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Everything posted by msamatt

  1. Thanks Mitch! Bring your friends, I know you'll have a good time.
  2. The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance is hosting what we're calling our 2013 River Guide Series starting in February. We're having four different river guides as our featured speakers between February and May: Tommy Bench, Nick Hamra (zipstick on this forum), Sam Potter, and Dale Kipp. You're all welcome to attend if you're interested. For more info check out the 2013 River Guide Series section of our blog: http://missourismall...e.blogspot.com/ Thanks, Matt
  3. msamatt


    I don't really have any clothin superstitions though I try to dress as comfortably as possible and tend to wear swimming trunks, including black and white hawaiian print ones, because I like to go for a swim to cool down when I get too hot and to fully enjoy the whole river experience. Though I will add that I always try to remember to pack a pair of pants after I had to climb up and down through a downright prehistoric growth of poison ivy this summer in order to take out at the end of a trip on the Big River. I do firmly believe that fishing always gets better after lunch (for me anyway and this doesn't mean I start eating lunch at 6 am ) I don't keep a log with details about exactly how many fish i catch pre and post lunch but it's almost always the case.
  4. msamatt


    Hey Andy: Glad to see another guy isn't afraid to wear the lime green stream team tshir and hawaiian shorts combo I completely agree with your formula but will make it a bit wider tough access=less pressure=increased possibility for great fishing.
  5. Mitch: I hope you guys have a great trip. The topwater bite really turned on around 11 am on both Saturday and Sunday during the Rodeo on the James two weekends ago. In fact, Steve Harrison and I enjoyed two hours of what I can honestly say were the best topwater fishing anywhere last Sunday afternoon. That morning we fished from JRO to Blunks and around 11 we started fishing a long hole. For the next two hours we caught fish after fish on topwater: LM, SM, Spots and Hybrids!! We were both throwing a Cultiva Zip N' Ziggy (about the size of a zara puppy) and I was also throwing a super spook junior because it seemed like the fish wanted a slightly bigger target. Steve was throwing a slightly darker bait than mine and was enjoying much better action than me (note to self: get rid of at least two of the baits in you box and replace with darker shade of baits you know that work). He even caught two dinky largemouth on the same topwater bait. See the pic. Anyway, even with the shallow water I think the potential is still great for some hot topwater action.
  6. Chief: Thanks for starting this topic. I don’t know why Senator Brian Munzlinger proposed Senate Joint Resolution 27. I do know, however, that this Wednesday afternoon the Missouri Senate Agriculture, Food and Outdoor Resources Committee, of which he is the current Chair, is going to have a hearing on SJR 27. Is the 4 person Conservation Commission really unable to do their job effectively anymore? If it isn’t broke, and I don’t think it is, then why should the Missouri Legislature waste its valuable and limited time with this non-issue? Will creating a larger administrative structure help either the Conservation Commission guide the MDC any more effectively? I don’t think so. I happen to think this is yet another attempt by some Missouri State Legislators to undermine the constitutional authority of the Conservation Commission. To the best of my knowledge section 40(a) of the Constitution of Missouri (http://www.sos.mo.gov/pubs/missouri_constitution.pdf) gives the Conservation Commission, not the House or Senate, the authority to establish and administer our game laws. What does this have to do with SJR 27? If you do a bit of research you’ll find that Senator Munzlinger sponsored SB 150 to Allow Regulated Hand Fishing for Carp and Catfish in June and July on Certain Waterways (http://www.senate.mo.gov/11info/BTS_Web/Bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=4084718) last year even though the Missouri Conservation Commission approved a trial hand fishing season in 2005 and 2006 and then, in April 2007 voted to end that experimental season. Visit here for more info: http://mdc.mo.gov/fishing/regulations/sport-fish-regulations/why-no-noodling Munzlinger’s proposed bill was similar to SB 350 from 2009 http://www.senate.mo.gov/09info/BTS_Web/Bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=760235 and SB 1107 from 2006 http://www.senate.mo.gov/06info/BTS_Web/Bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=154220 Why do Senators who must know that neither the House nor Senate has the authority to pass any legislation to create or amend game laws keep introduction legislation which attempts to do just that? Draw your own conclusions.
  7. Gary, Great work! I know we've had to supply the MDC with information about our group when we've reserved the use of meeting rooms in other MDC Nature Centers so if you need that, let me know and we'll get it to you. Guys, Gary's cleared the first hurdle for the SWMO Chapter. If other people join who might live futher west of Springfield and don't want to drive all that far there's no reason for those members not to meet someplace more geographically convenient. You can be the SW of the SWMO Chapter or something to that effect. Anyway, my point is, if you live in Joplin or Neosho or someplace in between there and Springfield and you want to meet with other anglers in your town, please do so. I'm sure some of the members in the Springfield metro area might join you some time and vice-versa.
  8. Gavin: Thanks for your support but, to clarify, you don't need to send Gary an additional check. When you join or renew your membership in the MSA you write just one check regardless of your geographic location. And, to help out Gary, I know that he really doesn't want to be the Director/BMIC of the SWMO chapter. He's been there and done that and while I know he's willing to do what he can, to whit all of these threads, he's retired and has lots of other irons in the fire. As Gavin metions, it takes lots of work. But its all worthwhile imho. I'm really please that this discussion is encouraging some of you to join and pitch in.
  9. Chief: What Al wrote about is exactly the type of issue we need for members to help us address. We don't really have a "mother" chapter. We're one MSA. If you were to join the SWMO chapter and would have differences of opinion with those members and everyone else in the rest of the state then so be it. Discussing/arguing about different approaches to the same problems is a health way to run things. I can understand how it looks like we might have the MSA HQ in St. Louis but we don't hand out marching orders to everyone and we're not kicking out members because they don't agree with me or anyone else. The MSA was started by a guy in St. Louis so its only natural that we've kind of spread out from St.L. I obviously recommend joining. Join and see how you like it. I'm sure you won't always see eye to eye with everyone else but so what? If we are all working together to address issues like access, water quality, land use, regs, etc. we can agree to disagree if it means that we're still accomplishing something worthwhile for the resource.
  10. KCRR: Please join the MSA forum. We need more members participating. Let me know what you think. We just started it at the end of December so don't expect it to be as packed with content as the OAF. As far as "putting down" the OAF is concerned I don't think I wrote anything remotely insulting about the OAF. We created the MSA forum for MSA members. We cannot replicate what Phil's created here and have no interest in doing so. Why would we? We're not competing with the OAF. Marc Rogers took the time to create the forum for us in order to give members another means of communicating with each other and sharing info. Like all forums it is what folks put into it, no more and no less. Flysmallie: Thanks, we're looking forward to working with you.
  11. KCRR: You're absolutely right but that's the purpose of this forum. The purpose of the MSA forum is to serve as a means for members to share info with each other and not serve as yet another online forum.
  12. Chief: I don't mind your frankness at all. In fact, I honestly believe that you really care about our Ozark stream fisheries and will do what you can to help conserve this terrific heritage as you best see fit. I'll be the first to admit that the MSA isn't the alpha and omega of smallmouth fishing and conservation in Missouri. What I really care about is working with anyone who is passionate our ozark stream fisheries to do what we can to make sure that generations to come can enjoy them as much as we do. Keep on doing what you do and I'll do the same.
  13. Chief and everyone else: I'll clear a few things up. To be honest it was some of Chief's and Gary Lange's criticism back in December which was the impetus for us to finally creating an online forum for our members. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, the following message appears right on our home page: "Please take a look at our forum. Anyone can read most, but not all of the topics. Only MSA members can view and post after registering." Admitted our rejection of Chief's application to register for the forum could have been worded more clearly but that's what it was a rejection of his application to join the forum because he's not a current MSA member. Why is the MSA forum for members only? A) We're a strictly volunteer organization and creating and maintaining a good online forum takes time and effort, just ask Phil. It was created by a member as a means for the rest of the members to share information with each other and is one of the benefits of membership.
  14. Chief: I know you don't mean any harm and I really do appreciate your comments and your different point of view even if I don't necessarily agree with all of your conclusions. I don't know why you were suprised that we didn't allow you to register for the forum since it states right on our home page "Anyone can read most, but not all of the topics. Only MSA members can view and post after registering." The forum is a communication device that we created and maintain for our members. That's not all that unusual. For example, the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance, which is a fine organization also has an online forum. When you register to participate you'll read the following: These forums are intended for use by the paid members of the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance. I also don't think that changing regs is the only answer to helping sustain our smallmouth fisheries; however, if the Missouri Conservation Commission were to adopt regs which are something other than our current 6 12" fish statewide limit, I do think, if all of the factors are conducive to producing larger smallmouth, that such regs changes will help create the potential for having streams produce more of the nice pigs we see Nick Hamra hoisting in his photos.
  15. Gary, Joe, Norris, and Scott: Thanks for taking the time to come out on what was probably the best weather day we've had in weeks to attend our meeting and to join/renew your membership in the MSA. I'll take the time now to publicly thank Phil for joining the MSA as well. He joined us earlier this year and we really appreciate his membership as well. While I would have loved to talk to a packed room I was happy to have the opportunity to talk the the guys that were there. I was also pleased that two MDC fisheries management biologists, Mary Culler from the SW Regional office in Springfield and Rick Horton from Neosho took the time to attend as well. We've worked hard for the past 18 years to develop a good working relationship with the MDC and its thanks in no small part to dedicated MDC employees like them that the MSA/MDC relationship is as strong as it is. With some help from Gary, Joe, Norris, Scott and anyone else who wants to help we'll grow a strong SWMO chapter. Thanks, Matt
  16. I'm writing to remind everyone that we're hosting an informational meeting concerning smallmouth bass conservation and expanding our membership into Southwest Missouri in Springfield on Saturday, February 20, 2010. We'd like everyone interested in joining and helping form a Southwest Missouri Chapter of the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance to attend. When: 1:30-4:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 20, 2010. Where: The Story Hour Room in The Library Center, the headquarters of the Springfield Greene-County Library System, located at 4653 South Campbell, Springfield, Missouri 65810-1723 Phone: (417) 882-0714 Why: The MSA understands that there are many committed anglers and other citizens who are interested in helping working to improve and protect their stream smallmouth bass fisheries in Southwest Missouri. Members of the new Southwest Missouri chapter will help provide regional insight on regional threats to stream smallmouth bass fisheries; sponsor local events and outings; participate in the distribution of the MSA’s “Free the Fighter” educational signs which our members post at river and stream accesses; obtain membership in Stream Team 509; and generally help educate the public of the importance of volunteering to help conserve our precious Ozark stream and river smallmouth fisheries. What do new members receive when they join? In addition to the benefits mentioned above, for their $20.00 annual membership, members will get: 1. A copy of Chuck Tryon’s 200 Missouri Smallmouth Adventures 2. A one year subscription to our bi-monthly publication the Bronzeback News 3. A one year subscription to Outdoor Guide Magazine 4. A six month subscription to River Hills Traveler The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization whose members are concerned with protecting and improving Missouri’s native smallmouth bass fisheries through angler education, conservation and active participation. Since its founding in 1992, the MSA’s central aim has been to help create world class smallmouth bass fishing in Missouri through the widespread practice of catch-and-release, the expansion of quality-based fisheries regulations and through the protection of fragile stream fisheries habitat and their surrounding watersheds. For more information about the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance go to: www.missourismallmouthalliance.org For more information about this event contact Matt Wier at wierfish@yahoo.com
  17. Gary and Exiled: I'm looking forward to meeting you. Be sure to introduce yourselves. Matt
  18. MISSOURI SMALLMOUTH ALLIANCE TO HOLD CHAPTER ORGANIZATION MEETING The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance (MSA) is pleased to announce that a contingent of MSA members will be in Springfield on Saturday, February 20, 2010 to hold an informational meeting concerning smallmouth bass conservation and expansion of its membership. The meeting will include a brief stream smallmouth fishing seminar. Anyone interested in joining or helping form a Southwest Missouri Chapter of the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance is invited. When: 1:30-4:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 20, 2010. Where: The Story Hour Room in The Library Center, the headquarters of the Springfield Greene-County Library System, located at 4653 South Campbell, Springfield, Missouri 65810-1723 Phone: (417) 882-0714 Why: The MSA understands that there are many committed anglers and other citizens who are interested in helping working to improve and protect their stream smallmouth bass fisheries in Southwest Missouri. Members of the new Southwest Missouri chapter will help provide regional insight on regional threats to stream smallmouth bass fisheries; sponsor local events and outings; participate in the distribution of the MSA’s “Free the Fighter” educational signs which our members post at river and stream accesses; obtain membership in Stream Team 509; and generally help educate the public of the importance of volunteering to help conserve our precious Ozark stream and river smallmouth fisheries. What do new members receive when they join? In addition to the benefits mentioned above, for their $20.00 annual membership, members will get: 1. A copy of Chuck Tryon’s 200 Missouri Smallmouth Adventures 2. A one year subscription to our bi-monthly publication the Bronzeback News 3. A one year subscription to Outdoor Guide Magazine 4. A six month subscription to River Hills Traveler The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization whose members are concerned with protecting and improving Missouri’s native smallmouth bass fisheries through angler education, conservation and active participation. Since its founding in 1992, the MSA’s central aim has been to help create world class smallmouth bass fishing in Missouri through the widespread practice of catch-and-release, the expansion of quality-based fisheries regulations and through the protection of fragile stream fisheries habitat and their surrounding watersheds. For more information about the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance go to: www.missourismallmouthalliance.org For more information about this event contact Matt Wier at wierfish@yahoo.com
  19. MISSOURI SMALLMOUTH ALLIANCE TO HOLD CHAPTER ORGANIZATION MEETING The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance (MSA) is pleased to announce that a contingent of MSA members will be in Springfield on Saturday, February 20, 2010 to hold an informational meeting concerning smallmouth bass conservation and expansion of its membership. The meeting will include a brief stream smallmouth fishing seminar. Anyone interested in joining or helping form a Southwest Missouri Chapter of the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance is invited. When: 1:30-4:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 20, 2010. Where: The Story Hour Room in The Library Center, the headquarters of the Springfield Greene-County Library System, located at 4653 South Campbell, Springfield, Missouri 65810-1723 Phone: (417) 882-0714 Why: The MSA understands that there are many committed anglers and other citizens who are interested in helping working to improve and protect their stream smallmouth bass fisheries in Southwest Missouri. Members of the new Southwest Missouri chapter will help provide regional insight on regional threats to stream smallmouth bass fisheries; sponsor local events and outings; participate in the distribution of the MSA’s “Free the Fighter” educational signs which our members post at river and stream accesses; obtain membership in Stream Team 509; and generally help educate the public of the importance of volunteering to help conserve our precious Ozark stream and river smallmouth fisheries. What do new members receive when they join? In addition to the benefits mentioned above, for their $20.00 annual membership, members will get: 1. A copy of Chuck Tryon’s 200 Missouri Smallmouth Adventures 2. A one year subscription to our bi-monthly publication the Bronzeback News 3. A one year subscription to Outdoor Guide Magazine 4. A six month subscription to River Hills Traveler The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization whose members are concerned with protecting and improving Missouri’s native smallmouth bass fisheries through angler education, conservation and active participation. Since its founding in 1992, the MSA’s central aim has been to help create world class smallmouth bass fishing in Missouri through the widespread practice of catch-and-release, the expansion of quality-based fisheries regulations and through the protection of fragile stream fisheries habitat and their surrounding watersheds. For more information about the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance go to: www.missourismallmouthalliance.org For more information about this event contact Matt Wier at wierfish@yahoo.com
  20. MISSOURI SMALLMOUTH ALLIANCE TO HOLD CHAPTER ORGANIZATION MEETING The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance (MSA) is pleased to announce that a contingent of MSA members will be in Springfield on Saturday, February 20, 2010 to hold an informational meeting concerning smallmouth bass conservation and expansion of its membership. The meeting will include a brief stream smallmouth fishing seminar. Anyone interested in joining or helping form a Southwest Missouri Chapter of the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance is invited. When: 1:30-4:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 20, 2010. Where: The Story Hour Room in The Library Center, the headquarters of the Springfield Greene-County Library System, located at 4653 South Campbell, Springfield, Missouri 65810-1723 Phone: (417) 882-0714 Why: The MSA understands that there are many committed anglers and other citizens who are interested in helping working to improve and protect their stream smallmouth bass fisheries in Southwest Missouri. Members of the new Southwest Missouri chapter will help provide regional insight on regional threats to stream smallmouth bass fisheries; sponsor local events and outings; participate in the distribution of the MSA’s “Free the Fighter” educational signs which our members post at river and stream accesses; obtain membership in Stream Team 509; and generally help educate the public of the importance of volunteering to help conserve our precious Ozark stream and river smallmouth fisheries. What do new members receive when they join? In addition to the benefits mentioned above, for their $20.00 annual membership, members will get: 1. A copy of Chuck Tryon’s 200 Missouri Smallmouth Adventures 2. A one year subscription to our bi-monthly publication the Bronzeback News 3. A one year subscription to Outdoor Guide Magazine 4. A six month subscription to River Hills Traveler The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization whose members are concerned with protecting and improving Missouri’s native smallmouth bass fisheries through angler education, conservation and active participation. Since its founding in 1992, the MSA’s central aim has been to help create world class smallmouth bass fishing in Missouri through the widespread practice of catch-and-release, the expansion of quality-based fisheries regulations and through the protection of fragile stream fisheries habitat and their surrounding watersheds. For more information about the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance go to: www.missourismallmouthalliance.org For more information about this event contact Matt Wier at wierfish@yahoo.com
  21. Brian: Thank you for making the trip all the way up here and helping us attract a nice crowd for our first meeting of the year in St. Louis. We had 47 guys attend that meeting and 8 of them became members that night!! It really helps to have an interesting speaker, so thanks for helping make the meeting a success. I know that you were a little worried that you wouldn't have enought about smallmouth fishing but I think that everyone that shows up to our meetings just loves to fish, period. Also, I think people respond well to your knowledgeable, yet laid back presentation style. I hope we convinced some people to head down your way and use your services. Thanks, Matt
  22. I'm writing to thank Brian for being the MSA's featured speaker at our first meeting of the year last night. We had 47 guys show up for Brian's presentation. Eight of those 47 guys joined that night. Brian, thanks for the great presentation. Thanks to the MDC for allowing us to continue to use Powder Valley, and thanks to all the MSA members for making it a great event.
  23. Well, Gary, thanks for asking. Believe it or not I've been working on this since I last posted. It just takes time to arrange things. You suggested that I contact Bass Pro in Springfield and I did. It's been a matter of hurry up and wait. I called Bass Pro, several times, that Friday and then waited until Tuesday to finally have some details ironed out. I'm waining to get an aswer to one final question for I pull the trigger. I'll post the details just as soon as I have them. Thanks for keeping the interest going.
  24. I'm writing to invite everyone to come out tonight and listen to Brian Sloss fro Eleven Point River Canoe Rental http://www.11pointcanoe.com/ Brian is our featured speaker and I’ve personally used his services several times and recommend Eleven Point Canoe Rental to anyone. Please don’t miss this great opportunity to learning more about fishing for multiple species in an absolutely gorgeous National Scenic River. The Missouri Smallmouth Alliance holds its monthly membership meetings at the MDC's Powder Valley Nature Conservation Center in Kirkwood, MO on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. The doors open @ 6:30 p.m. and the meetings run from 7-9 p.m. The Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center is located at 11715 Cragwold Road, Kirkwood, MO 63122-7015. From the intersection of Interstates 44 & 270, take Watson Rd. to Geyer Rd. Turn north on Geyer for 200 yds. to Cragwold Rd. Go west on Cragwold for 1 mi. to nature center entrance on right. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&source=hp&ie=UTF8&q=poweder+valley+nature+center&fb=1&gl=us&hq=poweder+valley+nature+center&hnear=Saint+Louis,+MO&cid=0,0,1644263508490931904&ei=fdA7S4vBEpGSNue5rPgI&ved=0CAoQnwIwAA&ll=38.553334,-90.428531&spn=0.008978,0.019248&z=16&iwloc=A Contact Les Anderhub at 314-894-8945 or landerhub@att.net for more details
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