i haven't heard of have it for quite a bit less: - $1628 - WOW - and no sales tax due up front.
Amazon Retailer Electronica Direct:;pf_rd_i=507846 - $1720
These are huge savings.... but is it too good to be true? Is there something I'm missing here? The google checkout seller ratings on digital oasis were 4.5 stars.... electronica direct had pretty good feedback on amazon.
I hate trying to save a couple hundy and have it bite me in the butt afterwards... is this too good to be true or just smart shopping?
So, for the record: White bass, crappie, and walleye are ok to catch, keep, and eat
it is only the black bass that are not?
How about smallmouth bass? any thoughts on the Kentucky?